WE should rename him “saneseasonshow” because he’s the only one who speaks the truth!
It’s funny to see people think this will increase botting, compare retail bots to classic bots. One version of the game has boosts (for the most part) and a token that does away with in game boosts and gold selling. Then there’s classic which doesn’t have ether and has a rampant bot problem cause gold selling and in game lvling boosts are a thing.
The people who complain about the boost in TBC remind me of the losers who try to be against the flu shot.
Retail WoW has already demonstrated how it damages the game.
That’s 10 days the bot isn’t efficiently farming gold. The only question is if it’s more profitable for the bot to pay for a boost and start farming, or level up without a boost. The answer is going to be buying a boost. By a LONG shot. Being able to instantly start farming is huge.
I got sad when I read this, then I saw it was you.
They don’t need to buy a boost. Botters will typically make 5 toons at once and blast through grinding things in no time. No, this will not suddenly cause the bot population to explode any more than it already would owing to the new farming that will happen due to the BC stuff. As for paid services, well, it is a game recreating something that came out in 2006. Of course the company is going to try and turn a profit based on their current business model.
Let’s assume a person/organisation has 100 bots, that’s a $4,000.00 dollar investment they need to pay to Blizzard. Do you really think they’d do that?
Not to mention the logistical issue of how they make so many boost purchases without arousing suspicion.
Of course they are farming gold. They are farming mats at level as well as item drops. Just because they are not 60 does not mean they are not already farming.
Hence the word ‘efficiently’.
That’s a terrible analogy.
So is your issue with farmers their efficiency or their existence ? Personally, I dislike their existence. That said, the boost will not swell their numbers as they are not going to pay a fee that would likely not be offset by the difference in farming.
Yea cause boosts was the reason why they removed talent trees, pushed boring dailies, made most classes boring, time gated new races, removed so many spells/abilities, fubard pvp for 2 expansions, pushed mythic+, numerous borrowed power features just to get rid of them next expansion, anti alt catch ups, poor story since wotlk, horde favoritism, merc mode, Ion and the list goes on.
But hey blame boosts, which has done literally nothing.
Lol keep telling yourself that
Don’t forget time gated flying.
Honestly, the race, faction and guild faction changes have damaged retail more than any other cash shop item. Boosting and wow tokens are, like you said, the cause of minimal issues.
Thats a pipedream. You cannot capture what no longer exists. I was 15 then, im 30 now. Im not the same nor is anyone else. So to expect the same play is madness. It wont ever be that game. Classic content was super similar but the playerbase went an entirely new direction with it. Its not new anymore. Its been gone through over and over and over. People have sucked the marrow out of the content
Maybe a little, but if that was truly their enjoyment they wouldnt be paying others to skip it. I sure as hell wouldnt pay people to raid for me. I’m not about to pay others to skip my own enjoyment.
It may be unnecessary, but i see it as only beneficial. More people at the end is better for the health of the game. I agree that they are capitalizing on the rush mentality, but at the same time a business would be foolish to resist whats clearly in demand
Ive always felt that when I want to make a point I will do it myself and not let others speak in my place. My stance will come from me and me alone. Its also why I post on my main too. I stand by what ive done and what I am when I speak towards this game. I dont hide behind alts and I wont use some streamer to make my points.
The thing about botting and scamming is that, as Bearhands explained earlier, it’s relatively low risk with a relatively low barrier to entry.
If a person / organisation starts looking to invest thousands of dollars in a moderate-high risk enterprise, they are probably in a position in life that they no longer need to be selling gold in WoW.
Madseason goes into this in the video, demonstrating how cost effective a boost is compared to leveling. And for the 16th time, you can just look at boosts in Retail WoW and see how bots use it to their advantage.
But let’s just extrapolate a bit. Average Joe regular player uses a boost. Now he has a 58 with…almost nothing. He has no gold. He hasn’t accumulated what he would have during the leveling process. No professions. The demand to buy gold goes up. Drastically. You’re going to have all these fresh 58s who are broke. This isn’t rocket science here. Blizzard is creating a market for the gold sellers and also giving those gold sellers a means by which to exploit that market.
On the contrary, that player now has a level 58 to farm gold for their professions and low level alts. They can farm in hours what once took them days in scrimping and scrounging.