Stop removing portals

Any portal that is being completely removed (CoT, Dalaran Crater, Dragonrest, Kara, Shrines in MoP, Legion Dalaran, etc). These are all portals that are incredibly useful, especially for people who are going back to do older content.

Moving all portals to a single location is fine, but moving half of them and completely removing the rest isn’t.

I’m honestly curious, who was campaigning for this idea or thought that it would be a net benefit?


You realize Shrine portals will be gone with this change, don’t you? LOL.


Thank you Talacocheta. I ran out of likes but I’m tossing you one :wink:
I will use your code. Thanks again. I am excited to play a game where not everything sucks lol.

Funny thing is I get the last laugh no matter what.
I can take all that money I spend on my hobbies every year that this game has gotten a ton of this last 18 months and give it to some game company who isnt bent on irritating me needlessly like Blizzard seems to.
Gets even more demeaning and insulting when they send their shills in here under various user names to try to convince me that I really dont dislike stuff in the game that I dislike. Its just my imagination. As if that crap wont just make me close our accounts here even faster.


can we just take a moment to think, how degenerate must the internal blizz creative process must have become, that they are sitting around the office all day obsessing about how people use the portals in their game. not developing new cool stuff. remember when new cool stuff would get added to the game? feels like its been awhile. where’d all THOSE devs go.

now it seems to be about manipulating people and talking sideways to us to try and convince us its a good idea. is there anyone left at blizz, who still understands how to make a good game people WANT to play, and has the spine to speak up and stop this self-destruction blizz is currently doing?


Aye, unfortunately. Self-feeding cycle with dev>player>dev hostility because of the silence. 100% get why people feel like they’ve gotta scream to actually get their feedback across.

Heck, I’ve been unsubbed since last year because I’ve just been waiting for Zandalari to be released. Removing my access to Dragon Soul could very well make me stay away longer.
I’ve still got a ton of games to finish, anyhow.


Wait. They’re removing the remaining portals in the shrine?!!

You actually have to have a certain rep level to unlock that option, so for people on alts or new players that isn’t a very viable solution. Unless everyone who might want to go to CoT should grind an old rep on every single alt they might want to use, which would be a huge time commitment.


The way things are going since release, it looks like “Battle for Azeroth” is going to be between the players of World of Warcraft and the WoW development team. Players are trying to save Azeroth and the devs are trying to get rid of the players.


Are they removing the other portals too?

yeah…this may be the last straw for me. We’ll see.
If they arent replacing ALL of the portals they took out in this fantasy hub I may seriously consider just quitting and looking into another game.

Here’s the problem with the current approach being implemented. Under the current system you can still get that feeling of a vast, open world by manually riding your mount or taking flight paths to wherever you’re going. You can go through the original means of travel to get that feeling and sense of rewarding. For those who don’t get any joy out of having to take the same, long route of travel I did countless times over for 2+ years, we can take advantage of the fast-travel options that have been added.

Under the system being put in on the PTR, you still get your sense of rewarding travel, but now I don’t get my convenience and have to once again go through the tedious travel paths that I did so many times before. You’re still happy and getting everything you want, but now I don’t get what I want.

I’m sorry but this line of “there’s got to be a happy medium” just seems like a solution searching for a problem, because we already have just that. If you don’t want to use the portals (or fly across everything on a flying mount) in order to make the world feel then there is literally nothing stopping you. If I want to get there as quickly as possible I can also do that. This is literally a happy medium where we can both get there the way we want to. The changes being made do nothing but eliminate options for one side and force us to spend more time doing things your way.

This is literally an example of if it isn’t broken don’t fix it.


This has been coming for some time…and truth be told I am more or less at the end of the line.

What Bornakk, and I thInk the dev team have not seen…or dont see…or wont see (I dont know which it is and quite frankly I DONT CARE anymore since its clear they dont listen to us)

Is this.

This is the underlying issue. This is at the heart if this entire thread

(Forgive the caps bit its necessary)


THAT is what people are angry about.

Has anyone else noticed that the question of WHY this is being done has been dodged or ignored???

Ive asked repeatedly. I ask again.

What is the reasoning behind this removal. WHY are they being removed?? Thats all I want to know.


Why are we nailed to the ground until August?

Why is it that the last three expacs have been a laundry list of what has been removed?

What was the reason that you decided AFTER the patch to revert the Ordos cloak requirement?

Why is it every single time we turn around more is taken out of the game?

Every day we see spells, systems, portals, mechanics, gear, questlines…disappear one by one.

Our characters are a shell of what they were in MOP.

Remember the Old Seer? I do. It was removed. Why?

Spells removed, Why?

The arttfact weapons had a HUGE slew of passives and actives. You removed them and handed us azerite gear that is a hollow shell of what we had.


You took our legendaries from us, ignored the fact they brought much needed functionality into our characters, left us with nothing.


All I am seeing is one by one, what we have and use and enjoy is being removed “because reasons”…and when we ask what those reasons are, silence.

Please stop taking what we have left away.

It is fine as is, it doesnt need fixing.

Please. Leave it alone.


The absolute hysterical part of all this is most of us are LOOKING FOR reasons to want to stay subbed and playing.
And every stinking patch or tuesday Blizzard makes it a crap shoot as to whether some of us are going to keep that hope alive and stay subbed…or if its the last straw and we’re done.

I know how I am. When I get to ‘quit’, Im done. I wont be back. I cant really think of a single thing Ive ever gotten agitated enough to quit that Ive gone back to. Not even video games.
I got a stack of PC games that I have played over the years that at some point they get laid down and dont get played ever again.
We’ll see how long it takes this dev team to get me to that point with WoW.
Which sucks because overall I really like playing in classic content and MoP.


Relax guys, its only 8.1.5


Just wait until you try to take an alt into/through this system. They’re doing this to keep people from using Dal/Shrine as alt ease of use hubs.

Where have all the good devs gone?
And where are all the ports?
Why remove the Shrine and Dal
That made my travel short?

Isn’t there a CM who, upon a read,
Will take our concerns back to Blizz
To give us what we need?

Listen to Feedback!
Listen to Feedback and you’ll make the game right!
It’s got to be read
And it’s got to be heard
For players, the CMs must fight!

Listen to Feedback!
Listen to Feedback and you’ll make the game right!
It’s got to be read
And it’s got to be heard
For players, the CMs must fight!

Somewhere during Cata
You changed the lands I love
Then in WoD you took my wings
So that I couldn’t travel from high above
Whether farming Throne of Thunder
Or the burning sands of Time
It’s gunna take a dev to give me
Back what was once mine!

Listen to Feedback!
Listen to Feedback and you’ll make the game right!
It’s got to be read
And it’s got to be heard
For players, the CMs must fight!

Listen to Feedback!
Listen to Feedback and you’ll make the game right!
It’s got to be read
And it’s got to be heard
For players, the CMs must fight!

Here in the forums where the CMs from above
Meet the players who cry mercy
I could swear there’s someone, somewhere
Watching me
Through the pleas and complaints and the rants
And the forum flood
There’s a dev with fire in his blood

Listen to Feedback!
Listen to Feedback and you’ll make the game right!
It’s got to be read
And it’s got to be heard
For players, the CMs must fight!


You know what’s funny, I was reading through one of the reddit posts about this topic yesterday and came across this comment:

Patch notes:

  • Items which could teleport players have their effects disabled once players are 5 levels over the item’s level requirement.

I had no idea they were joking, so I took it at face value, and it didn’t even surprise me. I didn’t even stop to wonder whether or not it was real, my immediate thought was “Wow. typical.” That makes me sad.


Time-gating? That’s the term you want to use? Do you understand what time-gating even is?

Let me run it by you.

Time-gating is a process in which content is restricted and unlocks over time for everyone, rather than being immediately available. So back in Legion during 7.2, the quest chain for the Broken Shore unlocked week after week. That was time-gating.

Needing to spend a few minutes travelling is not ‘time-gating’.

The worst part is that, half the time they don’t even know. And when they do it’s so heavily micromanaged by systems that it’s a huge mess. For instance:

WOD raids: Not “Legacy” at 110. Even though you can breeze through them, you can’t get raid sized loot lists because reasons.


At 110, your artifact FROM A MORE RECENT XPACK is considered “Legacy” and disabled.

They are not breathing at 1 Blizzard Way. If they are it’s very shallow and via open mouth.


Only the faction capital portal (Org/SW) will remain in Shrine and New Dal. While the portal rooms at the faction capitals will have:

  • Silvermoon / Exodar
  • Shatt
  • Old Dal
  • Jade Forest
  • Ashran
  • Azsuna (for some reason)
  • Daz/Bora

And I think this also includes removing the portals to Hellfire Peninsula and Blasted Lands? Basically, we’re losing far more than we’re gaining.