You don’t understand how much it will damage our community. The reason why people play classic is because they want to get AWAY from boosts and cheap easy leveling. STOP trying to turn it into retail wow! You will lose so many people who came to classic for that reason. All they are doing is trying to cater to the cheap easy leveling people of retail wow.
Quite frankly, if you want boosts play retail wow! There is no reason for you to play classic. The game experience for many of us is leveling and if they want to be max level they should earn it like the rest of us. It will kill the lower leveled zones which are really fun for us.
Except there is a game retail wow…where you can boost to your heart content. why make the same stuff Wow classic isn’t mean’t for stupid easy boosting. It is suppose to be immersive not people boosting without having to work for it. How is that so hard for people to understand? They will lose 1/2 the player base. It will only start turning into retail again.
Except I don’t know ruin the entire leveling experience and have a bunch of high level people who don’t know how to do anything? Yeah sounds like a great plan. NOT. Stop trying to make classic retail. We already have that garbage over there.
I think people need to relax on enforcing stuff that is outside their power . Let blizzard do it . I do agree Boosting is cheesy and lame . I dont like it or do it . But it keeps the game alive to a certain point.
Yea not even close, if so many people loved lvling there wouldn’t be a shortage of people lvling up or doing alts, so chalk that up as BS.
Classic already lost it’s “classic” feel, the irony is Blizzard didn’t even do anything it was the community.
Again over exaggeration is all over the place. First off boosts didn’t kill retail WoW, class pruning, class reworks that failed, power boosts, new races locked behind time gates, mythic+, 2 full expansions that pvp got ignored, Ion, removal of talent trees AND THE DAMN LIST GOES ON.
Biggest crock of **** I’ve ever seen on a forum, people play classic cause of raiding, professions are meaningful, pvp is meaningful, majority of classes are actually fun to play UNLIKE RETAIL (and it gets better in TBC), when you get a piece of gear it feels amazing and rewarding.
It’s catering to the people who actually have jobs and kids and aren’t losers who spend 15 hours a day trying to actually get to the content that is made for this game
You don’t like boosts, go play Everquest or how about any of those “hardcore” MMORPGs that have a below 2k player count.
Yep and blizzard selling boost is massive hit to account sellers. They sell accounts with max level characters for $300 plus USD. Being able to get a 58 boost from blizzard actually kills their income.
True this argument is smooth brain. But that still doesn’t change the fact that classic without a leveling community because of paid boosts makes the game worse for everyone who likes that stuff.
Imagine you sit down to play D&D and the DM is like “yo leveling sucks @ss lets just skip to the max level”. You might decide you don’t want to play the game at that point. It’s the DM’s right to alter the game that way but it doesn’t mean it’s a good thing.
Level boosts are unironically a case where I fully believe “you think you do but you don’t” is one-hundred percent true.
Levelling is a joke in retail, and the true progression of the game is back-loaded. It’s all at max level. That’s not true of Classic and the gradual leveling progression feels challenging and satisfying to a lot of players. Sure, you can sidestep it with boosts that only work due to questionable XP mechanics and uncapped AoE spells, but there’s no need to double down on a bad precedent with an even worse shortcut that undercuts the entire progression system.
How is it worse than mages selling dungeon boosts? Honest question. The mage boost takes longer, but you still do nothing but spend currency to become higher level. Is the crowd mad because of who gets the money? Blizz is only selling one per account and it can’t be used on Draenei or Blood Elves.