Stop removing portals

Because gating flight wasn’t inflating the numbers enough.


I agree with you about must having portals to previous expansions like Pandria, Draenor and Broken Isles. Because if we don’t have access to those worlds then we would never be able to fly. Think about that.


I feel like the real problem with the way they’re handling “cutting back” is that they’re taking things we like, but not replacing it with anything. They’re just hoping that we’ll eventually adjust and be happier for it.

It’s like if a restaurant decided that dessert wasn’t really good for you, so they weren’t going to offer it anymore. They’d reason that once people realized the health benefits of not eating dessert they’d appreciate the change.

Except that, as an opt-in service, unhappy people are prone to not going there instead of suffering until equilibrium. Anyone who takes the approach of “it sucks now, but once you get used to it it’s better” needs to have some other system that’s keeping people involved during the sucks part or they’re not going to stick around to the “better” part.

Removing “cool abilities” to make room for new cool abilities makes sense, even if it’s frustrating. When they don’t make new cool abilities, though, and just hope we’ll get comfortable with the new system… well, it doesn’t get better.

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Ok…this is confusing to me. I always went to shrine to get to northrend/old dalaran, will that be there still? If not where is that portal gonna be at? Also, are the boralus portals staying?

Whats it like being out of touch with reality?



It’s not that it’s “difficult”, it’s just pointlessly time consuming. I am less likely to “make the world feel alive!” if it takes me 10 min of just flat out travel to get where I’m going.

Don’t say you want the world to feel alive then make it unenjoyable to get to the world.


Even the person my post was in reply to realized it was sarcasm almost immediately.


They can’t even be bothered to look at my original post speaking out against the removal of portals, too much effort on their part, they just see a green making an absurd statement and go “Oh! Easy target! Lets attack them now!”

To be fair, I understand, I am a bit more fun to target than Bornakk and at least 33%, repeating of course, more sassy :wink:

On a serious note, GD wonder’s why the devs don’t actively with the community anymore? I feel like this thread as a whole, and how quickly it devolved into directly attacking Bornakk and anyone who has a differing opinion on how things should be handled should send a good, strong, message of why that is.


Why don’t they just add one giant portal with an option to choose where you’d like to go with every portal that already exists as an option? In a similar fashion as the engineering toy for Northrend.


Does the world feel bigger? Yes. Do I like it? No, because it’s an arbitrary change no one is asking for. There might be a different response if there was future content planned that takes place in old areas. All people want is a convenient way to get to legacy content. This isn’t even bringing up how outdated the travel system is in the game in comparison to other MMOs like GW2, ESO, or FFXIV. I don’t know… making travel more difficult just for the sake of making the world feel bigger seems super artificial, unwarranted, and most importantly UNNEEDED.

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The raids that are put there are a good reason to start, the fact you need to go to Caverns for the questline involving the Blue Dragon staff from Firelands, the reputations to gain in dungeons like Old Hillsbrad Foothills that, with a new achievement, you need 100 exalted factions so that’s nice to come back to every so often and is a pain in the rear to grind all in one session.

The mounts from Dragon Soul that are still farmed every week for Awake the Drakes and for 12-B. Transmog in those raids because Dragon Soul drop rates on LFR were (perhaps still are) abysmal and took multiple runs to go achieve a set.

Not to mention the Roleplayers–personally I’ve spent hours in caverns with my friends having timeline shenanigan encounters well into the morning, how those locations add scenery and joy, the atmosphere amazing.

So you want to ask why one of the locations you’re making it harder to is desired to not be? That’s the content.


Don’t turn this into a fault of the consumer… Blizzard not actively communicating with the players is exactly why these thread responses happen. There’s nowhere else for people to be heard and it’s frustrating.


I know it’s too late to ask for things, but the Asian MMO style of just letting me teleport to practically anywhere for 10g or something per teleport is preferable to both a myriad of different portal rooms (like we have) and a single stripped-down portal room (which we’re getting).

If you want the world to feel bigger, put more high level content in it and you’ll have me teleporting around all day and even seeing how Feralas looks from the ground for the first time in years.


Not looking to beat a dead cow… but that issue is the result of both sides. Players eager to attack, and developers not saying much. Had they always been open like other Blizzard franchises (hello OW, no toxicity there right?!) from the beginning, players wouldn’t likely attack them when they did post. So yes, players definitely need to tone things down and not make everything personal, but developers also laid down those distanced foundations long ago, which history has judged to have been a poor choice.


Well if Blizzard would stop making ridiculous decisions like this and annoying the players threads like this wouldn’t exist. If they didn’t know this was going to make the players angry then they have no idea about their player base and should probably be werking elsewhere.


i do agree with your post, but this was an issue even before it became toxic. They have even admitted they dont communicate with us in past.


If this is them “communicating” with us, I’d rather have them just ignore us outright.


So the plan is for the portals to show up if you’re on an artifact quest, but not if you’ve finished the quest? You do realize how ridiculous this is, right? What reason is there for the portals to magically vanish for players who aren’t on an artifact quest? You know what this would cause me to do on my future alts when they hit 100? Start an artifact quest and NEVER finish it, so that character retains access to the portals. Does that sound like something you want players to do? Does that sound healthy for the game?

The answer to your first question here is “literally everything in Caverns of Time that people could conceivably want to farm for transmog (Dragon Soul, Battle for Mt. Hyjal, plus all the dungeons).” Both of these raid instances are already obnoxious to farm to begin with (Battle because of how the trash works; Dragon Soul because of Spine of Deathwing). The portal helps make farming them less obnoxious by cutting down on travel time. Removing the portal makes farming them more obnoxious by adding travel time to the farm route.

Getting to other areas isn’t quite as painful. Caverns of Time is already the most out-of-the-way instance hub in the game as it is, and now you’re making it take longer to get there for no discernable reason, which is why it’s the one people keep bringing up. Literally all you have to do is add a Caverns of Time portal to the portal room and people will shut up about it.

How much time do I think this is going to add to my journey? TOO MUCH. Whether the real answer to that question is 2 seconds or 2 hours, the conclusion remains the same. That’s too much travel time to be intentionally adding to anything, let alone outdated content.

The world is already too large as it is. You should not be looking for ways to make it take longer to navigate. Sure, put a swanky new portal room in Orgrimmar and Stormwind, but if you’re going to do that, make sure it also includes all the portals you’re removing from all the other places, like Pandaland shrines and New Dalaran.

Literally all you have to do is, instead of deleting the old portals entirely, move them to the new portal room. That’s it. The sheer fact that you didn’t is what brought out all the fearmongers and conspiracy theorists preaching about “time played metrics” and “blizzerd are out of touch”. They say the developers are out to get us. Just put the old portals in the portal room with the new ones. That’s all you need to do to prove them wrong.


No. There will be an 97% chance of ending up at the raid entrance, 1% chance of ending up in the opposing faction’s capital city, 1% chance of ending up in a different expansion, and 1% chance of ending up in an entirely different game.

RNG mon.

Not disagreeing here. But realize, players aren’t looking at a total picture. They really can’t until they see how this whole thing affects them after it goes live.

I’m more on the suit, lets not give them more ideas… Heck, for all we know, they have been considering this from the get go–

We already have Quest and Achievement worked out for them:


This guy nailed it. The game has consistently been made more and more “convenient” over time and now reverting will cause problems.