Stop removing portals

I worked in a grocery store and that was the first time I learned that was the reason behind them randomly moving things around. As soon as my local store added the ability to order groceries for delivery, between that and Amazon, now I never have to step inside and play those games.

Sure saves me a lot of time to be able to just order what I want/need and have it delivered to my door instead of having to get ready, drive to the store, rummage the aisles that have been changed, go to check out, and get asked a million questions…

Like a reverse portal, but IRL! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


a good reason to them is :

“hey look stockholders, wow has a lot more playtime now”


The point of making these portal changes is to improve getting to places…Not making it more difficult… The least thing you need right now is more bad publicity and ppl debating whether this is yet another activision time consuming gap feature in BFA. Stop pissing your fanbase off with things like this that make no sense. That’s like working in a facility for years and all of a sudden they make the place bigger and completely change where we worked miles far off from where we worked FOR NO REASON.
employee: Now we take 3 times as long to get to our work place…
manager : think about the journey guys.

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Nothing should be removed,
it doesn’t add jack sh*t to the game
it doesn’t make the world feel bigger at this point.
You just piss the remaining people that play this game off.
I am tired of them so blatantly doing things to waste peoples time.
You lose more people with things you take away then with the things your adding. WAKE THE F UP


I mean think about, 6 minutes more in a game time session flying from point a to point b, multiply that by however many people are doing stuff, less than 1 million people? 150,000 players that day x 6 minutes = 900,000 minutes that day. multiply that by 365 days, thats 320 million minutes played that year.

“hey stockholders, wow was played 320 million extra minutes last year. in money, we made 22.4 million dollars.”


IF…and I say IF…that is true then ALL…every single one…of the missing portals will be in this mythical hub.
If they arent,then sorry, it AINT about improving getting places.

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Add the portal room, leave every portal working that is or has existed. Let players decide if they want to use them or not. Thats all.


Oh. I’m not comparing myself to you, don’t kid yourself.

I’m merely saying that over 14 years things build up, and judging by what you have done you don’t know enough of that history to opine about it.

Did you work on things to have them taken away? Have you enjoyed yourself enough to spend thousands of dollars to be told ‘you think you do, but you don’t’?

The people who are developing this game are like scorned lovers. At some point you have to ask yourself ‘why do I continue’. Over the past 3 expansions people on the forums have been telling blizzard that the decisions they are making are bad for the game.

They continue to do bad things and people continue to leave. And as always there is a really small group of people who act as if the players are wholly wrong. The players aren’t wholly wrong, they care more about the game than the people working on it.

Want to know why? Because they are interested in a singular goal. Having fun.

Is actually the first mission statement at blizzard, if you cared to know. And when they focused on that they made much better games.

But the people who quit now don’t just quit WoW. More and more of them are quitting all of blizzards games. As evidenced in their quarterly reports. Some of us are actually concerned about this company we have spent more than 20 years with.


I recall when there were no portals. It wasn’t fun, didn’t make the world better for me. Getting to many places in the old world you could go make lunch and take a nap while in flight. I don’t see how that adds anything to the game at all.


Make boats relevant again!!

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One walk across the barrens while leveling a new character makes me cringe. I know I’d have hated classic just being out there.

I enjoy how you still think YOUR opinion matters.

You work for Blizzard. On this forum, your opinion does not. On your personal twitter? It matters. If you can post here incognito on one of your own toons? It matters. When you’re in blue? It does not matter.

Your opinion should not in any way sway how you approach an issue brought forth by the community. It should in no way be used to create an argument in favor of Blizzard. You are supposed to be completely non-biased here. And believe it or not, you can ask others’ opinions without expressing your own OR comparing them to your own.

And seriously? You want to close with that after you once again reiterate your opinion? I am emphatically questioning your mental capacity and functionality. And to be clear: Yes, that IS the nicest I can ask the four word question you think it is.


This, this, and more this. All of this.

That ship sailed when you gave Mages Bloodlust. Don’t get on your damn non-homogenization high horse now.


The reason why WoW feels like a small world is because all relevant content gets pushed to new zones each xpac with the others relegated to completionists and levelers. Compounded with these new zones being relatively small and not having much replay value in them except for 4 daily WQ and the occasional invasion.


The portals that are being removed (specifically the ones that don’t send players to capital cities) made the world feel far more accessible. Yes, they were added as a convenience, but over the years as the world has grown & content has been added, they are honestly a much needed convenience. For those who enjoy revisiting old content, the portals make it manageable. We have more continents to explore than ever before, several expacs worth of farmable content, & being able to get around reasonably quickly makes all of that more accessible and enjoyable. Far from making the world seem bigger, removing these non-capital-city portal destinations will only serve to discourage people from revisiting old content.


I’ve talked a lot about logical reasons, but now I’m going to talk about a personal and emotional one.

Before my husband and I got married, we were in a guild with someone who played a mage. He was kind of quirky, but we got along well enough.

One day, we asked him if he wouldn’t mind giving us a portal to the Shrine so we could set our hearths (we were too low level to get there) and he said sure and gave us a portal.

No biggie, right?

Except that was literally the last thing he did or said to anyone, was to give us our portals. He shot and killed himself 30 minutes later in the bathroom. Out of respect to him, my husband and I never changed our hearthstones on those characters from the Shrine and never felt we needed to, since it remained so useful, despite how many years have passed.

I know that’s not a usual story, but things like that, or meeting my husband at the first Darkmoon Faire and more - those are memories I value and appreciate, and you’re not going to replicate them by taking away convenience and forcing me to hoof it somewhere so I can farm a decade old raid for the upteenth time.


I think your assertion that portals make the world feel smaller is inherently wrong. I’ve played WoW for almost 10 years, which means I know the various paths and strings of portals to take to get from where I am to where I want to go.

This shows my experience exploring the world, and reminds me how big it is as I teleport through various capital cities that I remember hanging out in during old expansions. It serves as a nostalgic reminder to previous adventures I’ve had in the game.

If you take away portals, that’s going to be replaced be me paying a flightmaster 40 silver and going off to take a piss.

Which of those makes the world sound bigger to you, Bornakk?


To quote another guildie:

“Do you guys not have mages?”

Blizzard in 2019… outta touch with the players.


Stop, feeling alive?? Just like the Kool-Aid you’ve forced on people with Pathfinder and you’re horrid ground mount simulator.