Stop removing portals

I appreciate yall trying to make me some money, but no it doesn’t make the world feel “bigger”. It makes it frustrating. It is like Draenor flying. I never unlocked it, which means none of my alts can fly while there. Which means I stick to the zone their garrison is in until I outlevel Draenor and gtfo of there. While I level alts thru other xpacs, I check out different zones for different alts.


At this rate, by then Warcraft will be nothing but mythic plus dungeons, each toon premade and having 3 attacks and one heal, and will be played on your phone.

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Why remove the Kara portal? I use that four times a week trying to get Midnight to drop. Thanks for making that more of a chore, Blizz.


The fact its a hub for various older dungeons and raids for completionists /collectors. Not so much for a Tanaris teleport. Also the portal to vale was very useful as it was central kinda like how Dalaran is for other expansions such as wrath and legion. Jade forest - you get a quest when you start pandaria now to get there, if you’re doing older content you will want to be somewhere else that isn’t going to take 10 years (hopefully you don’t take this literally) to get to.

In what fictional world would it be a good idea to remove the portals in dalaran an shrine. How can blizzard possibly think this is a good idea. This is so incredibly incompetent I’m honestly amazed an really starting to believe this whole play metrics its utterly ridiculous to take away easy ways to get to years old farm content.

How many times is blizzard going to take things away when they should just be adding to it. Stop changing things expand upon them. The portal rooms in dalaran an shrine are a staple of the game removing them is a horrible decision.


In fairness, this doesn’t feel like just a differing opinion. It will affect people negatively, that’s not really a matter of opinion at all since it’s a tangible consequence that it seems like no one, or at least 99% of us, don’t want.

Of course people get upset when it feels like the majority is overruled by the minority. Flying is a different matter, there is a strong base of people that find not having flying to be okay. But removing portals just to get from A to B, that DON’T take away any extra travel time you might have once you get there, feels excessive.

When we take portals, we do still have to travel. It just cuts the travel in half most of the time. What is the point of making travel times longer for people who just want to complete old quests, or do some archaeology? What benefit is there to the player? What benefit is there to the game?

Why on Earth are resources being dedicated to that when there are so many other features of the game that could be fixed instead? That change isn’t a change for anyone on those quests and is a frustrating inconvenience for folks not on those quests who enjoyed using those portals to navigate the world. There’s no logical reason to remove them without relocating them to the portal room except to increase travel times to make it seem like folks are spending more time playing the game when really they’re just spending more time just trying to get to the part of the game they want to play.

Ditto Legion where I believe the portal now takes you to Azuna instead of Dalaran where quite a few of the class halls are, not to mention banks and profession trainers and transmog.

The only logical reason for that kind of change is to increase the amount of time it takes to get to where the player actually wants to be.

Please stop doing this, Blizz. It does not benefit the game or the players one bit.


The less is more attitude Blizzard has adopted is a crying shame…I have played this game longer than most (including the current employees) and the constant gating and inconveniences is a sad attempt to stretch content. You asked another how much more time is added, to some who have limited playtime it can be substantial. Do you really feel making the world feel bigger is a good thing? It would be if it was new content but attempting to rehash old zones. Wasn’t removing flying until it’s basically irrelevant not enough?


CoT houses two raids and I think, six dungeons? All containing transmog, pets, and mounts. There’s a couple of battle pets out there that aren’t up all the time, the Silithid pet that only shows up in a sand storm, and the Infinite whelp. Yeah, there’s a silithid patch against the Crater border, but that would land you A] flying in from Uldum (assuming the Cata portals stay) or B] Flying in from Ratchet as your shortest routes. OR… or! You can hop the CoT portal. I am significantly more likely to play more parts of the game if it’s not impeded by poor travel options.

The more advanced things that come out in gaming, the more I feel like this game is walking backwards with how many features they’re removing.


Whatever you need to tell yourself to justify the poor behavior of said consumers.

And yet you see more responses to individual players via Twitter than the official forums. This is the only place they can communicate with players though, huh?

That is fair, the Developers could do a far better job communicating things for sure. Also be nice if they stopped sneaking things into patches.

Also, again, before anyone jumps on me, I am against the removal of portals! I said as much in my original post here! I am not supporting the removal of portals in any way, shape, or form!

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And when they don’t? Then will you finally learn?

Remember when Blizzard didn’t crusade to remove fun and convenience?


If I didn’t know better I would think you are angling for a bonus.


Ahh, my mistake. Doesn’t change the fact that I’d rather have more choices for navigating the world instead of fewer.

I’m convinced that you MVPs are here to mock and belittle customer feedback in place of actual Blizzard employees.


The devs don’t post in GD because they don’t like the feedback they get?


So once again, the lack of communication from dev/blues is the players/customers fault for not feeling sufficiently blessed when a dev decides to grace us with their presence and attempts to justify another terrible decision that nobody wants.

Yeah, we’re the problem.
What jerks we are.



I believe Mages should have MORE portal options, with an ability to set a custom portal point, like the inn closest to a farming spot and such.

I believe there should be means to reach areas with a bit of quickness, but not Ports which make Mages ports meaningless.

I also believe we should bring back reagents to use certain abilities but that’s another discussion.

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I mentioned this in a thread before and i agree wholeheartedly this can and one day will happen… You will be in a room with a blob with x amount of HP and ofc it will be first person and you will spam your 3 or 4 buttons and it will blow up and you will get a rng piece of loot that may or not be made for your class and then you will get a 7 day lock out you can pay .50 cents to have reduced per hr per payment… and also buy BIS gear… for 19.99

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They’re free to use their moderators to protect themselves from personal attacks.

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…when you can see that Bornakk is actively trying to reply to the thread, but keeps stopping. :stuck_out_tongue: