Stop rushing content releases

Theme parks are also there for money yet I still have fun when I go…,…

I Love how people say “We tried to get them to understand not to rush it”. Who is “We”?

You all understand that for every person who feels like it is rushed, there is another that feels like it is going slow? There is no 100% right answer and just throwing out a blanket “We told them!!!” is not accurate at all because there were lots of “We want to move through faster!!!” on the other side.

Personally I would like to see 8-12 months total time of TBCC.

If you are feeling rushed, well, just don’t hurry to the next place.


Idk 4 months for a raid tier is pretty good speed.

Maybe the people who feel it’s rushed we’re just slower to kill the last bosses?

Maybe they didn’t get week 1 clears but got like week 3-5 clears so they have less Illidian or Archie loot.

I’m already almost full bis rofl.

Very Trueee

Bruh, we have literally zero melee teron drops, no midnight chests, no glaives, 1 RoS belt…

Its a joke.

who hhe helll wants another 5+ month phase like ssc/tk lol no ty

It’s ok most of it if not all of it is replaced in sunwell

Yeah maybe some of the hit pieces could help, but its all good because no DPS check will matter anyway.

Wrath may be my favorite expac and I’m so hyped for it. However I think people expecting some major step up from TBC are going to be disappointed. They’re both great and similar in quality with some things done better in BC, and some in Wrath.

TBC has been a blast and there’s a lot to enjoy. Don’t want to speedrun through it all.

How does adding more content prevent you from running these raids still?

It looks like Scottyjaye was right in predicting Wrath in November, to give Blizzard enough time to bump every quarter (Q3 - Sunwell, Q4 Wrath, Q1 Dragonflight), so they have to rush it out to get everything sorted.

Yes, but so many people are forgetting people play other aspects of this game besides raiding.
I enjoy raiding and PvP and yet, these seasons are getting shorter and shorter due to quick phases.

My 3s team have been hovering between 1800-1900 this season. Getting between 800-900 points per week. To get fully geared doing this route would be 3 and a half months at this raiting. But so many other are not even close to this raiting and are getting 500 points per week.

So if people want to have short phases, then something has to change with the point values.

It’s pretty much a given now that top ratings in arena are from RMT boosting, based on the number of bans that occur each season for top teams.

World of Whalecraft

For the people who’ve wanted to rush through classic and TBC but quietly want wrath to be slow so they can enjoy it more, just be aware that instead of it lasting 2 years and 1 month like it did originally, it will all be over before you know it.


That’s progression servers in a nutshell.

Y’all really never have done any prog servers before.

Imagine buying stuff in a prog server.

OP wants to delay wrath for everyone because he hasn’t gotten glaives yet.
Hehe xD


The difference however, is that with the right group, you can progress at your own pace even with releases coming faster. Just because it’s out doesn’t mean you have to jump ahead and ignore every previous raid. We’re going to probably get 5-6 months of all content available which means you can do whichever part you’re up to, as a team.

90% of guilds have downed BT/Hyjal but make them wait cause this dude hasnt gotten his glaives yet

This is really starting to get frustrating and makes me wonder what the heck Blizzard is thinking. Do they even understand that most of these try-hard raiders wanting Sunwell asap are just going to quit once they beat it and player numbers will crater?

Do the people cheering for Wrath asap even understand how insanely fast they’re going to consume that content? Ya’ll think T6 was beaten quick? Just wait for T7 and T9.

This constant acceleration of content to please people who are committed to clearing 15 year old content as fast as possible is just going to alienate those of us who want to take our time while still ticking off the try-hards because content that’s been solved for over a decade will never be accelerated fast enough to keep them happy.

It’s crazy to think we haven’t even been a year out since the TBC pre-patch and we’re staring down Sunwell’s release.

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