Stop rushing content releases

You just gotta kill my hopes and dreams dontcha???

November is fine, my date was December so either way it is still quicker then what I had guessed!!

I’m reading his 10.0 leaks right now. The guy who got everything right about Legion. Says Wrath in September.

We’ll find out soon enough. Maybe tomorrow.

I can live with that. Its a little bit early but no problem with me

We definitely learn tomorrow.

but they will add a new tier every 2 months and end wrath in 8 months flat

Wasn’t TBCC more like 4 months? Why would it be 2 months now? Or am I wrong about the 4 months thing.

They just squeezed two phases into 3 months


its quarter report time tick tock tick tock!


Yeah I have no idea what blizz is thinking. The end of P2 came out of nowhere, but it wasn’t TERRIBLE. P4 came out a bit faster than expected, but hey - ZA is cool and it’s fine for that to be early. But then JUST A FEW WEEKS LATER WE’RE ON SWP? WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE? It’s completely ludicrous what blizz is doing; ruining an amazing expansion. What’s going to happen with wrath? Will it be over in a few months? I’ve never been more convinced that blizz has no idea what’s going on.

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They dont care. WOTLK will be the same. Time to unsub.

For those that missed it, or for those in the back.

idk whats funnier you not knowing what development time is or thinking we would be here killing bt for 10 months hahahaha

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You can progress through the content of your progression server at whatever pace you decide. There is no imperative to consume every drop of content as soon as its squeezed from this stone.

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What’s funny is some are going but sunwell? We may have not time there.

For some…they even’ aren’t seeing ZA right now. Most ads are picky as hell. Ain’t no yolo there. they explicitly state must know bosses.

git gud, guild yadda yadda. LFg ain’t pretty here is the point. I only have a 63 max char, this is no skin off my nose.

By the time that loses picky ads…well its going to be carry country and most done sunwell or close.

with the early sunwell clears going we are good. lets touch grass a few weeks to wrath. maybe show up 2 week prelude if given for some carry gold making.


We’re going to continue farming BT each week in addition to progressing through Sunwell just like we continue to farm Vashj (only 2x Belt of One Hundred Deaths btw) and Gruul (only 2x DST, neither of which has remained in the guild) right now.

And at this rate of releases, even if we are fortunate enough to see our first Glaive drop before WotLK… will we even have time to play the game with it before WotLK prepatch?

What’s your question?

seems to be how much time will they have to play with sunwell drops if so fast. or iliidans glaives

a valid question but…that also assumes they even see the drops lol.

holding up expacs till say 75%of the server has a drop not really workable really. With a low as fixed drop rate anyway.

I mean there is drop in trial raid in retail wow I got at least 4 chars each at 25 tries each. so 100 tries.

lets have that 1 char. 100 tries. that is almost 2 years at 1 try a week. as even in retail wrath keeps 1 run a week. Heroic locks outs normal retry unlike say legion or higher.

they have as long as their subscription lasts


I am seeing both angles here. I get the but I don’t have it yet.

But…I have also farmed in retail so one shot the place for illidan’s bow.

I was not prepared for how long it took 6 hunters weekly to get that. and only saw 2 glaives. that…is with all loot to me. So no ninjya loot, no hunter needed it under all all weapons hunter weapons crap, etc.

Sunwell bow was fun as well. those twin demon sisters…would not give up that bow easy. I earned that bow. Yes it was one shot. But damn I spent some months there on 6 hunters.

only low pop in phase 5 and wrath is gonna show them now