Stop removing portals

That’s not what I’m saying at all. I’m saying that needless vitriol is gonna get us nowhere.
And I get it, the guy’s wording was all kinds of janky. I’m pretty peeved about his tone too, but it’s not relevant to the matter as a whole.
You can have a discussion without throwing insults around.

I’m feeling rather grateful for the CM who posted here–especially for the way the posts were worded. It inflamed the community and made them actually notice this issue. Instead of being buried, this thread has taken off and gotten a lot of discussion.

Exactly, because the alternative was radio silence. We’ve got a chance to directly funnel feedback regardless of everything else.


I disagree. If they are going to ignore this problem they went out of their way to create because a few angry people said some mean things, they were never going to deal with it anyway.

This is just one of many aggravating changes that have been forced on the playerbase in recent years.

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You’re not really understanding me here. Never said they’d just ignore the feedback because of the few who are throwing shade.
It’s just that it adds literally nothing to throw in a random “btw screw you” when you’re trying to give a concise reason as to why something’s a bad change - which has been used repeatedly as a reason why Blues very rarely interact with the community, mind.
It’d be like if I started attacking you for disagreeing with me, despite that you’re simply on the opposite spectrum of this mini-topic.

I disagree with your point, but I see where you’re coming from.


It’s almost like they want to take away the reasons that people play the game.

I mean, to be honest, without things like that I bet 50% the player base would stop paying for the game.

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I don’t want the world feeling bigger. It’s big enough as it is. This isn’t a flight path simulator. I play to PLAY not spend more time navigating places. I spend a decent time farming old content for various reasons or running around on alts. For starters we DON’T need old portals gone and we DON’T need what portals we have consolidated. Orgrimmar is fine and SW needs everything in the mage tower. Not the keep or whatever dumb idea you come up with and, it will be dumb. Mage TOWER. Stormwind mage TOWER.

Now go back to firing your work force and leave the game alone. I can’t believe I had to log into the forums for this.


Farming has pretty much kept me from quitting already.
I like leveling up new characters, but one can only watch the same rerun so many times before thats not entertaining anymore.
Finding new crap to farm has kept me distracted enough to keep playing
If these morons at Blizzard had any sense they’d be ADDING portals instead of removing them so I could get around better.
But if they had brains theyd have removed Pathfinder from old content the second a new expansion came out for the same reason.

funny that they cant figure out that limiting my modes of travel aint gonna make me play more. Its going to tick me off and make me play less or quit.


If you decide to play FFXIV, make sure to get a Recruit a Friend code and enter it into your account prior to paying for your first month of sub time or using a game time card. So enter it while you’re on your month free playtime that you get for buying the base game, A Realm Reborn.

That way, you’ll be given some items to help you level faster and also travel for free. I’ve saved thousands of gil/gold by using the tickets that you get. (You also get an item to level faster if you pre-order the next expansion, and all experience bonuses stack, just fyi. They’re not capped at 50% like WoW is now.)

Anyone not playing on a free trial can give you a code - there is a subreddit dedicated to people posting their codes - but if you’d like to use one of mine, it would be: ZC93M5HT

Let me know if I can try to help with anything. Have fun! (Former WoW hunter for almost 12 years and now a Summoner in FFXIV and loving it. SMN is most similar to an aff warlock.)

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Chiming in too.
Blizzard, your gameword is too big now to not have ways of getting around that don’t waste players time.
This isn’t Vanilla, we don’t want to sit on a bloody boat dock for 10 minutes just to get to old content we have already done the work for.
Messing with basic ways people play the game just because some bloke feels “the world is too small now” and wishes it was 2004 again is ridiculous.

Seriously Bliz, how can you go from Legion to so out of touch with your playerbase is such a short period of time?


Yeah, but truthfully it’s not even like everyone is asking for every portal available to mages. The portals in Shrine were perfect.


It’s not ridiculous at all. I like how I can port instantly from one side of the world to the other in ESO for a small fee. I can generally get to my destination within a minute or two from anywhere because of the number of wayshrines out in the world. I spend more time logged into ESO these days because I can quickly and easily get to where I need to go and spend more time actually doing the content I want to do instead of wasting lots of time simply trying to reach my destination.

One important note is that no travel options have been removed in ESO (which is more significant than Blizzard realizes).

Hey BLIZZARD…watch this.

HEY PLAYERS…who here QUIT or tossed a FIT when they relaxed the requirements for Northrend and Pandaria flight?
Who screamed and ranted for days on end over it?
Anyone? No one?

See that, Blizzard?
Check your own data.
NO ONE quit when you RELAXED the restrictions and made travel EASIER for those two expansions.

Yet here we are with you REMOVING portals and making travel LESS convenient and players ARE complaining.

See how that works, Blizzard?
Pointlessly, sadistically take stuff we like and use out of the game and you agitate paying customers for NO good reason.
Make changes that DO benefit your player base and at the very least they dont scream at you


This thread could use a list of things Blizzard took out of the game that literally nobody was talking about.
I’ll start

  • Exp Potions
  • Flight at max level
  • Legendary quest lines that tied into the main story for two expansions
  • PvP Vendors
  • Badge/Valor system

I’m sure other can add to this list, but given this upcoming portal change it feels extremely relevant.


If the content is more than 1 or 2 expansions old there’s no reason for it not to be convenient. Making it less so just makes it more likely that people won’t go back and use that old content because the convenience is one of the things that helps make it appealing (this is a problem with full scaling everything. If everything is always difficult then for a lot of people it’s not worth going back and doing if they missed it).

Unless there is a technical reason for removing convenience/QoL improvements from older expansions (zone is completely destroyed/reworked, game features themselves are completely overhauled, etc), removing these from prior expansions does far more harm than good.


And having them all in one spot, means they can phase and/or level lock everything so you can only use portals that they deem you worthy of.

Behold Ion’s iron fist and weep. Are you not having fun!?!


There are two raids, multiple dungeons, and a entire faction that is located completely in the CoT. If someone is working on doing that content they now have to fly across 1 and a half zones instead of porting directly to it.


The problem is Blizzard is like my ex wifes mother. She aint listening until shes ticked you off and voices are raised.
Blizzard doesnt care if we squawk at them in here or elsewhere.
They dont CARE about our input.
They only care when we toss fits and either threaten to quit or just quit.
And so thats what they get.


I’m not sure it sunk in until last night when I stumbled on this atrocity via a Reddit thread that Ion basically is Kael’thas and all the devs/CMs are the “Happiness is Mandatory, Citizen!” robots in Silvermoon.


By stating “you can’t have it both ways” you suggest I said he should have an opinion. Now I know you don’t think I’m a couple million people, so you seem to be misguided into thinking I speak for more than myself.

I am not the forum. I am not the masses. Nor is Bornakk. Bornakk, when posting in blue, is an extension of Blizzard. Thus he can not have an opinion. He is an ear-piece for Blizzard, and a mouth-piece for us. While doing work for Blizzard on these forums, he is not player. He is not a customer.


That one isn’t difficult. Just port to Shattrath from Shrine, go to that little bar and ask the female NPC for a port.

It seems obvious you want leveling content to be horrible so everyone will pay for a character boost for all of their shiny new Allied Race alts.

I just leveled a druid through Legion doing only Invasions. While fast, Legion was one of the best expansions in the history of WoW, but you’ve removed much of what made it great in the first place.

Why do that?

If I’ve maxed out all of my level capped toons and want to run old content for mounts/pets/mogs, or just finish Loremaster, why do you have to make that experience as painful as possible?

It feels punitive.

Are there really that many players who are waiting until flying is actually in the game to buy BFA that you feel the need to punish them for it?

It honestly seems as though every decision is viewed through a How Many Players Can We Get To Unsubscribe lens.