Stop removing portals

I’m aware and I hate that system.

Actually, the world feels larger the more places you can get to.

Real life. I have travel limitations. There are lots of things I’d love to do. But because of my limited travel options, I don’t. As a result, my world is small. When people have more travel options the world feels larger.

The first time I flew in an airplane I realized just how HUGE my hometown actually is. The first time I took to the skies back in BC, I realized just how large the zones actually are.

Portals don’t make the world feel smaller, they give you more access to the world.


Alts. Hearths on cool down. No portals in Pandaria any more. The boats/zeps go places portals actually don’t go.

There are lots of reasons to use them. However, none of my characters use any particular mode of transportation exclusively (including my mages). Choices, and choosing what’s best in that moment, are what players want. Not to be strapped to rails with no options.


Keeping players engaged should be priority above all, nothing stops anybody from taking the scenic route as it is now if you dislike the quick route, forcing that play style on others accomplishes nothing but annoying a huge chunk of the playerbase.


Your character doesn’t have travel limitations your analogy makes no sense.

Would the world feel bigger if teleported between flight paths? Did you like that Argus did that?

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Choices are good. Options are good. That is what drew people to WoW in the first place. The variety. When you start removing options, you give people fewer reasons to keep playing. I mean, there are days I feel like jumping into the fray and murdering mobs and there are days I feel like pointing at my pet and saying “murder them for me” while I sit back in safety.

These options are what keep me playing. Remove my options and my desire to play diminishes.


I probably wouldn’t change it either because the genie is already out the bottle, but I really think it hurts the game.

Also no, this mentality is the opposite of creating a living breathing world. Why not be able to just select on the map where you want to teleport to for even more engagement?

It’s a reason vanilla didn’t just put magic portals between continents and built a more realistic travel system with boats, zepplins, and the decorum tram.

Argus was poorly constructed. It was never BUILT for flying mounts, whether controlled by players or by a flight master. So using a poorly designed zone like that as an excuse to attack portals doesn’t make you look good.


Argus was my home world, I loved it

No. It makes me feel frustrated that I can’t get to where I need to go in a timely manner that I used to be able to use, not unlike the way that flying needs to be pried from the developer’s cold, dead hands every expansion now.

It increases my overall ill will towards the current development team.

I mean come on…no portals to Ironforge? Is standing on the Deeprun Tram such engaging content that it has to be revived?


It only didn’t support free flight because of the way the skybox was done.

Flightmasters absolutely could have been used but they didn’t for lore reasons of using the vindicar.

If you buy steam, you’re locked into only buying from steam. If amazon has an expansion on sale for 5 bucks, too bad, you’re steam only.


I wish I could remember the label for this kind of false argument. You’re using hyperbole to mock and denigrate what people actually want, which is to not have yet another part of the game removed for no logical reason.

No one is asking for more portals to places where we don’t have them, they are asking for the ones we already have to not be removed. If you don’t want to use them, you don’t have to. RP walk wherever you want to go. That should make the world look frigging huge. (See I can use hyperbole, too.)


No…it doesnt.
Long travel times = me just not going there. MY world is smaller when I have to go by horse and buggy instead of jet plane


Sad thing is it won’t matter how many players want this self inflicted portal change reversed.

We will get the we are listening to your concerns and then then Blizzard will do what they want.

It seems to me like Blizzard is actively trying to kill their own game.


Not even close to an argument excusing portals that have been in the game for YEARS that BLIZZARD put there because THEY thought they were needed and useful
Try again.


Mage portals brought you fairly close to where you wanted to go and was a part of the player economy even since they had to pay for a reagent you’d naturally pay for the portal. The world is a lot bigger now, and a mage doesn’t cover the map like it use to. I’ll give up anywhere a mage can port to, for the option of an innkeeper closer to the portal room that has the rest of the portals.

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Ion is that you?


I swear these changes like many already in the game are just attempts to make classic more enticing. For me it’s the opposite. I have no desire to play classic.


Removal of game content is NEVER a good idea. Please remember that people learn certain paths on how to get around the game, when you break those paths, discontent is created in the player. This results in the player reconsidering the reasons why they actually play, and subscribe, to your game.

I can only see this attitude, resulting in subscription loss.