Stop rushing content releases

Dont jump to conclusions too fast

IMO one of the most important factors in how blizzard does this sunwell/wrath schedule and timeframe is how they decide to unlock sunwell

Correct me if I’m wrong but in og tbc the sunwell bosses took a month and a half to unlock.

If we get a month or two of ptr…then it takes another 1.5months to unlock the later bosses… then 2 to 3 months of kj kills

Seems like theres plenty of time, no?

im all for it classic tbc is a dead raid log game the faster we get to wrath the better and more money blizzard makes with boosts.

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Nope, I’ve played every aspect of TBC so far. It’s pretty trash all around

The sooner we get wrath, the better


im willing to put money on October wrath release and september prepatch. thats plenty of time to clear sunwell and farm ur glaives. If OP doesnt get glaives by october, thats just his crap rng. My druid hasn’t seen a single weapon upgrade since the staff from SSC trash and never had kara staff drop. its just crap RNG. to want the expac to last longer just because you want a specific weapon to drop is the height of selfishness imo.

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In all honesty, we should be in Northrend by July or August

Want to know what is nonsense? Complaining about something that only changes if you want it to. The content is there. You can still play OG classic. You can still do SSC and TK despite BT and Hyjal being out. I know it’s mind boggling to think outside of a narrow point of view right?!

TBC classic will be here even when WoTLK launches. You can still raid it as if it were current content as a level 70.

Crazy thoughts right?

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Then why do classic at all with your logic? You can do all of this in retail.

Not sure why people want to speed through all the content, as many will be complaining about the same thing with Wrath releases.

Do we not remember even back then, that Naxx was faceroll easy and many were bored? Why do you think it’s a good idea to speed through TBC to then be even more bored in wrath. I just don’t get it. Don’t get me wrong, I can’t wait for Wrath PvP, but let’s enjoy what we have.


This feels rushed. As much as I want to play Wrath I also want to enjoy TBC w/o feeling like we are racing just to get to Wrath. BT is one of my favorite raids ever and a lot of people feel the same. This is not an esport or competitive game as much as recent years tend to show with competitive raiding. It is still a team based game. It’s great to have some amount of planning for the top end of players but trying to rush content out for the top few % of players instead of the majority of the player base is a bit silly.

Nobody should feel attacked by my statements but to those who will, say what you will to argue with my view but people are inherently selfish. Those comments saying “rush” or “don’t rush” are usually trying to suit their own agenda. That being said I feel it is objectively rushed. It feels like we just got a really quick phase 4 release and 3 weeks later we now have P5 on the PTR. How does that not feel… rushed? So be it that you agree or disagree this feels like an extremely quick transition from P3-P5.

yea sept-oct wrath release then retail pre patch jan.blizzard will get classic wrath out before they take then xmas vacation.

You need to check your math, it’s in PTR which will prolly last 6-8 weeks.

Odds are it will be 12-13 months which is pretty close to original design.

You should be lucky it took this long.

How much Black Temple did you want?

4 months of it isn’t enough for you??

Good keep on rolling out update I want lich king asap

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He wants glaives and knows he won’t get his raid-group to do BT just for him once Sunwell is out

I’m not wasting time in BT just so we can have more extremely average rogues with glaives clogging up the TBC arena ladder


Honestly, I would be fine if it was released in a month.

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Wouldn’t it be easier and more fair to just make a guild that takes it time and does the content at what pace they want, than to expect everyone to slow down?

You kinda lost all validation with this statement. I hope you understand that retail TBC is not even remotely similar to TBCC.

There really is nothing stopping a guild from being its own progression guild right now in TBCC and doing 99% of the content as it was designed, there are only a few things that wouldn’t be exact like attunement (which you could still go through the process if you want).

I dont agree with the “I dont have glaives give me more time” nonsense, but it for sure is rushed. It feels like they did not understand our concerns about P1 having to be quick due to many factors as of only having kara as mainraid. Now they somehow thought its smart to do every 25 man raid into a 4 month phase instead of letting people just play and not be stressed and rushed. ZA was released quite okay but this 4 months into next phase stuff aint gonna do wotlk a favour if it remains (besides P1)

4 months isn’t rushed.

Game isnt even out 1 year and about to be in its last phase. Meanwhile you will have retail expansion over 2 years with patches being 6-9 months inbetween as the norm. “Isn’t rushed”


Retail also has much harder difficulties.

These fights are on farm on week one… There really isn’t much sense of a progression like you get on retail trying to clear Mythic content.

These are also a progression servers and Retail isn’t

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We are a quarterly metric booster. Nothing more.