Stop removing portals

They’re right, actually. The world feeling small has been a real problem as of late, and I’m an advocate for pathfinder. However the solution isn’t to make terrain more mountainous and travel less convenient – it’s to make zones larger and more spread out. Zones are too claustrophobic nowadays.

This question is ridiculous. Are you serious? What do you mean what content would folks be doing in CoT? Do you think end game is the only content people should be doing and old content should be ignored? I can’t believe a CM even asked this question…

It’ll add time, doesn’t matter how much. When instead I could have taken a portal and started playing the game but now it’ll add time to my journey going there.

Let me ask you a better question, what kind of content am I doing when I take a flight path and alt tab out to the forums or youtube?


Desolace is a zone like that, wide areas of nothing to make it feel bigger. Do you like desolace?

It was a no needs change with no purpose it will not make the world feel bigger just slower it will not cause a sudden kumbaya community everyone will keep ignoring each other as always since CRZ were brought into the game… and alive at the rate BFA is dropping subs soon itll just be you and Ion playing…


It took till 8.1 to decide hey lets take away convenience? Give me a break are any of your answers sensible? The only purpose of this is to increase Time Played no other reason… i mean you can reach every cata zone except the underwater and underground ones via flying but those portals are still there and in pandaland for for two and 1/4 xpacs after it was fine but now they are not? is the explanation to make mages feel more worthy?




With removing Karazhan, Cavern of Time, and all those? It’s going to be a fricking pain if you forgive my language.


You want the game to feel more alive? Do the opposite. ADD portal rooms, to every city. I’d use Silvermoon more if I could easily get back to Daz, or even Org… without having to take 3 loading screens and a walk.


Please stop suggesting these kinda of things. The portals were there before, we shouldn’t have to “earn” them back. Period.


Ah yes, I remember when IF was the seat of power because of the auction house and the proximity to menethil harbor for Onyxia raids and Thorium Point for MC/BWL. But I’ll leave all that for the folks waiting on Classic,

I’m all for keeping the existing portal infrastructure for sure, and I think putting portal rooms for all the faction capitals would be a nice feature even if they didn’t add new architecture the way they are doing for SW. As it is now, Darnassus and Exodar have portals to each other that came in quite handy during the Love is in the Air holiday.


Removing a handful of portals to very specific locations does not make the game feel bigger, it makes it feel more inconvenient.

Either move the portals, or keep them in their various hubs.

I’m all for having to hoof it places, but we don’t need to make it a hassle to get to places that are already a hassle to get to even with portals to nearby locations.

I’d argue this change makes the world feel smaller. Nobody is going to leisurely visit places like Thunder Bluff if they have to make the journey every time.

Just add the portals back.


That is the same kind of argument that folks that want flying use. Guess how well that has worked?

And the devs wonder why old content is so popular.

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They don’t want the world to feel more alive. They want to waste play time.

“How will spending more time traveling really impact your day?” This is all the proof you need.


That here is an excellent suggestion. Give us reasons to be in the other capitals, THEN I’ll feel like in a larger world! Update Silvermoon with portals (seriously, the city of mages without a portal room?), barber, give transmo in every capitale.


When I read statements like this it kinda makes me not want the portals back now. I was on the side of how this is bad, about how its cruddy that Blizzard is flat out removing these portals, the fact that we need the portals back one way or another and you just can’t help but nitpick?

Nah, I hope none of the portals return now. In fact, part of me wants more portals removed and another tree burnt down >:T

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But they have rooms full of fine silks and hookahs. Does that not make up for it? :thinking:

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Nah, I am one of the “morons” who actually made a post in this thread saying how I wanted the portals back. But its good to know you can only read the last post and make a fool of yourself, good job :slight_smile:

Here, because you can’t be bothered to find my previous post for context, let me do the work for you.

Also this.
I’m sick of Orgrimmar and Stormwind being the only viable hubs because they are the only places that actually have all of the applicable services. The stupid Cataclysm portal circles among many others invalidate every other hub because every other city objectively, measurably, and factually provides less services AND are located in less convenient areas, miles away from even outdated content of interest.

I’m bored of Wrath of the Lich King Saronite Buildings the City and Yet Another Medieval Human Capital Except With Colored Roofs. Let me hang out in Thunder Bluff or Exodar without feeling like I’m sitting in a ghost town that’s miles away from literally anything of use.

“Does it make the world feel bigger” lol.


Compared to how things are currently? Very. If I start to level on of my 110 alts on Alliance and have to go to northern EK for something (say, Silverpine for the holiday dailies, or Hillsbrad for the holiday dailies), then you now have to port to either Isle of QD or TH and fly across 2 or 3 zones to get there instead of just porting to the Crater and you’re now there.

Removing these portals didn’t make the world feel bigger when they did it to Northrend Dal and Shattrath, and it doesn’t do it now. It just makes doing things outside of the current zones more tedious. If I want to go farm SoO (which I’ve been doing on a couple of my alts), instead of just going Dalaran>Shrine>SoO I now go SW/Org>Jade>Fly there. You’ve also now added an extra zone for farming ToT on my shaman. Plus getting to Kara as Horde just more annoying (Blasted Lands>Fly there instead of a direct portal).

If I wanted the world to feel bigger and more alive because fast travel didn’t exist I’d play classic of go back to Everquest. If people want to experience the world then they can stop using their flying mounts and the portals. But don’t remove them for all of the people who actually use them. Stop removing QoL improvements just to make the game feel more alive. Just like not being able to fly to areas that I’ve had to ride a ground mount to over and over doesn’t make the game feel alive, making people sit on a flying mount/FP for 2+ minutes doesn’t do that either. Just makes it more annoying.

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Really, it doesn’t convince anyone. You should remove that comment.

Mages can create portals to the major hub cities across the ‘main’ xpacs (apart from Cata which didn’t open new continents, only areas). A few other areas too, like Stonard for Horde, but that really doesn’t make a fuss. And these major hubs aren’t being removed. We still can go to the factions capital cities throught portals or stones (for Legion Dalaran). So that advantage you hinted mages would gets simple doesn’r exist!

What is really on discussion here are the portals to key areas as Caverns of Time an the lower Legion Dalaran portals. If you want you can check my previous coment on this thread why we should keep them.

But plz, don’t come with this argument on mage’s perks. They won’t be able to open portals to these late areas I mentioned. And also, about the first ones, they keep the advantage of being able to open portals or to teleport from anywhere, while the other ELEVEN classes has to take the portals from a fixed place.

I DO HOPE Blizz would rethink it

Depend; can I get those silks with 2019 graphism too? :stuck_out_tongue: (Not relevant to current topic)