Stop rushing content releases

Im looking forward to classic MOP as well.

I honestly do not believe they are going to re-release anymore expansions after WOTLK. I think the first 3 parts of the game are in a unique place that is set apart from all the others. Maybe Cataclysm classic can happen as well but definitely after that I don’t see anymore happening.

Uhh alot of us are waiting for Cata / MOP classic.
Wrath was good but not that good.

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Your opinion there is in the minority you know. WOTLK has been widely considered the best expansion ever. Also, I highly doubt “alot” of players are waiting for MOP classic. The only good thing I ever heard about that expansion was throne of thunder.

Blizzard, don’t listen to these people who only play each expansion for a month, and crying about new contents. We are now in the best phase of TBC, and people still crying for Wolk.


There’s a bit of room between 4 months and 10 months, and I’d be happier with 5-6 TBH. I’m fine with shorter schedules, but TBC has been particularly quick.

And what about to continue playing classic but not on WotLK server ? Are you able to use your brain or it’s too late ?

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Technically Wotlk Release beginning of November is the most logical release date. As soon we started TBCC I bet for a release in november. So I am good with a release on the end october/beginning of november.

Lol no one with the ability to use their logic have plan a release of SWP late like that. Since the beginning, the most logical release date for SWP is beginning of june…

I will quit WoW if Sunwell comes out this quickly. Blizzard/Activision/Microsoft clearly care about their company objectives more than player experience. Stop giving these fun/soul suckers your money.

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Because that worked out so well for Classic servers. Have you tried using your brain?


I second this. Please listen to your player base and let us enjoy Phase 3-4 for more than what you currently have planned.


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i just want to get a chance to kill teron gorefiend. he was my favorite horde npc hero in warcraft ii (sorry deathwing) and i never got a chance to raid in the original tbc. sunwell would be nice since it has alleria’s bow but since i don’t have a hunter ready to raid or plan to level one its just a bonus. (alleria was my favorite alliance npc hero) wish they would have had alleria in alleria’s stronghold for alliance.

we supose to care about it ?

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Doubt it. Youll be in Sunwell in early June, we both know it.

So some of the people here want more time so Blizzard is obviously not listening to their player base, while some of the people here are happy with the pace of everything.

How exactly are they not listening? Apparently they just aren’t listening to you because everything I have wanted is moving along at a pace I am very happy with.

Semi-reliable leaker claimed Wrath Classic in September.

This would make me SO happy!!!

nah the reliable one that got everything right about retail said november and it correlates with our patch cicle