Stop rewarding the 1%

Boosters and top .001% of pros run this game. It’s sad they choose to destroy the game they love for less than they would earn working minimum wage jobs. One interesting idea that could solve some of these issues could be solo ques. It would prevent the stacking of career wow players in rated gameplay.

I don’t think boosters and pros run this game. I just think Blizzard has clearly attempted to cater to them for a long time and it hasn’t worked as well as they hope, because not only do low-end players hate the game, so do the top-end players.

they have more recently catered to the top 10% and the lower 10%…guess which part they’d cater to if they add the cat to LFR… :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

bout time they give something to the bulk of the playerbase (average players) :100:

Terrible idea is terrible.

Weird way to celebrate your mediocrity.

People you are pathetic.
Instead of striving to progress you stay on regression/hold and celebrate what Blizzards give you as a dole only for you to stop whining.


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Not everyone has the time or energy to “progress” all the time.
Life is not equal but paying the sub price is.

Because they put in the effort to improve themselves in a competitive environment against other players? besides, glad exclusive mounts has been a thing since TBC. It isn’t a new thing.

And this is coming from someone who doesn’t pvp.

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not everyone have the time and strength to gain millions of income and power to overcome unfair challenges that reality brings, yet all pay the same price of living on this planet.

Again. Very weird way to celebrate that you are mediocre and will stay this way.

Just say that you don’t want to do anything but want to get everything that other people gladly fight and overcome obstacles for.

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Yes but how does your sub price equate to rewards?

bruh you paid for boosts for m+ and raids just buy a pvp boost too and stop crying

or maybe actually play the game for once and you wouldn’t be dogwater at it.

I disagree because prestige. Actually nevermind. Tokens ruined that because now people can just print gold to pay for boosts etc.

Like this guy clearly does, you can spend 10 seconds looking at his profile and all of the content hes been very clearly boosted through.

This doesn’t go against you but isn’t it scary to see how common place non-gaming these days are? Instead of doing raids people just buy boosts. And boosts are the majority contributing factor why better players don’t play regularly anymore.

A vicious cycle which hurt both sides of the community in the end.

Boosting is obviously a problem, But I just dont think the 5 things pvpers are allowed to get every season is so obscene that everyone should be able to have it? Also I dont think 1800 is the “1%” ignoring thats statistically wrong anyways

The casual player can 100% hit 1800 before a season ends you just have to actually try.

Idk what you are talking about. I work from Monday to Friday, 8 am to 5 pm. Then do freelance jobs from 5pm to 7pm, make dinner and eat to 8pm. Log in, play 2 to 3 hours, then off to bed. My weekends are with friends/couple and also have time to go to the movies and parties and etc. I got KSM and AOTC and I am not a pro player, I am not the 1%. I just work based on objectives. Wanna get cool mounts? Then focus on something. Start with small keys, watch guides, learn ur class and the content. Progress thru m+ and get better items, get better at mechanics, ruin some keys in the progress, get to know ppl and get together to learn the game together. I just got into a new guild 1 month ago and got aotc with them and i am actually enjoying doing old content with them. U want aotc or normal? Start with learning the timers for the bosses and how they align with ur class. Watch videos, streams, ask questions. Focus on a few bosses at a time. Everyone makes progression different. But dont just decide that Blizzard needs to meet your standards. Why? Cause neither Blizzard or the world owes you anything and you dont get to change the rules. If u dont wanna put the job, then accept the fact that you dont get the reward. Some ppl buy runs, sure, as in real world, some ppl use money to their advantage. Not an option for u? Then work. Life is not fair, but certainly making a tantrum over a mount is not gonna make it easier. And also, the best mounts are from ICC, Tempest Keep, SoO, ToT, etc. But also too much work to farm old content and get rng mounts uh? Everything requires you to actually do something besides walking in circles in Oribos to get a mount.


No. I have written about it before but the problem lies with Blizzard.

The game is lacking 80% of its class and race fantasy which is why we have these problems. Imagine Heritage Armors and Weapons but pushed to eleven for each class per race.

If we would fill a list on missing iconic standard weapons, titles, mounts and armors in 2022, which race do you think would be the least affected by it? Kul Tiran, Zandalari Trolls and to a degree Pandaren. Almost every other race has not enough class and race fantasy.

What part of the game isnt giving gear? Even if you never set foot in a raid or dungeon you get gear from open world quests, daily quests and even the mission tables drop gear. The only way you are not getting rewarded with gear is if you are not playing the game.

The 1% is where potential chances to make money comes from. Free advertisement during world first races, stuff like that. Think short term not long term.

I met him at blizzcon a few years ago and asked for a photo. He asked me for my Warcraft logs before I could get a photo.

(Not true but he’s super nice in person).

But “nice” isn’t cutting it. The game became so unpleasant at times and his vision does not align with the community. He should have known better by now, especially after Battle for Azeroth.

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