Stop removing portals

It should arrive by way of the void, when the rift opens and the popcorn comes out, just throw the gold in. Thank for supporting “Save the Portals” fund! Have a great day!

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: POPCORN! GET YOUR POPCORN HERE! :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: All proceeds go to save our portals fund! Who’s next?

For me, Orgrimmar and Stormwind are not my favorite cities. I’d rather go to Thunderbluff or Ironforge! Rather than being pushed to go to Org/Stormwind, this change will give me less incentive to leave current content (and hence less incentive to do old content, go after old achievements, etc).

I hear “It makes the world feel bigger” all the time. My response is, if you want a bigger world, there’s the door! Go out and play in it! Spend hours travelling from city to city. Please, don’t let me stop you!

But in a digital world, which is basically a Giant Interactive Database, let me jump between locations, especially when I’m dealing with old content! Non-mythic instances and LFR are convenient, and that’s part of why they’re popular! Don’t make me waste time travelling when I could be spending that time playing the game! If I want to travel the slow way, nothing is stopping me. Sometimes I’ll even do that, but if I want to take a break and stretch my legs, finding a safe place to go afk works just fine for me!

I find it sad that Blizzard devs seem out-of-touch with all the casuals in their player base. They pay lip-service to the idea of “letting players play the way they want”, but the “way they want” somehow doesn’t include convenient travel or fun things like flying! I don’t begrudge raiders or pvp-ers or auction-house goblins or any over-the-the top players having their fun, but if I want challenges, I have real life for that. I come to WoW to have fun, and tedium is definitely not fun.


Pandaria is impressive, and there’s a very good reason for that. It was specifically designed for both ground and air travel. When we first leveled there back in the day, we had to do it from the ground, and the leveling quests and terrain were designed with that in mind. But once we hit max level we could fly, and there are additional layers to the landscape designed for people with flight.

Jade Forest has to be the best use of space I have seen in this game, period. You have Alliance questing contained mostly to the south and the Horde mostly in the North, with some overlap in the middle, but the zone feels enormous from the ground. Then you get to fly over it and suddenly you realize that quest chain #2 was only a hill away from chain #6 the whole time, even though it seemed like you’d traveled so far before you got there. And yet, there are all those mountains with elaborate buildings that you can’t reach without flying making the world feel vibrant and populated, and encouraging exploration from both ground and air.

This is one reason I loved Mists of Pandaria. In my opinion, MoP zone design should have been the standard going forward, but somehow we got Draenor and that disgustingly-restrictive terrain as the norm.


It has which is crazy. It’s not his fault. Dude is a CM and not a dev or a decision maker.

A friend of mine had a great saying: “Leadership is always the problem and the solution.” I say the guy at the top needs to feel the pain and someone who doesn’t have their head up their rectum take over. (Whomever is making these decisions, rather)


I count my blessings I wasn’t eating or drinking when I read your post. Priceless comedy. Priceless. Sadly, I can only give one like.

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NO. Because they’re still removing certain portals PERMANENTLY. They’re NOT Moving them. If they were simply MOVING them it would be fine but they are indeed PERMANENTLY removing certain portals.

As such, the outrage at Blizzards stupid anti-player decision to do this will continue.

And yes, I read the link. All it really says is “consolidate Portals to the major cities to one location”.

There are STILL portals being REMOVED and not being MOVED.


Removing the Dalaran portals for Legion Dalaran is super lame.


There is ZERO information that portals to Karazhan, Caverns of Time and Wyrmrest Temple are being moved. They’re being simply REMOVED unless you’re on one of several quests.

Instead people will be FORCED to WASTE more of their time.

Alliance Side Routes (dont play horde enough to know them but you’ll get the point)

Karazhan: Portal to Stormwind, then take Bird to Duskwood, then manually fly to Karazhan.

Caverns of Time: Portal to Stormwind, take SECOND Portal to Uldum, manually fly to Caverns of Time.

Wyrmrest Temple: Portal to Stormwind, take SECOND Portal to Northrend, manually fly to Wyrmrest Temple.

Do we see a Connection? Yes. MORE WASTED TIME.

Now if a blue cares to openly state “those portals are being moved to Stormwind/Orgrimar” then I will kindly apologize and shut up. Provided they carry through on their promise of course.


especially when leveling characters may not be able to use Legion dalaran portals yet.


Are they putting in ALL of the removed portals?
if not, then no.
Not now, not ever.


Nope, because as stated many times prior… that just means they spent extra time and effort to actively annoy and inconvenience the people paying the bills. Just deleted completely is one thing, that takes very little effort, but to go through every single class hall questline and artifact questline to code the portal into phase is far more work than just undoing the change.

This doesn’t end well for them until they completely undo the change, or, actively place at least a CoT portal, Hellfire Portal, and Blasted Lands portal into the portal rooms and some means for alliance to get to the north part of EK in under 10 minutes.


When there are fewer portals, does the world feel a bit bigger to you? Do you like that? How difficult is it to get to the locations you mentioned without a direct portal (talking to everybody who isn’t a mage here :wink: ) ?

Actually no. I frequently tab out when I am flying to point A to point B. The game does not live at that point. Even being on an RP server we rely on the portals to get to the places we want to RP in quickly. When running transmogs we rely on them to get to where we need to go quickly. We still take the time to explore this large world that has been created, but you are railroading us into doing it on your terms. Agency is gone.


“feel” bigger? How about you just make it bigger? Don’t sell me a cheeseburger and take the cheese away and tell me “feels” like a cheeseburger. Spend your dev time fixing bugs and expanding the game. You guys are so out of touch its pathetic. Haven’t logged in for 2 weeks now and just reading the forums while eating a sundae. :slight_smile:


No, this is a fix for something that wasn’t broken.


Crepe said it best. When he was talking (years ago) about them merging all the druid travel forms into a single button.

“It’s a solution looking for a problem.”

The same thing is true here. There is no Problem. It’s just Blizzard being anal and trying to create “false” activity in Stormwind and Orgrimar by having people funneled through those towns again via the Portal Room.


I actually think a reasonable compromise would be 100k buyable, account-wide extra hearthstones. Each alt gets one, sets it where they please.

You want a third? 250k.

A fourth? 1mil.

Why suggest a compromise here… it’s like saying… okay, we except that we are getting assaulted, just don’t hit the face.

… how about just no.


There’s no need for a “reasonable” compromise. This is nothing more than Blizz trying to pad their “time played” metrics by making it more tedious to get around the world.


They were provided as a convenience during Legion, to facilitate ease of travel for certain class hall quests.

If you expected easy portals to non-cities to remain around in perpetuity, I think that was a little naive.

There has been a caverns of time portal since long before Legion. It was in old Dalaran.