Stop removing portals

oh no guys. i have to travel 5 minutes instead of 3 to go farm this dungeon/raid/etc for collections purposes.

the modern wow community is throwing a fit over MINUTES. think about that.

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That’s fine. That’s your opinion. I just happen to disagree with it. I think less portals is good in an MMO. It doesn’t fix the fact that there isn’t enough to do in the old zones, but it’s the right decision IMO. Note: opinion =/= fact.

I spend more time in the old world than new because there is more content in the old world than new, I spend over an hour traveling around as it is to do my dailies, and these changes add at least another hour. Your ignorance is showing.


no they are throwing a fit because blizz is removing stuff , when there are more important things to focus on. and they are serving the massive removal and minimal replacement as “content”


Exactly! Preach it, brother.


  • No, we have the jokers who cant write and arent creative at blizzard to thank for BfA
  • I dont have the xmog before now because I didnt start playing the game until late in Legion. yeah…I know…new players might want to get mogs from old content. Imagine that :roll_eyes:
  • NOT a reasonable, logical argument for removing what DIDNT NEED to be remove, no matter how badly some want the argument to work, it doesnt

Not minutes, literally over an HOUR of time to do the same stuff I currently do every day. an hour because they didn’t want to design a bigger room.


Hmm that travel strategy requires a portal…totally breaks immersion. Anyway, the portal room seems cool, but as others have said, there is no reason to remove other portals. If you dont want to use portals dont use them, its that easy. Being mad other people are using them is petty.


“Hah guys, look at me, I played classic, now I want everyone to play in my style or they’re just whining and complaining.”

Newsflash: You don’t have to use those portals at all. You can ignore them. It really is that simple. There’s no need to take them away. This isn’t people “pitching a fit over nothing”. It’s, once again, they’re taking away things that made the game more fun for some people. And, if the classic obsessed-person agrees? Cool. Go play classic. Stop trying to ruin retail with your “but mah nostalgia” nonsense.


you are not everyone. just because YOU spend more time in the old world does not mean that applies to the mass majority.

the point is that the majority this doesn’t effect at all, the people it does effect it adds a lot of time. another person indifference doesn’t negate the concerns of the people it effects.

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I just don’t see how anyone can be for the removal of convenience. Especially totally optional convenience such as portals. Does that fact that others can move around the world at their pace ruin your immersion? Because you can totally choose to not use any portals in the game. Removing player choice from an rpg does not make it more immersive.


I am personally fine with 1 Caverns of Time potal being removed as it doesn’t need to be there. But even in old dala now on the ptr going into the violet citadel (or whatever its called) where the caverns of time port used to be its just looks so blank and ugly. Let alone the convenience it had. Adding that we have to workaround not just 1 but 2 portals that go to the exact same place will be nothing but a hassle and will be very frustrating as theres nothing rewarding about flying to Caverns vs ANY OTHER PORTAL removed. Very much of an overkill. I would keep ONE blizz. At the place its been for YEARS (old dalaran) But I personally don’t care where.

how long do you think it actually took them to make the portal room? the lack of content is because this is the way you modern crowd have asked for stuff to be. you didn’t like having to do old content to see new, so blizzard implemented catch up mechanics and the like.
you didn’t like the idea of removing flight, which limited the world, and inhibited world pvp, so they put in pathfinder.
you didn’t like
you didn’t like
you didn’t like
until were at BFA and the game is the crap you made it.


It’s silly not to have a portal to the Caverns of Time, when that place only exists for the expansions. Would make more sense to extract CoT and make it a place you can only portal to, like Darkmoon Island.

Next blizzard decision: “Guys, let’s remove their Garrison & Dalaran hearthstones. Make them grey. They never use those anyway, right? They’ll enjoy taking a flightpath and tabbing while they wait an unneeded amount of time to get where they want to go, because some players like controlling what others do.”


how does it take you an hour to get there? go ahead. name one spot it takes you over an hour to get too.

i’m not mad at them being upset over there removal. there is a difference between “i don’t like this” and throwing a complete fit over something that adds maybe 2-3 minutes of travel.

please think. when you add up all the time spent flying during a gaming session. it adds up. are you a troll?


Amazing how so many on here are worried about how others want to play. If you don’t like convenance and want to spend more time doing things that take longer you have that option, quit worrying about the ones that want to keep the convenance that has been in game for years!