Stop removing portals

No this is moronic and a slap in the face. Removing all of these portals is a stupid move oh i want to go to run some old instances i’ll use the 1 portal they put to take 5 minutes not like a half hour. * bliizzard says hold my beer let me screw that up for you * I mean why remove so many of them and ha ah cute mages can go fast but screw everyone else i mean caverns of time for example is in the middle of nowhere and killing that what the hell guys

There is no good reason to remove any of the old portals even after creating a portal room.


My issue is they’re suggesting that the world doesn’t feel alive, but they’re literally cutting off the Alliance’s ease of access to half of the Eastern Kingdoms by removing the Dalaran Crater Portal.

It’s a 10-15 minute flight from Stormwind to Hillsbrad/Arathi.

At the very least, they should add the Dalaran Crater Portal to the new Portal Rooms. (Or give us a Portal to Arathi or something) Horde have a portal to Undercity (even if it’s destroyed)

There’s multiple holiday events that send both factions up there. Winter Veil (The Abominable Greench), the Midsummer Fire Festival (Extinguish the Fires), the Lunar Festival (Ancestors), etc. but Alliance always get screwed out of it because our only access up there is the Dalaran Crater Portal.

Which they decided to remove.

They NEED TO RESTORE THE DALARAN CRATER PORTAL, EITHER IN LEGION DALARAN OR IN THE NEW PORTAL ROOMS Preferably in the new portal rooms, so low level Alliance have an easy way to reach northern Eastern Kingdoms, since there’s not only holidays up there, but also low level questing zones.


It’s not even that they’re being removed, but that they’re not adding the same portals to this new room. It’s boldly inconvenient.

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Nice way old areas rarely visited as is even more pointless and dead

Maybe it is different people complaining and running old content.

Or they don’t realize there multiple ways to play the game? I Mean, they have to have Data to show at any given time where a percentage of the players are and what they are doing.

They have to know where we’re spending our time at-- only thing I got is, the ultra casual isn’t as large of a group as I thought they were.

Yeah, I know it makes me sad. I just don’t even think there is a good reason to remove the old ones anyway.

oh lets make mages feel useful by annoying the hell out of everyone else and take out portals not even mages have. that is some really dumb logic

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I am shocked this is confusing to you or you need any information on this. yes all portals, yes in every location, yes everything. So, go tell the devs that those that play the game want portals to major cities and instance areas.


Everything you’ve said is all of the reasons I don’t play anymore after they basically removed flying. I’m more likely to spend more time playing on my alts with flight, farming, doing crafting, etc. Without flight, there’s just my main on the ground, I’m frustrated because getting around is frustrating and takes more time so there’s less I can get done on them in one sitting of playing.

So I just don’t play at all, I play another game that doesn’t make travel take a long time and just lets me play the game without feeling frustrated just trying to get around.

I literally know people who are relatively new to the game who have not gotten pathfinder for WoD or Legion, and therefore are not playing those areas unless someone is around to fly them around because it’s too much of a pain. Their reasoning is: what they are potentially missing is not worth the trouble to endlessly grind outdated content for the privilege of convenience at a later date.

Which is honestly really sad in my opinion, because now you have the mindset of “the game doesn’t exist for me before the current expansion”, and there’s so much fun to be had in the older content! But I can’t blame them either; if someone told me that I had to re-grind pathfinder for WoD tomorrow to be able to fly, I would honestly just not go to any WoD places anymore rather than sink that much time and energy into older content.

Convenience of travel is a BIG DEAL in a game this large and old, and I simply don’t understand the idea that taking things away from us that we have grown accustomed to is in any way helpful or good.


They wouldn’t need to look at their time-spent metric so hard if they had proper communication with players. It’s just becoming more and more obvious what they’re doing.


Once 8.1.5 hits, im going to be making a Zandalari Druid. the Karazhan portal will be most helpful to be getting to Zul’gurub for transmog as well as Karazhan. The Dalaran Crater portal can be used instead of a Undercity one so i can fly to Zul’Aman for transmog as well.

the Wyrmrest temple portal will be useful for getting to Naxx so i can farm leather transmog there as well as a short distance to other WotLK raids for transmog.

And the other portals will be useful for transmog or whatever i may feel like doing on my new druid

The notion isn’t ENTIRELY without merit, it’s just very outdated and no longer applicable due to how society has changed since WoW first came out. My first MMO was Star Wars Galaxies, and in that game shuttles were not always at the shuttleport or starport, sometimes you had to sit around and wait a WHILE before you could fly wherever you wanted to go. It was annoying, but it also made you feel like you were part of a real world, and since I had nothing else to do I would usually use the time to either talk to my guildmates or talk to the other people waiting. But back then I also didn’t have a smartphone because they didn’t exist yet, and my computer would give me the finger if I tried to alt-tab out of a game and browse the internet.

However, as immersive as it was back then it would have the exact opposite effect now, because everyone has a smartphone in their pocket now with PLENTY of things to do on it while waiting, so the immersion is completely lost and any illusion of a larger world disappears. Portals help maintain immersion now because they get you to your destination quickly without long stretches of doing nothing, which keeps you off of your phone and engaged with the game you are playing.


Demanding that we answer the same questions repeatedly about their portals which Bornakk claims not to know which are where is just mind-blowing.


They honestly don’t know there are multiple ways to play the game. The lead developer has one toon. One. They are also primarily Horde players (no, am not claiming bias) so they tend to see things rather myopically.

Since they don’t use the portals in question, they see no need for them. The fact a lot of people use them completely escapes them.



To be constructive, I would honestly not touch the other portal rooms because they make the world bigger.

Everyday I go to New Dalaran because of the hub. Because of that hub, the City of Mages feels eternally relevant. The city still has the same amount of magic it held when I first set foot there in WoTLK (okay, technically different cities mechanically, but you get it).

Same with the Shrine. I don’t go to Pandaria nearly as often as I once did. When the full portals were there, I would explore Pandaria and spend a lot of my free time in the general area, even after it was “no longer current”.

By putting a portal hub in SW, you’ve basically killed that aspect of the game. We already spend most of our loitering time in that city, now we are going to use it as the one and only portal hub? By having multiple portal hubs across the world, players have choice where they can truly call home.

Dalaran is special because of its portals. Same with Shrine. By gutting them and pushing it all into SW, the world itself feels that much smaller. Going across the world will no longer be a daily occurrence. Instead, you’ll just run 100 feet from the AH to the portals.


You just like causing drama with your baseless claims?


For starters I wouldn’t act condescendingly from the start as he did. “Change can throw people off.” Not only is this condescending, as if we can’t handle change, but it also shows exactly who’s side he’s on. Furthermore I wouldn’t present my stance based on an opinion, as he did from the start by mentioning the Mage factor and world dimensions. In his very first post he called people out and made his stance very clear.

I understand Blizzard is going to do what Blizzard is going to do. If I were in his shoes, it is my belief that I understand he is supposed to be our voice to Blizzard. Never mind the fact most of his posts lately have been nothing but praising and defending Blizzard, not addressing our concerns.

To that end, I would ask how the process could be improved while keeping the spirit of this aspect alive. I would ask “which portals do you NOT use? Could you live without X? How about Y?” I sure as h*** wouldn’t ask “what do you use a portal to a content major hub like CoT for?”

His job is (again, to my understanding) compromise. He should be taking our words to the devs and in the mean time attempt a compromise to present to them. So I would ask “If we removed the Legion and MoP portal hub, which portals would be an absolute must-have?” Case in point, CoT. If they leave the alternate ports to CoT in WotLK and Shattrath in game and include a Shattrath portal in the new hub, that nullifies the need for a portal directly to CoT. That is compromise. That makes the world feel bigger because we’re interacting with NPCs and traveling from A to B to C, instead of A to C, and the time factor is a minimal increase.


First off-- I had to look up this word. Curse you for making me expand my horizon this late at night.

I wonder if they have any kind of hard data that suggest how much they are used. Because to be honest, I kinda feel like this is true.

They actually just assume everyone plays the game the same way they do.