Stop removing portals

well, except that, as a mage player, it gets annoying enough being bothered in major cities for a port. Not that I dont do it, but I have MY game to play, ya know?
Its not a realistic option. Sometimes there just isnt a mage…or one who will help…or help for free like my portals were.

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Don’t continue to double down on your idiocy. The number of people in this thread is at just 20-1 heist this. Just you and a couple others are distracting from the actual message.

You are free to like whatever you want in the game, you’ve said your opinion now just move along.


Yeah, true, but at least the portals would still exist. At this point, though, I think they’re going to listen to the maybe ten people totally supporting the removal of these portals while ignoring the other hundreds that speak out against it, though, so offering a “partial solution” is all I got.

Truth be told, we know what’s going to happen. Once again they’re going to ignore this and take even more away.

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The more I think about this the more ridiculous it is.

1725ad. We’re all walking or using a ground mount, a horse, camel, donkey, etc.
Was MY world bigger then?

or did MY world get bigger when I could drive a car 60mph and drive from one side of a continent to the other in 48 hours?
Was MY world bigger when I was riding a horse or when I could hop on a 747 and travel to a different land?

Yeah. Im sorry. Removing access, making it even remotely more complicated, doesnt make MY world bigger. Or seem bigger. It just makes it more cumbersome to the point that I just stay at home.


And when that last WoW server is shutting down at some point the guys who made all the wrong decisions can go pick up their bonus checks from the FF14 makers.

Thank you for the response, truly. It helps me better understand each side of the many-faced coin.

You know why they are doing this?

It’s not any of the reasons they will give you. Don’t listen to Blue, Ion, or any other person who is paid for their words.

This is 100% a tactical ploy to get people used to classic WoW. They know they are end of life on the current version. They haven’t really given players anything in the past three expansions.

But if they get you used to ground travel, using portals, you might as well play classic.

As soon as you get used to playing classic, you’ll stop complaining about things they have screwed up in the regular game.

Mark my words I am usually right.

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This. Someone finally said it. People are way too impatient and feel like they’re ENTITLED to get what they want RIGHT NOW. This attitude right here, is what’s killing the game. The problem on Blizzard’s side is that they’re currently catering to people with that mindset. You barely have to make an effort to get raid-grade gear now and people are STILL complaining that stuff takes too long! Do you know how long it took to even clear a dungeon back then? Now, you can steamroll your way through them with barely any thoughts or brain imputs put into them!

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I didnt play this game way back when for a reason.
I wont play classic, so IF thats their plan I’ll be unsubbing the second I feel forced to play classic.
IF they have brains they’ll stop irritating retail wow players and get those classic servers up and running and make a lot more paying customers happy.

I got my money on ‘not’.

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Like blizzard feels ENTITLED to MY MONEY while cranking out CRAP content that is SO bad that I cant stand 30 minutes in BfA and have to go back to pandaria to bleach the BfA stain out of my brain?
THAT kind of entitled?

Sorry but we are asking for crap that is ALREADY IN THE GAME THAT BLIZZARD PUT THERE to be LEFT there.
Go buy a Websters. That AINT the definition of entitled.
Demanding MY money while actively agitating me would be entitled.


I love it when somebody with <4000 achievement points and <10 forum posts pontificates on what is wrong with the game.


You know how when a grocery store rearranges items for no other reason than to make you get lost and look at things you don’t need in the hopes you’ll buy it?

But instead you’re annoyed because now your grocery trip takes longer and you can’t find what you came for so you go home without it instead?

That’s what these feels like.


I fixed the obvious typo that everyone missed. C’mon, guys.


I love it when somebody compares themselves to me in order to prove a meaningless point that has nothing to do with the current conversation. Next.

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Oh yeah. Ive literally walked out of the store over that without buying anything and drove 3 miles down the road to a store here that doesnt ever move stuff around.
I make sure to tell the staff before I leave that Im not playing their game that I know is just to get me to buy more crap.

They keep telling us we’re the only ones who think there is too much convenience in modern WoW, then then tell us to ‘sit down and shut up’ just like this…

Funny how whenever someone like you shows up, they just hurl the label “troll” at you as well. Its the same people posting about it over and over again at that as well.

8.15 Portalgate

Which side of history do you wish to be on.



And people used to have to wait 30 minutes for a taxi that they called from a landline but can now just press a button on a phone in their pocket and an uber will be there in 3 minutes. People used to have to go to a library or bookstore to get an answer to some obscure question they had about a random thing, but can now google it and have the answer in seconds. The world has become more convenient, so why should people not expect convenience to also be in their hobbies?

Now i would agree that certain aspects of the game have gotten too out of hand with instant gratification, such as gear progression. But were talking about travel time from a to b. There is no challenge in it. There is no entertainment in it. So why not make it as fast as possible?


Because “muh classic”

That there is sign of terrible game design, making a system that encourages you to do something else while your logged in, instead of playing the game. This is even more so when we know they have the means to do a more efficient system of get close to x destination, but are actively removing it for no good reason.

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