Stop rushing patch releases

This pre-patch has to be the worst to date. There are SO many bugs, some of which make the game nearly unplayable. I have been playing this game since vanilla and I don’t even remember BC’s release being this terrible. I would rather wait an additional 2-3+ months for a patch or xpac that isn’t plagued with bugs than have one that is.

“A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad”

Please take this quote to heart Blizzard. I’m begging you.


I’ve been enjoying it, so I would rather they don’t

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the duality of dracthyr

those who have sense, and those are contrarians by nature like


not always true

No matter what they could’ve done it would still bug out. Prepatch will never be perfect and you know what nothing on this planet earth is perfect.

Sure, it’s not good. But lets not pretend it’s the worst.

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“At the end of the day, most players won’t remember whether the game was late – only whether it was great.”

Unfortunately all that Blizzard cares about now is meeting the shareholders demands. There is nothing else to it. The shareholders demand them to push the product out no matter what state it is in and they will just “fix” things along the way.


FYI I doubt you even understand what is needed to make how everything work especially now with warband and making everything accountwide it’s a fundamental change to the game at its core. So do expect stuff to go wrong and bug out or whatever else. But to expect everything to go right is so unrealistic.

Also, how can they earn money or what not if everything doesn’t work out and also they compensated one day extra for the delay and the overall current experience.

This was from like the days of Nintendo games when there was no patching games. Now its like we want to rush our game out if its broke we will just patch it later.

its not that bad i havent encountered any bugs

It wasn’t ready for release. Wait til you see TWW. That is nowhere close to ready. You’re in for a surprise.


I have no idea how people have so much difficulty every patch.

I only encountered the “my bars are disabled” bug. I…re-enabled them. Oh woe is me.


Yeah when they announced August I honestly felt it was rushed/too soon. I much rather have waited. I was enjoying not really playing WoW much, in no hurry to get back into the raiding grind.

literally i thought i was bugged but i literally just didnt have auto loot enabled lmao

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every patch is “the worst ever”

I think it’s fine. They’re experiencing growing pains of being acquired and simultaneously trying to speed things up.

Also the amount of stuff they’re changing is kind of insane. I’m not a coder but I can imagine changing to warbands was no small feat.

I love always reading “This (patch/expansion) has to be the worst to date.” Every. Single. Time. Something. Comes. Out.

Let me guess one little bug has ruined your entire life and you are now nitpicking everything?

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The main selling point of TWW is not working :rofl:

If you did not notice that, then I am wondering if you knew about it in the first place?

The entire Warband system, that they were featuring day in and day out since Blizzcon, is not working properly.

We have no working bank, the transmogs are not unlocked from quests we had done in the past, the achievements are not account wide for several people, some even were reset to 0 in progress.

I wish it would just be some action bar, or a class being broken, but nope we actually have some gamebreaking issues right now.

From my point of view, they should have not released the patch in this form, but fix it first and delay TWW.

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Ah I haven’t been using the Warband system. I only play one character pretty much.

But this is a pre-patch, and part of the intention is probably to test these features so they can be patched up before release - and they probably will be.

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