you sound salty!
I agree recreating that first experience isn’t possible. Something something A man cannot cross the same river twice something something because he is not the same man and it is not the same river something something.
But I believe the goal, as we’ve now sort of seen with Classic relaunch, is definitely about attempting to recreate that first experience as best as possible even if perfect recreation isn’t possible. We went in hard with no changes and the playerbase, generally, has moved away from that for many reasons as we’ve seen. When people talk about fresh there’s already a slew of changes they want to see that will make the classic experience more enjoyable (at least in their eyes).
Well I mean honestly if I had played all of Classic I might have bought some boosting too because it is a lot of work to level every class and there are some BAAAAAD classes to level. I hate my priest right now. I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it.
But also you have all types of players. Some are legitimately only concerned with max level content or want class X for farming something and that’s totally fair and fine. The people who love leveling aren’t buying boosts, the people who want another toon at 60 to do something specific are, it’s that simple.
This is an important point to talk about IMO. You are talking about how boosts means more players in the game, but boosts also means that you’re removing a portion of the playerbase from the leveling process and therefore from the world. This is something retail continued to suffer from over the years as parts of the world died out. Some of it is inevitable, but I would say boosts certainly expediate it.
Now maybe these people who buy these boosts level up alts as well and that help keep the old world populated, but also maybe they don’t. Maybe they just get to 70 and only play that toon or maybe they farm gold to buy in-game dungeon boosting as well.
One last thing I will say is that I have listened to part of the madseason video and one part I definitely agree on: if this boost is for new players why are they being offered to everyone?
“Great games are made of criticism, not from people who refuse to acknowledge there is an issue”
Perfect quote by saneseasonshow
Yea specially after WoD it fubard the faction balance to the point retail needs the faction barrier dropped cause Alliance have it rough in retail.
Just the opposite.
u mad bro?
I agree it’s funny to see people think this will taint classic WoW when it’s already been tainted by the community.
I thought it was funny.
I guess what I don’t understand about the pro-boosting crowd is more philosophical, although I 100% agree with madseason for the points he’s made.
At it’s core, boosting is a loophole where one can skip undesired content for real life money. Period. Now, one might argue that said content is “stale, tedious, and redundant” or say, “I’ve already done it 100 times, why should I have to do it again”, but realistically, couldn’t the same be said for flying, raiding, trade skills, etc.? I happen to be a player who just likes the adventure of leveling, reading quests, meeting new people and adventuring together, and so on, and I find grinding gold and professions, and having raids on farm tedious and boring. Does that mean there should be a purchase service for me to get gold, and profession boosts?
If not: WHY not?
At the base, it’s the same thing; I’m paying money to avoid a part of the game that, I in particular, don’t like.
Could it ruin the economy? Absolutely! Just like level boosting. Does it trivialize something that someone else worked their brains out doing, and earned? Absolutely! Just like level boosting. If you think that either of the other two are bad, and would be upset if they introduced them as paid services, but are OK with level boosting, I find your opinion hypocritical. You can’t just hold your own opinion and feelings about what is fun and what is tedious as of greater importance than anyone else’s without reason. The only reason you MIGHT have, is that more of the CURRENT classic player base feels the same as you.
… But the current player base isn’t the only demographic to think of here. What would new players honestly feel is more rewarding; their very first experience leveling and going through the adventure of the old world and all its trials, or getting a 58 and going “lol… wat is even going on?”
That being said; root problem here is that this requires people to have self awareness about thoroughly ingrained aspects of the human psyche. Humans are designed to problem solve to trivialize their environment as much as possible. In classic, the apex of this would be that you can pay for leveling, gear, gold, and professions. But I think everyone would agree, that would be absolutely no fun.
Why? Because the ‘fun’ that classic Wow so efficiently produces in your nervous system is a prolonged period of frustration (NOT difficulty: important distinction) and focus on a goal, followed by the rush of accomplishment in achieving your goal.
That’s why classic is more satisfying than modern wow for most. Retail has already made the move to cave in to people’s inherent desire to trivialize, without acknowledgement that the frustration-accomplishment mechanism is what drives the game. I mean, Retail still has it to some degree, but I don’t believe it is a dialed in nearly as much as classic. There has been too much shifting around to satisfy our impulse to trivialize, but it has not been balanced with the need to maintain a rewarding accomplishment structure for really anyone but mythic raiders.
Then you are presumably suggesting that everybody should get a boost every 6 - 12 months, with free boosts given to poorer players, as a way of “inoculating” players against Gold Farmers? And if you don’t purchase a boost, you’re not allowed to participate in battlegrounds (unless you can demonstrate medical or religious reasons not to).
Yeah, great analogy.
We’ve already determined the solution to be multiple server philosophies
Let there be booster servers
Let there be no boost servers
Let there be fresh servers
Lol you so brave, my hero. I didn’t really pay attention to the whole toon thing, this is just the toon that showed up, I don’t usually post on the forums. And i’m not so lacking in self confidence that I always need it to be my own voice making each point, as if your !HONOR! hangs on these internet posts lol. Sometimes, other people articulate something well, and you can in fact, do good by backing them up (useful life skill). But hey, whatever you need to get ya through the day haha, if this makes you feel like a big kid, more power to ya.
says the guy in full t3 acting like he has no time to play xD
Some people need others to think for them. I get it, thinking independently isn’t for everyone.
But it really doesn’t matter what opinions this streamer has.
It’s coming
Is that what you got from that stretch? Woof that’s a…wanna say a reach but it’s well beyond that. Let’s say that’s some great fiction you’ve made up
It’s not fiction you just want the gameplay to conform to your new level 30 boomer mindset
Yet I’m not asking it to be anything? Idk where you’re going at all. You are completely off on something and I don’t even know what you are getting at anymore
I’m saying 15 years has changed the community and how they act
You are just in space making things up
Man you can’t make up this comedy, first you tell me I have plenty of time to play and now it’s I don’t like leveling even though I did it and I am clearly an active player
Anymore of those S tier arguments?
lol ok what a reach
And for the record. I’m playing this rogue in TBC. Not boosting. Just going 60-70
yes did you pay a mage to boost you or something?
Not hard to look at my raid logs and see I was raiding well before mage boosts were happening
so how did you get to level 60?