Stop The Classic Boost

In game mage boosts are not cheating lol. I have never used one (and likely never will) and I would like to see them gone but I’d never call it cheating because it’s not.

Lol. You’re the one just assuming Blizzard did some due diligence here.

Seems like you may need to watch a video or two and then read the EULA.

And you’re assuming they didn’t. The company has thrived for a long time. I’d trust them a lot sooner than I’d trust you. There’s a lot that goes into running a business. There’s even more that goes into it if it’s a successful business.

No one has been banned for it unless they’re bot hackers who do crazy wall hack jumps. I’ve seen that on ZG boost. Otherwise refular players are offering boosts day in and day out no problem.

It’s funny cause we’re playing classic, a version of the game demanded because retail wasn’t up to snuff.

So if someone hates “A” but loves “B” and is offered a way to get “B” without going through “A”, You are saying that they actually hate “B” because that is what they wanted and they would not deal with something they don’t want to get it? Your argument makes zero sense. Nobody is boosting past TBC classic, they are boosting past “dungeon boosts for gold” Classic.

No. I said they didn’t care enough about B.

Worked fine for original launch. You wanted to play the hot MMO everyone is talking about? Get leveling.

Tell that to Blizz of 05 when they didn’t offer boosts.

People who come into the game fresh for TBC won’t have gold to boost. Ergo they couldn’t mage boost.

Also mage boosting will be dead in TBC anyways. You’ll have to wait for prot pallies for that.

Your premises are pretty much garbage and have no logic to them. They are your very subjective opinion and show your own arrogance more than anything else. The quoted part though actually clearly shows that you are being deliberately disingenuous. You know very well that new people who want dungeon boosts but lack gold will…buy gold. You can deny it all you want, but it happens and it happens to a disgusting level.
Try being a little more honest with yourself.

If you come into WoW Classic for TBC and you never had gold so you don’t have gold to boost. It’s pretty sound logic. Mages are getting AoE capped so they’ll be far less effective at in-game boosting, although they will be able to AoE farm to some degree, but it won’t be 1 pull maras or anything like that. There’s nothing crazy about my logic here.

That’s against the ToS and they should get banned for such and is on Blizzard to moderate. It’s not an excuse for allowing in-game boosting, just shows a failure on Blizzard to moderate gold farming and sales.

I’m sure it does, I have no idea how much though. Hopefully everyone who buys gold gets banned as they should.

I agree. Instead of one-pull AoE extravaganzas, they’ll run through and nova smaller packs down. They’ll have higher health and a hell if a lot more damage. Smaller packs will melt. A rhythm will get established, some yahoo will post a video and bam… “Boost meta” established.

The way I understand it is that they’re hard capped at a number, so the more gear that toon gets the faster they cap out and become less effective at farming actually. Given that the cap changes based on your gear level it’ll be hard to establish that rhythm unless it’s a mage alt you’re not playing besides for boosting purposes.

The real reason mage boosting is likely dead in TBC is because prot pallies just becomes the new king and given the way the community plays it’ll be far less used over that. That’s all there is to it.

If you’re talking about dungeons around ZF or under, I don’t think it’ll matter. I’ve had friends run me through with mages back in the day. They melt things pretty quickly.

I only came back because of classic, I will use the boost for my Main.
I despise leveling as do my friends that play and had also left.
Checked out retail the other day (have not seen it for 6 years) and it is ugly as hell.
It’s like looking at a sterile LED lite and the spell effects are over done to the point of absurdity.

No thank you.

I have a 60, and am working on a second. I would like to use my Boost to level a third to 58 so I don’t have to suffer the leveling experience for a third time.