Stop removing portals

Does it not bother anyone else that a blizzard employee for World of Warcraft has to ask what content is in the Caverns of Time? If you are unaware of at least one of the raids, or a dungeon, or even the entire faction that is located within the CoT, I have to question your ability to manage this community.

I am also rather annoyed that we’re getting questions around:

  • “What does it hurt to travel a little more?”

Let’s fire right back at that with a simple:

  • What does it hurt to leave it alone?

You had to literally go out of your way to code in the phased portals for each relevant quest, and would take all of a few minutes to do, and to say

  • “We have reverted these changes until we can come up with a better solution for our community! Thank you for your feedback.”

And then all this would instantly go away, adorned with praise and thank you’s and community driven discussion about alternatives (lots of which are already in this thread). You can be better than this.

From your own mission statement:

  1. Every Voice Matters

“Great ideas can come from anywhere. Blizzard Entertainment is what it is today because of the voices of our players and of each member of the company. Every employee is encouraged to speak up, listen, be respectful of other opinions, and embrace criticism as just another avenue for great ideas.”

You have received the overwhelming criticism on this idea, and through it, many great ideas were presented as an alternative that we could all get behind. Don’t just dismiss it and carry on with your own plan, that’s what got you WoD, and frankly the launch state of BfA, too. Now is your time to #8 Learn & Grow.


I’m still baffled by the notion that increasing travel time on a taxi is now to be considered content.


lets hope thats what happens when 8.1.5 does come out and theyre all like " IT was the ptr we were just testing how people would react"

Lets hope :frowning:


Ok so supposedly they are adding a Thunderbluff portal and a Ironforge portal…? Still this hardly makes me excited due to how much we are still losing as far as travel routes. We already can’t fly in current content don’t limit us further in outdated content!

Battle for Azeroth 8.1.5 - Auto Flying patch “isn’t this great content?”

It’s been mentioned already, but there will be a “this is how you keep this portal active all the time list” up and running somewhere before 8.1.5 drops with almost certainty.

That can’t be your intent, to permit such a network by not doing things.


Well this current PTR iteration can’t be the last one, they still have two more /dance animations to implement. Zandalari druid’s Moonkin form and Travel form are currently without, which every other druid’s can do. Granted they broke with norm to make them a reskinned Arakkoa and a Raptor, but that’s on them. :wink:

The irony to this whole thing is in the past development was against people spending more time in flight. Interacting in content was more valuable and spending too much time flying around was bad for the game. Atleast that was the excuse we got for wanting to remove flying.


I remember back in MoP, fighting with a massive amount of player base against the removal of tabards to get rep which gated a lot of things needed for raiding. But after a while, I understood and got used to it.

I even got used to the Pathfinder meta even if it’s worse than getting a root canal.

But this is just plain stupid and I’m seeing only a couple of trolls defending it. If you don’t like the portals, THEN DON’T USE THEM. Stop removing things that we have always had.

This is why I am done now. I can keep shutting up over stupid decisions but now you’re just openly greedy by trying to make game played metrics seems longer just because we’re on a taxi while watching Netflix.

My sub is over on March30. I am going to use and abuse the portals as much as I can. Once they are gone, I will only use dungeon/raid/bg finder and sit in SW until my time runs out. FFVIX is my new home after that. Here’s my suggestion, FIRE ION.


Blizzard, clueless as always.


Which lower level toons may be unable to use.

Actually, it’s you who are being childish, trying to lecture people on what they should find to be fun.

It’s pretty clear that the people who don’t care are mostly unaware that this change is coming. The others never go out into the world, so it makes no difference to them for their own playstyle.

Since you are clearly aware of this, I can only presume you are one of the second group, who plays only a narrow part of the game, and never goes out into the world.


Something equally important I’d like to tack on.
Pitchforks aren’t necessary for the conversation. I get it, it’s frustrating, and with it being so close to live this is very likely going to be ignored.
It’s what happened all throughout Beta, it’s what happened with the messed up AR meshes, it’s what happened with Flying.

But I’m seeing so many posts either calling for the retirement of this CM, or this Dev to be fired, or how A shouldn’t have been and B should have, and it’s just not helping.
The more posts we have that aren’t actively addressing the issue, the harder it is to see the ones that are, y’know?


I’m still trying to wrap my head around if this is actually a massive issue or not.

to make the world feel alive get rid of sharding you dumb t.w.a.t bring by server communites lol

Take a gander through. Massive is largely (ahue) subjective in this case, but it’ll affect enough people that this thread’s exploded with feedback directed at Borny here.

It’s a huge issue if you spend any consistent time farming old raids and dungeons for pets, mounts or transmorg.


So everybody should pretend to be happy about this change, so they can pretend that it was exactly what we were asking for?

Just as in the opening post, where they tried to tell us that we had been asking for years to have most of our portals removed. They said that. That was a lie.


Since you arent subbed and dont play, this doesnt affect you.

I’m feeling rather grateful for the CM who posted here–especially for the way the posts were worded. It inflamed the community and made them actually notice this issue. Instead of being buried, this thread has taken off and gotten a lot of discussion.