Stop rewarding the 1%

I mean I don’t understand how you want the game to play? Why would anyone play a game at the highest levels if there is nothing to gain from doing the content?

Like you can grind out hundreds of keys to get to the 0.01% at the top and get nothing or get glad which is best pvp players at the 0.01% at the top and they get a pat on the back?

Yeah. 98% of all the rewards isn’t good enough. Needs to be 100%. That’s definitely what’s causing the sun loss. For sure.

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Guys, stop rewarding the 1%. Elon doesn’t even play WoW anymore.

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I would not say it rewards the 1% for the most part. All of Dragonflight its been the opposite. Go to Any Event Time Rift,Reasearchers,Big Dig,Dragonbone Keep,Community Feast. And count the number of people on there mounts Doing absolutely nothing and I do mean absolutely NOTHING but reaping the exact same rewards as those who did 100% of the work they did not do. They do it in dungeons they do it in LFR and PvP anywhere you go in the current game even in dungeons while levelling you will see this type of player (The Type of person who should not even been allowed in a game with other players type of player). But what have blizzard done they have given these low life 0 skilled players who do nothing and I mean nothing the same rewards week in week out just because they don’t want to exclude anyone or make anyone feel bad. Why this is a thing in a video game like WoW is beyond me it never used to be. I remember a time if you died or were too slow to get to a dungeon or raid boss and you never got a tag on them you missed out on loot. The actual loot window for you to roll on an item would not appear. But now days that has changed you can intentionally die or miss out on a dungeon boss and benefit again from the rest of the people in your group carrying you and this needs to end.

We gotta stop this pathetic Charity stream because it is just 1 of a myriad of problems that has turned wow into this decrepid laughing stock of a game that people have and still are leaving in droves and its no surprise why. There is no more effort required to be as good as a proper player anymore you just have to show up and you get the same item level of gear they do and now with Need before Greed (The most Toxic system this game had and has brought back at the end of shadowlands) Literally anyone regardless of them being able to use an item that is a upgrade for you can roll on it and win and you are stuck there for another week hoping to get lucky incase it drops again. It is that bad that doing your requirements for the vault each week just to guarantee yourself a possible upgrade is usually the only way to get certain slots filled. I loved the personal loot system and would rather have that back atleast for LFR because Need before Greed in that scenario is just stupid and as I said it only promotes toxicity to the maximum.

Far as what the OP Said about blizzard awarding the 1% that is highly debateable. Sure those players with the most knowledge and well skill to be able to push them and there guild through the toughest content should get a reward that the common player does not. I will not shy away and admit I am a Pure LFR type of player and I do all the other content to gear up my Main and alts within 20 items levels of the majority of the best players because I choose too I do not like playing WoW with other people I enjoy doing everything that I do in game solo because I do not want to be nor do i want a burden in a group or me in said group halting peoples progress. And I do so much varied content that having to drop everything at a moments notice just to clear a Mythic + or a Normal/Heroic boss if given the summons I’d rather not waste my time. So me Missing out on these Mythic mounts etc for 5+ years until I can solo that raid boss myself until it drops the mount then that is fine FOMO is not a thing I am worried about even if that is a major thing blizzard pushes out people just need to learn that missing out on something in WoW is not the end of the damn world since its just a damn video game. Either do the FOMO Content or don’t the choice is yours I just do not want to see people complain about it because the only thing holding anyone back from FOMO content is themselves its nothing to do with blizzard or any other players just you. You have chosen to give up or flat out refuse to do it and that is fine just do not turn it back on Blizzard and say it was there fault you did not achieve something after that FOMO content is no longer available.

As they also state with FOMO stuff which usually is limited time content that you as a player wants but either A)Cannot afford the Subscription cost that month to participate which I can emphasise with seeing as I have been there multiple times myself B)Just flat out refuse or forget to do said content that gives out these rewards then you really do not have a complaint to give. On his remarks revolving around what casuals get well they get the bare minimum because they are only putting in the minimum far as I am concerned. If you want more than simple Recolored armors and weapons then go and do the content that is twice or 3 times as hard as the content you and the other casuals partake in which leans into what I said at the beginning of this most casuals do the bare minimum or even lower and still expect what the non casuals get as a reward. This game is slowly trying to become a charity for everyone and it needs to stop. If you enter an area in Dragonflight now and Just afk you get participation (Pity Points/Rewards because Blizzard wants you to keep coming back) And that is just pathetic you should get nothing if you are just idle while others are running around doing the content as it is intended for example time rifts. when there were more people in Dragonflight back when Time Rifts were new every pillar sorrounding that middle portal area which opens for the final boss those pillars and the air around them were choc full of people doing nothing and were allowed to benefit from everyone else on the grounds actual effort. Why do you thinlk that is huh>? It is the same reason now mainly in America and I guess other western countries that no child regardless of mental or physical problems gets an award/trophy even if they come dead last in a race or sporting event. Becase giving people false recognition these days is somehow important which leaves no room for growth seeing as most people of that age will just continue to do the bare minimum or nothing at all and still have a trophy or medal to show for it just because they are now entitled to it. I do not Understand the world of the last 25 years and what changed human beings into these repulsive puppeteers/puppets but it needs to stop. We need to go back to EARNING everything and not have it given to us for fear of FOMO. Little Billy missed out on a field trip WHO CARES Little Suzy ran last in the race WHO CARES treat them with nothing but the most basic of praise and coach them into being better at whatever they are doing instead of just giving them undue praise and reward for something they did not earn which is 100% the main problem I have with WoW at this point in time too many people are being rewarded and they shouldnt be they should be borderline be getting a Dunce Hat item because they failed to participate and should be partially locked out of content because they refuse to partake in it properly and until they participate properly they are all segregated into there own shard full of other non conforming players so they can all stand around do ntothing together and get nothing as a reward because that is what I would implemeent and the game would be a better place because of it. And for the future going forward blizzard need to Change the whole system or they are going to keep bleeding players like they currently are.

Would love to hear your thoughts and Opinions on this and only from those who read 95-100% of what I just wrote here because it is important and I will stand by these statements,

That was a long incantation. No wonder people don’t take up necromancy.

You know I’m all for necromancers in wow, but this isn’t what I had in mind

2 years later

dear god, the necromancer is attacking lol

Looks like Rip Van Winkle just woke up.

I asked ChatGPT to summarize the Necromancer’s rant into three bullets. I present them without further comment:

  • Reward System Critique: The author criticizes World of Warcraft’s reward system, arguing it unfairly benefits players who contribute minimally or not at all to group efforts. They highlight various game events and content where inactive players receive the same rewards as active participants, leading to a decline in game quality and player effort.
  • Need Before Greed System: They express strong opposition to the Need Before Greed loot system, claiming it promotes toxicity and hinders progress for players who actively participate. The author prefers the personal loot system, believing it to be fairer and less prone to abuse.
  • Effort vs. Reward Philosophy: The author believes that rewards in the game should be based on effort and skill, not participation alone. They argue that casual players should not expect high-level rewards without engaging in more challenging content and criticize the broader cultural shift towards unearned recognition and rewards.
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Doing the Light’s work, ty

I get what OP is saying, but personally all my favorite stuff in game is easily obtainable and I pretty much have all of it. Like the owl mount right now for CE isn’t something I think is cool or would care to go out of my way to farm.