…you answered “Opening the door to future cash shop options” with “so?” and ignored “In-game advantages based off real world wealth disparities”
Good arguments have been made, you are either willfully ignorant or trolling.
…you answered “Opening the door to future cash shop options” with “so?” and ignored “In-game advantages based off real world wealth disparities”
Good arguments have been made, you are either willfully ignorant or trolling.
The wealth disparity has nothing to do with blizzard… whos fault is it that they can’t afford the boost, go get mad at the economy or something? I also said, “SO” because there is nothing wrong with cash shops, they’re optional. Do they tell youthat you have to buy to the boost to play?? NO. Y’all just wanna feel some kinda way just to feel some kinda way about it. This isn’t the same TBC you remember, you’ll never get that back… not saying they shouldn’t try to make it as authentic as they can, but why does it bother you so much… don’t copy anyone, YOU, why does it bother YOU!
Apparently it’s only one character per account. That doesn’t seem so game-breaking to me.
Listen, Blizzard needs to sell this game, and it’s good for Classic in the long run.
There are so many PVPers who would play TBC for arena but who absolutely can’t stand leveling. It doesn’t make sense to me either, because I love leveling. But that doesn’t change how things are.
Reckful bought his rogue in TBC because he hated leveling so much. Look at how much that changed WoW. When you give a free boost it opens up windows for many people. Yeah, people who shouldn’t be playing Classic will join and cause some trouble, but they won’t be around for long and we can also avoid them.
It’s like a stimmy check… it’s really for the people who need it, but all of us get one. TBC is such a grind that it won’t make so much difference in the end. I’d prefer to have a community without boosts, but obviously there are advantages and disadvantages to each.
So something that gets thrown around a lot is “other player’s decisions don’t impact you” and this is patently false which can be outlined by the simple fact that if other player’s actions didn’t impact you no one would care that bots are in the game, but bots aren’t magical creatures who impact the server while other player’s decisions don’t and if bots do determine that boosting is more beneficial than leveling we all know that will negatively impact the game.
But ignoring bots let’s talk about what happens with the playerbase using the boost. You have one portion of the playerbase that will use the boost for their own reasons such as I don’t want to level a warrior or I really loved my resto druid in TBC and haven’t gotten around to one yet. Ultimately there’s really nothing inherently bad about this and if this is all that would be done it probably isn’t that big of a deal.
However you have others, which classic has clearly shown us, that know the game inside and out and want to take advantage of the design as much as possible. And to a large extent that’s their right, it’s kind of what we signed up for. These are the people who will boost paladins because they become the best AoE farm spec or druids because flight form herbing is OP. Others will boost any FoTM classes that we already know of and then the rest will boost any class they want to give them tailor and/or alchemy for extra CDs. These kinds of decisions impact everyone because it’s directly going to impact the economy via changing supply/demand and inflation.
We all know we can’t go back to the way the old days of WoW was, but boosting, and the snowball effect it will create (we have retail to see this), just pushes it back closer to the way Retail operates. At the end of the day the faster people can level alts the faster and more efficiently they can become self-sustaining rather than rely on and interact with other players. It’s likely inevitable to prevent it from snowballing faster than it did in retail since, again, we know all the tips and tricks as we desire so we know what to prepare in advance, but the concept of the boost continues to push us towards that even faster than we would have otherwise.
It ain’t free yo.
A couple of my friends already quit the game because they don’t want anything to do with the grind of TBC. They did it already in the past and don’t want to do it again. The attunement alone will force plenty of people to toss the towel.
I really don’t even know what to say to that really… it was a wall of text that you could have put in a few lines. All I really got out of that, is in their process of getting boosted and playing the game… they’re gonna do professions that effect others, because they’re taking advantage of character strengths… isn’t this stuff that’s already being done? Self-sustaining? You can’t really do any end game content without others… Arena? BG? Raid? Dungeons?
Look, I have no idea what else to say to you besides good luck.
You’re the one who wanted to debate further. Welcome to debate.
On the one hand you have OP class X and that’s all well and fine and dandy. Being able to be handed that OP class on a silver platter is an entirely separate matter.
Professions yo. And in TBC a lot of the crafted gear is BiS for a long time.
You can bet your bottom dollar anyone rolling Spriest or Warlock will be paying out the nose for their crafted tailoring sets. It’s just that good.
A so-called, “OP class” in the hands of an idiot, isn’t really OP… look at the end of the day… you are potentially losing players. Either whiny purists that hate the concept and will either stick with class era server or quit then you got people who loved TBC that didn’t like vanilla or the imho terrible leveling experience there.
None of this is personal, I don’t think you’re a bad player or person… it’s just when I see a bulls---- argument, I’m gonna say it.
Also, looks like I’m going tailoring?
In a way, paid character boosts are better than free boosts, because $25 costs more than making a second WoW sub for $15 if a person wants to want to reroll and boost.
It would raise the price of boosts both discouraging them and increasing Classic’s revenue.
Ok where is there a shortage of people leveling? Where? I just made a new druid and was able to do every low level dungeon including WC on horde. The world is still active and I’ve been able to even form groups to help with quests with rando strangers. Something I haven’t been able to do on retail since it’s mostly soloing 24/7.
Then why is classic still here? Why are people still playing it? lol Why is it still more popular and talked about then retail right now? This is subjective and just your opinion at this point.
it’s not an over exageration when the community who is against hand-holding and skipping content is the one that got classic back. Getting a boost to 58 is skipping content and cheating period. The reason why people wanted classic was to have a sense of accomplishment that 60 is, with boosts leveling becomes pointless. Honestly it’s just swiping your card to skip a game which honestly makes no sense. If you want a game to do that why not play retail wow, ffxiv or any other mmorpg. The thing is you just don’t understand why people wanted classic servers to begin with. Unfortunately I can see many people going back to private servers and unsubbing after this. You start with one boost, then its a free mount, then its a cash shop/dungeon finder with wow tokens etc. point is blizzard shouldn’t be greedy and this is how it will start.
Not everyone is PVP’ers…and no talk to the people who actually made classic happen. Better yet look up what the original creators of TBC and classic wow have to say about it. They are against the boosts as well and for good reason.
I work multiple jobs and have a life and it might take me longer to get through content. If you want to blast through a game super fast why not play the mmorpg that are already out? Sounds like classic wasn’t made for you. And that’s ok. It was the one game we had where hand holding wasn’t an issue. There are literally hundreds of games where you can pay to boost or skip content for you to play.
I could say the same to you lol. Classic/vanilla NEVER had boosts. They promised it wouldn’t and the integrity of the game would stay the same when it was announced. Blizzard brought it back for THOSE people. There are a million games that have boosts and easy leveling online right now and blows my mind that people who are let’s be honest just being lazy. Why classic wow and not stick to retail? I have no idea. But it’s honestly going to be sad when this game dies because you will have people blasting through content then be done with it and unsub. Blizzard will lose all their long time people and then blame the community. It’s a shame. Again just like you have a right to an opinion, so do we.
This ^^^^ It is like buying a puzzle. But then paying somebody to help you complete it. Where is the fun in that? The logic makes no sense. Also right now grinding your way to 60 I actually was impressed when someone leveled fast now I just think they swiped their mother’s credit card to pay for it. Wow Classic your level matters. Retail it doesn’t but now that will change as well. It reminds me of how people give their kids participation trophies even when they didn’t work hard for it.
And you know what? That’s fine. Classic isn’t for EVERYBODY. It’s a niche. just like not everyone likes retail and easy leveling. I don’t know why people are so offended by that fact.
Maybe cause TBCC just got announced? oh god that was hard to use common sense. People are lvling alts before an “expansion” you solved the mystery Scooby-Doo
Oh and people are lvling Hunters, Locks and PLDS (if you’re Alliance).Cause guess what 2 classes are the top 2 for pvp and pve in TBC…yea Hunters and Locks (K maybe rogues are 1# in pvp). PLDs are the new boosting Mages so be prepared to see a lot of them.
This is the dumbest comment I’ve seen in awhile
People wanted classic cause raiding, dungeons, classes, guilds, professions, getting ANY piece of gear whether it was green or epic feels amazing, pvp and abilities/spells long gone from WoW aren’t present in Retail and haven’t since Cata in most cases.
And THANK GOD FOR NO BORROWED POWER gimmicks that has plagued retail wow since Legion
They could remove 100% of the in game shop items from retail/SL and the game would still be trash.
People don’t log into Classic and say to themselves “God damn I love lvling 130 hours in a video game for every character I make”
Link or shut up
You are literally playing an easy mode version of vanilla WoW with the last patch before TBC pre patch (all class buffs and boss nerfs), with people selling summons to almost every where, world buffs that are dropped throughout the day and has it’s own addons. You have mage boosting which is an insane gold farmer/making and over priced everything. GDKPs running almost everyday so you don’t even need a “hardcore” guild to raid anymore.
But hey continue to think you’re getting a challenge Mr. Works 9 jobs, has 4 wives and 7 kids.
Vanilla didn’t have world buffs rolling out all day and having it as a religion, mage boosting, selling summons to WB areas (ZG and song flower/rend if you’re alliance getting MC’d at XR), GDKPs out the Kobolds candle stash, layers at launch, patch 1.12 at the launch of classic BYPASSING every patch since 1.1.0 and it even took awhile for vanilla to get addons as well…which guess what classic had on launch day…
So your No Changes crap is already out the window.
There’s a difference between lazy and tedious look it up. Not wanting to spend 120-160 hours per character lvling 1-60 isn’t lazy. There’s a reason why no other MMORPG does the slow *** lvling anymore CAUSE NO ONE WANTS TO DO IT. The MMORPGs that do that still are the ones who can barely stay above a 1k player count on steam. If classic wasn’t locked behind it already being released back in 2004 and having Blizzard as a backer you’d think a rando MMORPG with gameplay from 2004 would be successful today lol?
They could nerf the exp/time to get to lvl cap by 100% and it would still take at least 80 hours casually.
If you don’t like that we’re getting a Boost in TBC feel free to go to another hardcore MMORPG, I heard Wildstar might be up your ally since it was also made by ex WoW devs and caters to the wannabe Hardcore…oh wait forgot that game failed cause it tried to follow a Hardcore fanbase
Or like I said feel free to go play Everquest, I mean just look how many people still play that game
I did watch this video. He didn’t make any compelling claims. Speculation and the use of reductive logic do not make a solid foundation for a good argument.
Comparing mage boosts to tank-selling services was flat out stupid.
He, as you said, stated that it’s his opinion. It’s not his fault his followers use it as proof.
At the end of the day, Blizzard doesn’t seem to be giving the boost as an option in order to fix anything, contrary to popular belief here on the forums. They’re giving it due to customer demand. I’m sure they’ve conducted their research and determined within a comfortable margin of error that the majority of players would either want a boost, or be fine with such a thing existing. It is, after all, a very large company with lots or resources. This isn’t their first rodeo.
Yeah except there is literally tons of posts against the boost for this reason but I guess their posts don’t matter since it’s not your view? Ummm lol No point in honestly responding because your resulting to just slinging insults at me that make no sense (like me being busy uhhhh wasn’t that your whole point on why people deserve boosts?) and going in circles go no where. Enjoy skipping half the game and content and quitting in less then three months once you get bored of pvp. I really don’t care. People who go cheat through content won’t stay and will leave shortly afterwards. Learn to debate without getting salty lol I do look forward to seeing that cash shop going to open with things like flying mounts. Retail 2.0 incoming at this rate. It was fun while it lasted oh well.
There’s tons of posts supporting the boost so your point being? and I find it funny the Anti Boosters primary insult to the people who do support it is “Go back to retail”, so your sad excuse of victimhood is null and void. Also don’t play it like you did zero insults towards the people who do support it XD, just sad and pathetic from you.
Also I doubt you have multiple jobs, and a life that takes up a lot of time and play classic for more than 3 hours a day if that. Clearly not only do you not know the difference between lazy and tedious, you might as well put sarcasm as well.
Btw I didn’t have a “break” from WoW or quit hitting Cap till WoD came out and that’s from playing since 2005. Like I give a damn about lvling through content I’ve done three dozen times…do you even read the crap you write?
As for the debate, the only thing you won is you’re failed self gratification at something that’s gonna happen whether you want it to happen or not.
I’m gonna enjoy the boost to my paladin, cheers
So you have the same thinking as a 6 year old? Sucks to be you.
I’m for boosting and for vaccines.
It’s okay though, with the mentality of a 6 year old I can see why this would be hard for you to comprehend and why you’d make such stupid analogies.
You’ll get there, with age.
We are all speculating here the impact boosts will make on the community.
Boosts discussion aside how so?
Both capitalized on a market and need. Tanks offered tanking services for gold, drops, or orbs and mages learned dungeon farms to sell boosts for people who wanted them.
They’re pretty comparable.
I don’t feel like paid boosts have ever made a splash in the community as an in demand service. Blizzard put it out and some people are defending it. That’s the order of operations here.
What I remember is that they were trying to figure out TBC so they did send out a survey asking people if they wanted fresh tbc, progression, or TBC with 58s. Unless you want to come forward to say you’ve been individually polled then that’s what their “research” is based off of which means at some point they took TBC with 58s off the table and pushed it into progression and I doubt any extensive “research” has been done other than adapting to current trends of how games push out paid services and what they can do in retail.
Thing is classic content was supposed to be left alone and while that has not panned out in-game (#somechanges) there’s really no good justification for changes to take place out of the game. WoW thrived in the early days of release, and Classic thrived more than a lot of the naysayers said it would so anyone who believes we need boosts to make classic TBC work is full of it. At the end of the it’s just an attempt to make more money and it’s at the sacrifice of gameplay.
Speculation that’s leading to hysteria.
This was in the video… no… you can’t compare. If you hire a tank, it’s assumed you’ll actually be participating and not sitting AFK at the entrance. One’s clearly cheating, and the other is actually playing.
That’s your problem if you’re not paying attention.
It sounds like you don’t know how data collection works. Take some classes, maybe do some projects. Then come back and talk. Until then… keep whining all you want. You’re not making any sense.