Pointing out the stupidity of comparing 5% weekly chances for MH and 5% weekly chances of OH, to approximately one in three-hundred-million odds isn’t an “insult” it’s an honest to god description of reality.
Both are expecting a random number to be generated within a short frame of time to ensure a pleasant experience over another short finite frame of time.
The analogy holds. You could go 6 months without getting those glaives, you could go 12 months without seeing the full set. There is literally no point in being upset because the dice don’t roll in your favor this week or next week.
Have you actually computed the odds of a guild going 6 or 12 months without completing a glaive set? I have, and the odds are quite low.
Comparing a completed glaive set to 1 in 300,000,000 early-retirement lottery winnings odds is peak “I can’t do math at all” idiocy. Actually, you’re probably just the kind of sucker that buys lottery tickets lol.
Wow you have devolved into pure Ad Hominem posting now. Which pretty much means you’ve lost the argument at this point.
I can practically hear your keyboard crunching through the internet.
It’s a game dude lmao. Calm down.
Dude is seething that he can’t murder bots in greens in wsg with glaives
Argumentum ad Hominem refers to attacking the opponent’s credibility in order to sidestep engaging with the content of their argument.
What I’ve done is demolish the content of your argument first (the odds of completing a glaive set are about 8 orders of magnitude removed from early retirement lottery winnings) and point out your stupidity as a nice little cherry on top.
Then again, trolls sure do love to cry “Argumentum ad Hominem!” and count on observers not understanding what the fallacy entails, whenever they get caught in the act…
Mechanical keyboard. Blue switches, baby. Accept no substitute.
I love how I’m a troll for being based in reality and understanding that RNG is gonna be RNG and there is no point in throwing a fit over not getting specific loot.
I never even took a stance on whether or not the content was coming too fast. Really don’t understand why you are so upset and feel the need to be so disrespectful tbh.
You’re behavior is very indictive of trolling though, you can’t even make a post without calling someone who disagrees with you stupid. Bad form all around.
Yeah. If you’re going to rush content, you’re gonna have to take some other measures, too, so you don’t ruin the TBC nostalgia experience for the players.
- Have to buff glaive drop rate–for every streamer who has a pair there are dozens and dozens of players who haven’t seen a single one, and now that Sunwell is being rushed out, their chances are that much slimmer.
- Add an extra piece of loot to current t6 bosses–same reason as above. So many classes and players have just had their chances at their dream loot torpedoed.
- This is stretch, but please remove the physical daggers from t6 loot tables…my guild just can’t take yet another Shard of Azzinoth drop.
Odds of those items individually dropping per week are
Midnight Chestguard - 15%
Shadowmoon Destroyer’s Drape - 14%
Shadowmaster’s Boots - 16%
MH Glaive - 5%
OH Glaive - 5%
Odds for each item of 9 weeks without a drop are (1-P)^9:
Midnight Chestguard - 23%
Shadowmoon Destroyer’s Drape - 26%
Shadowmaster’s Boots - 21%
MH Glaive - 63%
OH Glaive - 63%
The odds of going 9 weeks without seeing ANY of those items drop, is the product of the above odds for each item:
23% * 26% * 21% * 63% * 63% = 0.05% (only about 1 in 2,000 would be in this position after 9 lockouts)
Sorry for your terrible RNG! I hope Blizzard doesn’t rush the next phase so badly that mean reversion doesn’t have time to kick in to cover up your awful luck.
“1 in 20 RNG PER GLAIVE, PER WEEK to see a drop on a given lockout is totally comparable to 1 in 300,000,000 to win the powerball! I’m smart and good at formulating logical arguments! Calling me out on my BS is an Ad Hominem fallacy! Waaah!”
It’s too fast for several reasons, not just loot.
Nothing disrespectful about accurately pointing out your extreme degree of quantitative illiteracy. If you think that is disrespectful then you are the one who is upset.
Yeah you can’t even make a post without throwing out insults while I’ve been trying to be civil with you. Disrespectful is an understatement.
We all know what its about though
This is why you are so heated. You know I’m right and its driving you bonkers lol.
Good luck with the glaives brotato.
Who is going past Wrath? Might as well jump into retail.
I could not agree more. This is way too fast. Give us more time to enjoy the content. I love where I am as far as farming the content and want to optimize my play style / gear. So many other folks are still working on progression and have not had a chance to enjoy the current phase. Even if you push back your plans just another month, it would be appreciated by a lot of folks.
You keep referring to my accurate descriptions of your inability to comprehend numbers as “insults” lol
Ah yes, hahahaha, it was so respectful when you began your presence in this thread by calling me a “scrub” (oh, is that not an insult?) and accusing me of only wanting the glaives to kill undergeared people in battlegrounds LOL
A particularly amusing trolling tactic – insisting that the other person is very upset. You’re got all the techniques in the art of trolling at your disposal.
Thanks! But if the content timeline is comparable to original TBC, I’ll only need my luck to be “not terrible”. It would be nice for some of our other melees to get them too though.
LOL, exactly. That’s why we should be in no rush to release the next phase of content so much faster than the original timeline.
It’s way overly catered to tourists who want to see it once and never again as opposed to those who enjoy learning the nuances and perfecting the little details and getting 1% better each week.
You’d think – given that this is a 17 year old game or whatever – that more love would be shown to the latter group!
Don’t worry. There will be a TBC SoM not long into Wrath. So players can jump right back into TBC content.
By the way, I completely agree. They rushed Classic too fast, and TBCC absurdly fast. But…this is the direction they’re going. Want to get to Wrath and sell more Deluxe Editions, boosts, and whatever other micro-transactions they add. That’s what Classic is now about.
They should rename it World of Whalecraft imho
You’re right about one thing. I never got to do the amazing things I am doing now because I was a teenager who just could not be bothered to wrap his head around the intricacies of this game while chasing girls. You know, young guy stuff. As an adult, I feel really good that I am now magnitudes better at this game and actually have achieved many of the things I failed to do when I was younger. Calling me a scrub though, that’s just rude. I want more time to achieve my old “dreams” that I failed to do when I was young. The world doesn’t revolve around you or I, but we can both civilly voice our opinions here.
Great! Even more arbitrary changes and an even more rushed content timeline! I can’t wait to do the full time job of leading a guild only to see zero glaives all over again! XD
Yup! Gotta sell those deluxe editions and character boosts to bolster an otherwise lackluster quarterly earnings report and collect a nice bonus right before selling stock and either retiring or jumping ship to a competitor! Who cares what happens after WotLK? That will be the next guy’s problem LOL.
Money can somehow increase odds of drops?
Wrath season of mastery, then again until cata ends, then MOP maybe WoD?