With a blue WoTLK +8 agil, +8 crit gem, wearing the T6 boots over the blue ilvl 200 ones:
+10 agility.
+14 hit.
+20 armor pen.
– 29 crit.
– 30 attack power.
– 24 stam.
Meh, seems kinda close. At the very least, Sunwell gear should feel comfortable till level 80 blues.
it was a 18month expac
we are at month 9
and already have the end of the whole thing on ptr
Yea lasts longer than I had originally thought.
Bis lists don’t contain sunwell gear from what I have seen.
I mean pre bis.
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People who log in only for 3 hours on a Tuesday should have their happiness downweighted, in all honesty. They don’t play the rest of the game at all outside of raids, they aren’t forming any lasting friendships with their guildmates, and they don’t even enjoy the time they spend inside raids either – they are simply addicted to the skinner box and want to rush us to the imminent end of Classic as we know it in order to be free from their addiction.
It’s about a 9.75% chance to see at least one Glaive drop on a given lockout, so comparing that to winning the lottery is what is pants on head ridiculous here.
A much better comparison is index fund investing. If someone is responsible and well prepared and puts a little bit of money each week into a mutual fund tracking the S&P500, then despite whatever short term market fluctuations (RNG) occur, over time that individual will be able to retire wealthy. The issue in this case is that Blizzard is rushing the content releases so much that the short term market fluctuations (loot RNG) have a much greater impact and there isn’t enough time for mean reversion to reduce the amount of variance in outcomes…
Even beyond the realm of RNG and variance reduction over time, we’re having Arena seasons where 2k+ rated players aren’t able to finish their sets, let alone pursue offspec pieces or alternate pieces for different gems and enchants in different compositions or brackets, which moderately high rated players had plenty of time to pursue in TBC the 1st time around.
S3 was/is also considered to be a very enjoyable PvP meta, where the pace of the game feels very enjoyable, and it’s where very scaling depending specs like dreamstate druid and shadow priest come online.
Independently of the loot issue (RNG like PvE or deterministic like PvP), what I expect is for Blizzard to at least try to honor the original timeline of TBC and stop pushing us towards the end of Classic as we know it at a breakneck pace. Classic has been an awesome gaming experience and everybody who actually enjoys playing the game rather than being caught in the grips of the skinner box, should be in no hurry to see it concluded.
Glaives are legendaries, too many people have them as is…
I’ll keep that in mind if I ever decide to start caring about the opinions of members of infamous ninja-looting guilds.
Blizz should have kept ashes drop chances and legendary drop chances below 1%. Doesn’t feel like much of an accomplishment when a bunch of people get them because drop chances were raised. Tbh, with increased drop chances the decreased time to acquire balances some of that out. Everyone wants legendaries, but if everyone got legendaries they wouldn’t be very legendary…
It’s a progressions server rofl…
Y’all weird.
Wrath will be Q4, for sure.
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WotLK can’t come quick enough. Hopefully they do something about the accumulation of gold from botting before it launches though…otherwise these WotLK GDKPs will be trading gold caps for certain items…
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I would rather the game die two years from now then before wotlk even launches. TBC is in a bad spot and its not going to get any better.
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there is endless rogues running in and out of blood furnance stealthed, that must be alot of gold since they never sleep
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This is too fast. We shouldn’t be in Sunwell until July or August minimum.
Yea, those are level 60 rogue bots pickpocketing/looting chests on endless loop. At any given time on large servers there are dozens of them botting, and blizz seems to not care about it. What makes the gold supply worse is that it just floats between people from GDKPs. There is no outlet for these sums of gold in classic. Bots just produce more on endless loop and it cycles between groups of people in GDKPs after being bought from the farmers. Come WotLK in Ulduar+ there will be so much gold in these GDKPs that you will be required to purchase it or aid those purchasing it to even bid on gear…and the incentive for GDKPs will be so great that you’ll be hard pressed to find regular runs.
Blizz has to do something about the gold supply and RMT going on before WotLK.
A lot of the farmers are in those GDKPs, on multiple lockouts per week with various alts, soaking back up the gold they previously sold in order to sell it all over again. As a bonus, they form a network of people to sell their gold to in the GDKP Discords.
This isn’t going to be fixed in Wrath either. The same forces pushing us through content releases at a much faster pace than the original – execs who want to juice quarterly profits for a nice bonus before they retire or move up to their next role at a different company, shareholders who want to juice quarterly profits because they are planning to sell their stake – are the very same forces who’ve decided, for the exact same reasons, that selling level boosts to botters and banning them only after they’ve operated long enough to profit – so that they will come back and buy another level boost on a fresh account – is a great way to handle the problem.
Who cares about the long term health of the game? They’ll have sold their shares and/or will be working for a different company by that point, and the longer term health will be a problem for the next guy that comes along.
They already are. People pre-buy glaive sets for over the gold cap in some cases.
Winning one glaive? As if you would stop there. You obviously are after a full on BiS set as I pointed out before. The analogy holds.
The odds of winning the powerball are about 1 in 292,201,338.
You’re either mathematically illiterate or a dumb troll, and judging by the extremely brief response that takes only the most tangential aspect of the conversation and tries to derail it from there, I’m guessing the latter (although I wouldn’t entirely rule out the possibility that you’re genuinely stupid enough to have no understanding of how numbers work).
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No need to resort to name calling its not going to get your BiS. I’m sorry you don’t understand that.
nothing is beeing rushed wrath its supose to be released in november …