Stop removing portals

my problem is it’s people exactly like this who have turned the game into the crap it is today. the crap that people literally complain about every single day on these forums. and yet they don’t even realize they did this to themselves.

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that’s fine while you waddle in the filth you have made retail to be.

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I get around the whole game every day.
My game is mostly about farming of all sorts…mogs and mats from everywhere.
Removal portals absolutely affects me and MY game since TRAVEL time is the ONE thing that will affect my time spent.
If I were running quests in BFA all day, sure…doesnt affect me much.
But someone from blizzard could easily attest from my logs that I DONT play that way.
I enjoy farming in a number of areas on any given day, so my travel time being increased will only annoy me to the point of possibly just not playing.
Sure worked a few days ago. I had intended on farming all day and instead got irritated about missing portals and maybe played an hour instead
Great job blizzard. Working as intended.

I do dailies on almost every continent, including heroic dungeons for rep farming because this character didn’t exist for the old content and having all available reps on this character is a pet project of mine. if it drops a mount I run it, if it gives rep I need I run it, a daily quest hub I clear it. travelling takes time, and even as is I only have quick access to a portal every so often. On a daily basis, I go to storm peaks for my daily to try to get the polar bear mount, then over to sholazar for frenzyheart thankfully I’ve finished up Kalu’ak the other day so that saves me the trip to howling fjord dragonblight and borean tundra every day. then on Tuesdays add the raids I still need mog from, then I go to Pandaria and do all my dailies there, that’s a handful in each zone, then Outlands for ogri’la and netherwing neither of which have very quick access as is, and until recently this included running each cata dungeon with a tabard on for rep. Then to add on the once weekly stuff, Throne of Thunder for rep, over to timeless isle for black prince rep, I’ll finish Hydraxian this week finally so wont need to run to MC anymore unless I decide I want the mace.

The world is huge, and for a character that was only created during the Legion Prepatch there is years worth of content for me to do daily. I started farming reps before they made the achievements account wide so I put in the effort to get each rep I can still do on this guy and plan to see it though.

Removing portals benefits absolutely nobody, but for me it ruins the part of the game that keeps me paying every month.


I use both CoT portals (Legion-Dal and Northrend-Dal) depending on the character I’m playing. However, I could adjust to only having the ports in Legion-Dal. Or, if the devs really want all ports in the same place, make sure the portal rooms in Org and SW have all the currently available portals.

how many toons did you do it on?

Trolling aside you don’t look at the point and try to change the argument by nitpicking response. Play classic and don’t worry about how others want to play the game.


Unimaginative, no talent writers is what ruined this game.
It had nothing to do with me sitting here at my keyboard.
BLZZARD ruined their game, not the player base who keeps telling them to STOP ruining it

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Nope, that’s called being lazy.

you want to know why i want to play classic? because it’s literally all i have left to me.
everything i used to enjoy about this game has been stripped away. by people exactly like the ones here crying about 2 minutes. now. now. now.

think about this. this game is (or was) an mmorpg. a game in a genre that used to be about time commitment to earn rewards. and we got people complaining about just a few minutes.
its people like this who have stripped the soul out of wow.

no, blizzard gave people what they asked for. and in doing so they have turned this game into what it is.

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Thats a lack of willpower then and not a lack of immersion. Removing convenience and being forced out into the world does not make the world more immersive. More content in the world does that.

Ill use Red Dead 2 as an example. On my first playthrough I rode my horse everywhere and never used the fast travel systems, because there was random little events that I would come across while on the road. I enjoyed those little things that occurred while traveling from a to b and they immersed me into the game world more than any other game I have ever played. Maybe some guy needed help, or a woman was kidnapped or I saw a creature that I hadn’t seen before so I took some time to examine it and hunt it for the challenges. There’s things to do while going from a to b. If those things were not there, I would have fast traveled everywhere.

WoW does not have interesting events happening during travel. You sit on a static tram in the form of some flying creature that takes you to your destination and drops you off. There is nothing immersive about it. It makes me alt tab or go do something else until the ride is over. Even if there was no flight points, there is still not going to be interesting things happening while you travel on foot besides maybe aggroing a mob that you would have rather avoided in order to get to your destination faster.

So as the world of WoW is right now, I would advocate for more portals. Let us get from a to b faster because the journey from a to b has nothing interesting happening along the way. If they were to add actual immersive content while you travel to destinations, then sure. Id be all for removal of portals, but alas, that content just isnt there so there is zero point in wasting time traveling at a slower pace.


Wow…thats not TELLING me how to enjoy MY game at all.
And you wonder why that entitled attitude just makes us even more irritated?

I dont play for YOU, friend,and Im not trying to be EFFICIENT.
Im playing to HAVE FUN!
Increasing my TRAVEL time doesnt make it more FUN. It makes it more IRRITATING.
Easy enough?


Let’s apply this concept to real life, you start out crawling, then walking your content irl is limited to where you can walk, you later get a bike you can ride down the street or to the park with your best friend, your world is expanded once again. You reach legal driving age you get a car, suddenly you can drive all over town, out in the country, or to a nearby city, or even the next state, your world once again expands because your ability to go places faster has made the world a bigger place.
Also flying adds more content irl, you can’t drive to Hawaii for example.
More means of travel expands the world, you take these away, you are limited to walking distance.
The world has once again shrunk to a little more than it was when you were a child.
I’m really starting to think Blizzard is trying to turn this into a console or phone game.


You can travel that 5 minutes if you so desire. Let us take the faster route to the content we do like to do.


Wow. Just… wow. I had no idea you would remove 16 portals from the game by adding a portal room… I had no idea you would access to five unique portal locations. I just resubscribed today and cancelled after I read this.

Congratulations on adding a cancellation survey back again. It makes it almost seem like you care.


Funny how blizzard does the exact opposite of what they should do IF their goals are as they CLAIM (they arent, as we can all see for ourselves).
To make the world BIGGER, giving me MORE access so I can more easily go MORE places in the world would make it bigger.

As it is removing portals will have one effect…I just wont go to those places anymore…effectively making my world SMALLER, not bigger.


I really, really don’t like this idea of removing “old” portals.

Portals are, in some ways, a reward for your character’s increasing power, access, and role in the world. A lvl 1 player doesn’t (typically) have access to Dalaran, Dazar’alor, the Shrine of Two Moons. As the story takes them deeper into the game world, they find (and earn) new ways of moving around that world. From walking to riding to flying, and also from hoping out of the dust and pigs of Razor Hill to hanging out in a flying magical city.

Knowing how to navigate (and unlock) portals is part of the game. Knowing that there is a rep-unlock to take you to the Caverns of Time from Shattrath is an “easter egg” granted by experience with the game world.

For me, it doesn’t make any sense to remove the galleries of portals. I like the idea of a portal room, sure, but in my view, that room is going to struggle next expansion when a new portal destination is added, anyway. Having nodes or nexuses of travel - and knowing how to navigate them - doesn’t take away from the game. It makes the game more accessible.


Blizzard: “do you guys not have flying mounts ?”


If you guys care so much about mages being relevant again, why not add the portals you’re taking away to the mage toolkit? Yeah, some would be annoyed still. But at least they’d actually be there. Like I said, having to beg a mage for a port is annoying but its better than nothing, I guess.