Stop rushing content releases

And I’ve been saying this pace of content is stupid since classic, but apparently some people are in a mega hurry to get to Cataclysm: Classic lol

I’m the kind of guy that was still having fun outdpsing my guildies on post twin emps trash late into Naxx (skipping is for losers btw)

Close to 90% of guilds have cleared BT/Hyjal, no reason to wait for Sunwell, regardless if your team has seen glaives or not

and it will be the same situation with sunwell only a few weeks after it is unlocked – will you demand wrath prepatch immediately then too?

have you given any sort of serious thought to what happens after wrath?


We move on in life.

3/4 months after yes I want to see the pre patch drop

personally I’m here because I actually enjoy playing Classic World of Warcraft

no idea what your reason is but if you aren’t having fun you don’t need to wait for the end of WotLK to quit

Very big hurry to get back into Naxxramas I see. And what happens next after that? Barely more than a year in WotLK at this pace, and then what?

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I’d wait till legion lol. I’d like to see that as it was too (legion start for me about 1.5 months till bfa). Grinding 1 weapon. 1 item grind has to be cake given where bfa and sl took us.

I think at this point the only item we haven’t had a system for is our underwear. and its not too late for that. We haven’t heard APril 19’s announcement yet.

If classic keeps going all the way until Legion then something is deeply, deeply wrong

not that there’s anything difficult right now so it wont change much. after wrath ? idk if my friends will still be playing if not I quit

people are just in a mega hurry to get classic over with, then they can retire from wow altogether. I find it very odd but that’s what I’m noticing.

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exactly, and these fools who don’t even enjoy playing this game think Blizzard should design the game around racing to the end so that they can quit faster lol

10 makes or breaks them lol. Ask me a year ago if I find nagrand killing sprees fun I’d say no.

these days…there are reasons I am in TBCC and not ZM. ZM makes nagrand seem like a virtual disneyland.

This. SWP already looming is just too fast and sets up the expectation that SWP itself will be done with in 2-3 months before Wrath pre-patch is launched.

That’s just no fun speeding through everything at Mach 5. I get this is Classic, everyone “knows everything”, etc etc, but shorter cycles means people taking breaks, guilds having sudden seasonal roster issues, etc, just cripples you further.


I’m having plenty of fun. I don’t need to desperately beg Blizzard to delay content as long as possible because when this show is over, I’ll go find something else to do in my life.

4 months a tier is great.

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As highly tuned as Sunwell is, don’t worry, most of us will still just be seeing Black Temple and Mount Hyjal primarily. Haha.

How about instead of “as long as possible” we just stick to the original release timeline? There is zero need to arbitrarily try to make the game end faster


So, T4, T5 and Hyjal available on release back in June? Black Temple released 4 months after TBC originally released.

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade/Initial release date January 16, 2007

Patch 2.1.0
“The Black Temple”
Release date May 22, 2007

I would be totally fine with this. There would have been a lot more to do at launch, progression through T5 and Hyjal would have been a lot more interesting by a considerable margin.

And with TEN MONTHS from BT to Sunwell, and another EIGHT MONTHS from Sunwell to WotLK, there would have been plenty of time for casual guilds to enjoy the best content that TBC has to offer after catching up.

Yes prog servers are over and you move on with your life.

Or you start a new prog server in an xpac you like as they will prolly have servers for all xpacs we just did by then.

Or maybe retail will finally be good.

You trying to turn these prog servers into a full time server and that’s not what they are.

You are nuts if you think the majority of players want 10 months of Bt or 8 months of sunwell.

Prog servers are supposed to be have an expedited release. That’s how they literally work.