Stop removing portals

I could have sworn this thread had 9K responses yesterday. Looks like A LOT of pruning has been done.

You may be thinking about the other thread on the topic, which is currently at 9.4k.


My bad. Thanks. :slight_smile:

Wow, the people complaining about having to actually travel to places is really, truly and completely pathatic. I’d like to see one portal to Northrend, Pandaria, Boralus/Zuldazar and Outland. We have hearthstones to Dalaran, our garrisons and one free to place at will. Thunder Bluff and Ironforge are literally 2 minute flying rides from the respective capitals. Get a freaking grip people.

I don’t know, with all the extra time on flight paths people have plenty of time to come to the forums to post about it. Pathetic is complaining about people who are upset about something removed from game yet again never asked for, while other bugs and changes frequently requested go unresolved.


I agree.

To me this change to portals hurts the game overall.


Let me get this right:
It is okay to have mission tables at either end of a city for convenience. (Great Seal and Ship in Port)
However it is not okay to have a portal to CoT for convenience?


Not everyone plays max level characters. Some, like my sister, have two accounts full of low-level characters because that’s how they like to play. In her case, she likes to do pet battles, holidays, and the Darkmoon Faire.

Now that it takes longer to get places, she doesn’t have time to play all the characters she wants to play, and that lessens her enjoyment. If she’s not enjoying herself, she logs out and does something else. The more players who stop playing, the less revenue generated. Less revenue = expenditure cuts, which leads to a worse gaming experience.

So, believe it or not, this change will affect even you in the end.


Hey all, for those of you not in the rearranging portals thread, head on over to the Q&A thread and use the search feature to find any “portal” posts. Bump those concerned questions with likes and post your own so others can like them.


the op has 900 “agrees”, do you not think it dosent matter?
we vote by leaving @this point, blizz has gave us no other option
i know i am barely logging in since last few weeks, and i bet im not alone in that…


Did the Portals for main line quests get fixed yet?
There were people saying they weren’t appearing for them?

Checked last night and they were not working, have not checked today. But somehow I doubt it.

EDIT: Ok, so I just checked the portals in Legion Dalaran and they are still not active for any of the quests I have that tell me to use them.


That’s really not good since they did say that they wanted them to be available. One would think they would, at the very least, post an acknowledgement of the issue and are working on it.


Boycott Activision until they listen. The only way Activision will listen is if they lose money.

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tho seeing the f2p weekend PLUS the 30% off sale, i think that shows they already ARE making less money
which imo is good, their greed and catering to shareholders and casuals killed wow :frowning:


That is old content now though. Blizzard ignores bugs with old content for as long as they can.

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From now on, you’ll all have to take the elevator to the third floor and come down the stairs to the 2nd floor. Unless you have an appointment on the 2nd floor… we’ll make sure you can get there directly.

“I have an appointment, where’s the stairs up?”

Oh… we said we WILL get around to that. Some day. Maybe. If we remember. Just go up to the third floor and walk back down like everyone else, eh? Why are you looking at us like that?


I honestly don’t recall, save for holidays, the last time they offered a 30% sale. You know they’re just trying to bolster quarterly profits. That much is obvious.

Oh and the other thread on this topic got locked. Too many people reported trolls. So be careful, a thread can be locked for that as well. Even if the overall thread is positive, too many reported trolls can get a thread locked.


I am willing to bet the other thread just gets deleted so we have no evidence of people upset over this change.


It’ll be up in 24 hours but if it we know who did it by the last sentence.

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