Stop removing portals

That’s awfully spiteful.

Many of us genuinely feel that taking things out of the game only to add them back as unlockables is poor form. Do you recall the upset some players had over having to unlock flying? Over abilities being removed and then locked behind the artifact?

It’s a common theme for people to dislike suddenly having an access wall in front of something they see as a basic quality of life feature.

All you’re doing is being spiteful.

“Fine, you don’t like my suggestion? Well then I hope you get nothing! NOTHING!”

Or, alternately:

“Blizzard won’t listen to player advice about what they want? Well, then, screw them. I hope they fail hard!”

It’s just being petty and childish.


Even if you’re just being sarcastic, that feels like a terrible way to handle a discussion like this. It’s bound to look genuine to a great many people and instigate a small breakdown of discussion.


You can’t hide it that well while arguing against “nitpicking”! That’s a faux pas right there.

No of course not. That would be silly.

Everything in this game at max level is repeated content. Repeated travel is simply commuting. There is nothing good about doing more of it.

It doesn’t really matter how much more difficult it is. Making us taking longer to get places than we could before is simply bad. Full stop.



This is the line you/Activision are taking? By removing portals the game feels bigger?
That’s the justification?

You people are so out of touch it’s mind blowing.

On one hand you’re saying you’re creating the new portal rooms as a convenience for players, then on the other, you’re saying that by deliberately inconveniencing players you’re expanding the world.

That isn’t congruent. At all.

I’m not sure why you find this so difficult to grasp but we, the players/customers, do not like it when you arbitrarily remove things from the game.

By all means add new portal rooms if you wish, that’s fine. But sweet Christmas, leave the other portals alone.


Oh no doubt, they started this consolidation after Wrath and I was against it then as well. Doesn’t make any sense to me.

Continuing the discussion from Stop removing portals:

I personally don’t like change, but I especially dislike change if it is something that was perfectly fine the way it was in the first place. If it aint broke, don’t fix it! Removing portals is an example of this.

I can understand what you are saying about how portals make the world feel less large, but the world is already VERY large, so the portals make traveling almost more appealing since I am closer to my destination. If I want to go do an old raid, but have to take a large chunk of time traveling to get there, it makes me less motivated to do so since I want to raid! not to fly there and by the time I get there feel less motivated and don’t finish the raid. If I really wanted to immerse myself in the world of Azeroth, I would not take portals. I think having portals gives the player base more choice.

I dislike having to fly long distances. I dislike having a choice taken away from me. I do not like it.

It is indeed difficult (as in requiring much more effort to accomplish) to travel to places without a portal to bring me closer to my destination. I am all for adding more difficult things to the game, (mage tower for example) but I think this is very unnecessary.
What exactly is wrong with the portals in Legion Dalaran or Shrines in Pandaria? etc.
I don’t think they are doing any harm. I believe they give the player base more choice and make something tedious for most people more worth doing.


“Do you guys not have phones?”


Okay, so, I’ll be leveling my Zandalari troll from 20… get to level 100, start weapon quests, no portals in Legion is VERY inconvenient, not thrown off, not ‘oh your 5 min trip is only 7 now’ (because you are actually making it 35 mins)… This makes leveling new toons very time intensive, well past Heirloom armor/warmode xp buff speeding things up.

This hurts us in more than our wallet, it hurts us in our amount of free time wasted getting our alts from one quest to another (Just leveling in Legion content).

not cool Blizz, not cool.


I should be too but GD-- it feels like every stupid thing they can think up of is turning out to be a dumpster fire.

It’s Okay, I got chu. :rainbow:

Can’t see how as it would funnel everyone into their home servers and cause more lag issues. Hard lag on players with high pops, they’d have to shard the crap out of our home realms since SW/Org aren’t in CRZ.

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I just assume posts like that are sarcastic. Even if I’m wrong, the world seems a lot less pessimistic that way.

It’s just good business. Doesn’t activision have that CEO that made the world’s “most over-paid” list?

Watching YouTube or reading the news on my phone while my character flies in a straight line for several minutes doesn’t make the world feel bigger to me, it makes me feel less immersed.


lets see…if you work less hours and get same pay does that make you as happy as when you worked more and got paid more?

no. you may have more free time, but you also lost a chunk of the $ you need to survive. ( time is limited for everyone be it irl or in a game)

yes, it might seem “larger” (as you will spend more time traveling places) but doesnt mean it IS larger as the world hasnt changed…just QoL removed.

juts like with how Devs made RNG so awful past 2 xpacs…making something “seem like” its beneficial to the player doesnt mean it is actually benefiting the player.

edit: the game is goign further from “hobby” to “job”. Do you know how long it takes to do daily events (typically event ones) or old content by using a FP or manually flying across 7+ characters? ppl do not having an infinite amount of time and increasing the time it takes hurts their time to actually enjoy the game.

(ofc not all are impacted by this but some do only have small timeframes to play due to life)


There was a time when just wandering the world in a MMORG was an adventure.

That time has passed. LONG PASSED.


The only Cata portal I needed to unlock on this character was Vash’jir.

I’ll put this as plainly as possible.

No one asked for this. These are changes that are unwanted. No one wants to be inconvenienced more in a 14 year old game when they’re doing older content. Leave ALL the portals alone.


I feel like addressing Power Creep, Cool Ability Creep, and Convenience Creep in the same expansion just makes this feel like the “cutback expansion”.

Some cutbacks are necessary to combat some form of creep or another, but doing it all within one expansion, especially after the nonstop introduction of cool things in Legion, feels pretty harsh on the people sticking with BfA.


They have to make quality content worth doing it and then understanding that after awhile, it isn’t a new world and its time for new content on the same caliber.

It’s been like for that for awhile.

Why do I have this overwhelming sense of dread that this is why specific portals are being removed to begin with (except for those on the Class Hall quests)? To make the world feel ‘larger’, when in reality, it’s not going to change a bloody thing except add a dash of tedium that will ruin the experience that will come with leveling these two races for the Heritage set?


Except the part were they tried to take flying away also in WoD . I would say traveling because they have made it clear about flying. Regardless a journey that take more time is not immersive just cumbersome.