Stop removing portals

Which is fine and dandy for max level toons. However, I have no doubts the Stormshield Portal will act like the Hellfire Portal, etc. on live, and have a level restriction, so low level toons will still be forced to take the tram to get a quick port to Ironforge.

On top of this, The Greench can be done at a very low level. Expecting low level Alliance alts to fly from Stormwind to Hillsbrad (using the heirloom book) because they removed the Dalaran Crater portal, when previously they could easily just have had a mage port them to New Dalaran prior to the event and set their Hearthstone there for the crater, is not okay.

Again, my main issue is the Alliance no longer have an easy way to the top of Eastern Kingdoms because they removed the Dalaran Crater Portal. Our closest place is Stormwind or Twilight Highlands, both of which are a ~10-15 minute flight away.

And considering there’s one holiday that takes place up there, multiple dungeons up there (including one that drops a mount people farm), etc. that’s not acceptable. Especially when Horde have a portal in Orgrimmar to port up there.

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Most of those portals are “earned” as more than one of them require you be a certain level to even use. That’s all the “earned” that should be required.

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I’m just quoting to be sure this is not lost in the mass of people protesting, 'cause damn I agree with you there.


Man, I wish. I saw once on tumblr years ago, someone took screenshots of Suramar and flipped the colors so they were golds and reds to look like Silvermoon, and I fell in love. I’d kill to see an updated Silvermoon.

God, I saw them. I wish for an updated Silvermoon so much.

Then I take it back. And for the record, no, I don’t spend a lot of time reading every single post everyone has posted. :stuck_out_tongue:

Quality MVP right here.


Yes, but we’ve had portals to those other cities for a long time. Why change things now?

I also vote against consolidating everything to SW/ORG, not sure anyone ever asked for that!

And don’t you forget it :triumph:

He’s being sarcastic. Even I picked up on it.


People have been asking to make other cities relevant for years.
Instead they just keep throwing every new vendor, service, feature, and portal into the two most bland, uninspired, and overused cities this game has ever conceived.


Do say hi to Ythisens for us on your way out won’t you? Oh whats that? You didn’t realize you were on your way out too? tsk. Last to know next to go.


Yeah, as Teiah just said. I most certainly do not want the portals removed… To be honest, I don’t even want to have to “earn” them back but I am open to compromise in a situation like this if the Devs don’t want to flat out just give them back. Thus the whole “A way to unlock/earn them back” part of my statement. Yeah, it would suck, but the point being that no matter what we need these portals back one way or another.

I was simply being snarky in my post, as Teiah pointed out.


It took what? 14 years to determine this?

Your responses are just…I dunno man.

We may be in a sarcasm spiral here… I don’t know how I feel anymore.

FFXIV lets you port everywhere for fee… doesn’t really hurt gameplay IMO. Removing player convenience “just cause” sucks

I’d actually love to know if this was some sort of economic decision based on reducing server load or something…

It certainly doesn’t fit with Ion’s “only metric we care about is fun” claim.

You sound like my 6 yr old daughter… she will ask for something 10 different ways get no for 9 of them and on the 10th one stomp her foot and say she dont want w/e she was asking for… Are you upset someone told you not to ask for something? Will you stomp your foot now?

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enough time that it could be better spent playing other games.


ITT: many people who can’t detect sarcasm