Stop speaking on sv

So, I absolutely agree that it is incredibly unlikely to happen.

I do think it’s the only correct choice moving forward. Right now we only have two specs that use ranged weaponry at all, with only one of those specs it being a focus. I think that leaves us with a severe lacking in class fantasy that is being represented when there’s tons of different possibilities to not only achieve a different fantasy that focuses on the weapon, but also offers more varied gameplay options for the player.

More over though, my main issue with the Legion rework besides losing something I loved, is the precedent it set. Namely, Blizz can and will remove a spec whenever they wish to add in something new, regardless if we agree it makes sense or if players even want it. That’s a terrible precedent to have in a game that is closing in on two decades old now where players are of course going to be attached to the fantasies and themes that have been offered to them for so long.

Essentially, the very same thing that happened to old survival could happen to current survival one day. Ion says it’s staying melee, which I’m fine with (again, with the caveat I still want a 4th spec lol). But how long til Ion changes his mind? Or a new lead dev takes over and they ultimately decide reverting it back to ranged would be the better choice?

That is a serious problem that could happen to current SV. And I think, that’s wrong just like it was wrong for the old spec. I’m not here to take anyone’s fun away, but I absolutely think Blizz did that to a ton of hunters, and they have the door wide open to do so again down the line if they decide it is worth the investment to do so.

The only ones who really lose out in this scenario is Blizz. And I use that loosely since it would require some dev work to actually create a spec they think would be beneficial to the class and satisfy the players they know they pushed away back in Legion. I think a fourth spec helps end a lot of the discontent you see within the hunter community. If they had started with a 4th spec, we wouldn’t even be having this and the other daily / weekly SV threads.

I mean this sincerely, I really have zero intentions of taking away your fun. I am glad you enjoy it. I really want everyone to be able to have fun ultimately. As for why it’s unpopular, I do believe it is because it is melee. But I don’t think that’s because of a fantasy reason at all. I think that’s just more to do with the history of the class as a whole. Blizz made it clear from day one that it was a primarily ranged class, and over time they moved further and further in that direction. So, the players who played the class were largely players interested in the ranged combat / fantasies that it offered.

I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with the fantasy of a melee hunter. I’m toying with a melee beast master as a possible D&D character for a campaign one of my friends wants to run in fact! I just think a lot of it has to do with the history and the established playerbase that chose to be hunters before Legion. I absolutely think they can expand on what a hunter could be, and I think that’s what Blizz wanted to do. I just think they did it in a really poor manner.


I see just as many survival hunters as I do the other two specs. No clue what you talkin bout bra.

If you spent half as much arguing
“Msv bad, delete it” and instead did “Cool to have you here, but we ALSO want rsv back”, you might have gotten it as a 4th spec by now.
Because here the vocal minority of msv haters clash against vocal msv players whereas NOBODY argues that 4th spec (while unlikely) would be a bad idea.

Strange how they keep taking things from this and making it cannon.

Among the lore people, this is considered cannon unless something in wow explicidly states otherwise

Heck, would argue most lore guys nowadays know more about it than the current writers who keep contradicting themselves and then “Uhh… Yea retcon”

No I’m the
“Hmm… Hunting like this is getting too easy, let’s do something crazy!”

I generally don’t disagree with what you’re saying, even if I disagree with certain opinions.

But idk how to solve the situation. Idk if there even is a way to solve the situation that leaves everyone happy now. Pandora’s box has been opened on this one.

I guess I just wanted to respond because I truly feel like boiling it down to “melee = not what hunters want” isn’t fair. I feel like the issues with SV hunter are so vast that while that’s likely true for many people, there are many other reasons that it isn’t as popular as it could be. From fantasy implementation, to performance, to community perception, etc. all of that stuff has an impact. There’s just a litany of issues preventing the spec from ever really being treated as a real hunter spec. And that kinda sucks. And part of me is sad to see that Outlaw (for instance) has been relatively embraced by the rogue community, while SV hunter still feels like an outcast spec.

Fwiw I think it sucks you guys lost a spec you enjoyed. I just hate that the discussion is still on-going, because intentional or not/Ion saying it will remain melee or not, it feels like a zero-sum game.

Beast Mastery

Beast Mastery 50.8%


Marksmanship 31.5%


Survival 17.6%

Melee Survival is the lowest played spec in game.

There is no way you see as many Survival hunters as the other 2 specs because there are barely even half as many compared to MM alone and even less then that compared to BM .

4th spec option. This way we can all play the spec we want to.

With more of a subjective view to it, my preferences are as seen in the link below. That deff wouldn’t play like either of the other specs and it does bring the gameplay that was the old RSV.

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If that were a realistic option? I’d be fine with it.
But between reworking SV and it remaining melee, reworking SV to be ranged again, and adding old SV as a new spec? The 4th spec option is the least likely, unfortunately.

It is, but this is how I look at it. If we don’t try and ask, or let it be known that’s what we want as a solution, we’re certainly never going to get it, right?

I think if we as a community tried for that, we really could have our cake and eat it too, so to speak.


Unfortunately, blizz is too cheap to add a 4th spec, although it would be the best route. Most likely what they will do is conduct another quasi-workup of the spec, buff it hardcore so people will try it, and leave it be for another 2 years. I doubt that we see anything more than that. Blizz doesn’t fix problems, they just increase numbers to cover deeply flawed spec issues.

It has already been top damage a few times and was still the least played spec.

Mostly in pvp. But that just solidifies my point.

The last two rebuilds didn’t add any new players for the spec, but we know blizz never learns so they most likely will do it again bc its cheap.

We all know that the only way blizz can increase surv representation is to make it ranged again.

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That is meta and community perception/stigma based around numbers… same goes for all classes lol percentages of what spec is played is always based around what is currently top performing, e.g. why you don’t see many demo warlocks as compared to affliction…

It was the least played spec even when it was the best dps choice for hunters though

Right, but if a player is more partial to ranged than melee? Then ofc they won’t switch.
I don’t think the low numbers are just performance/community perception. But I think that’s a part of why more melee players aren’t interested in the spec.

It could be the best dps hunter spec, but you shouldn’t just be comparing it to other hunter specs. You have to take into account other melee too.

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That is because other melee classes bring more to the table .

Melee Surv has never been meta since it was created in Legion and they have pretty much treated the spec as the red headed step child since moving it to melee.

Even more so with the melee specs because other then name it really doesn’t fit the idea of a hunter in wow created in Vanilla . if they made it mainly range with melee to use for defensives to get back into range then I would say yes .

What are they charging for specs down at the spec store, these days?

About tree fiddy.

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Dats no spec! Dats da Loch Ness Monsta!

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