Stop removing portals

all for the sake of “immersion”

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Maybe that should have been thought of BEFORE giving players all these things. I don’t know why You guys have this habit of just taking things out of the game for no reason.

May as well remove all of the non current content dungeons, old stuff right? Heirlooms make things too convenient, may as remove them (although you guys did nerf them to oblivion in 7.3.5).

You guys are against flying, may as well remove it from all the old zones because flying isn’t allowed in the new world.

Seriously, I’m sick of being given things in the game and having them taken away. No wonder this game is bleeding subs. (Mine runs out in 10 days).



or take the Uldum port… or Theramore port… or put your hearth in Tanaris if you need to get there so frequently.

i’m going to bet that half the people who are complaining about this singular location, have engineering on more than half of their characters anyway.

Right now, I’m trying to get the Blazing Drake. Basically, there are a lot of instances down there in the Caverns that a LOT of folks like to farm for various reasons.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but whenever I feel like it’s too much trouble to travel to where I intended to play, I end up logging out and doing something else. I mean, I might do it on one character, but instead of continuing to play with one or more of my many alts, I just get burned out from the traveling.

I honestly don’t think making people give up and log out is “working as intended” is it?


You could…umm…just make the world actually bigger instead of adding things ‘you think’ makes other people feel like the world is bigger?

Is it more important to make the game bigger and bigger or just make people feel like that without actually making anything bigger at all?


This change doesn’t make the world feel bigger, it takes the convenience of actually going out and experiencing the world away and turns it into a chore to get anywhere. This will make people do less old content that they might have otherwise done because it is more of a pain to get anywhere for literally no reason.


You can’t pay or tip otherwise.


A lot of our feedback does. Acting childish like some of the folks in here are isn’t going to get their feedback more noticed, if anything it will get deleted. That’s all I’m saying.

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Only if it’s the steamy romance novel. But man, I remember taking the red eye flight from Ruth’aran or Moonglade or Auberdine all the way from northern Kalimdor to get to the Gadgetzan flight point. Brother, lemme tell you hhhwwwhat …

As it were, right now I can already experience that on my alt going from Vol’dun port flying to Xibala at the bottom of Zuldazar since I haven’t finished the war campaign on that character yet and the Zuldazar port isn’t unlocked yet.

or take the Uldum port

Increased travel time.

or Theramore port

Increased travel time.

… or put your hearth in Tanaris if you need to get there so frequently.

Or leave the portal alone.


Do not remove portals! They are a great way to access old content, to the extent that a lot of old content relies on these portals. Legion Artifact quests and Class Order Hall quests make frequent use of these portals. Karazhan and Caverns of Time portals make a lot of sense thematically and are important to have. Dalaran Crater portal makes sense in the world and is crucial for several holiday events and quests.

The world will feel less alive if you remove these portals because players will be forced to travel through dead zones. With portals, players could instantly travel to where they want to be, and see other players doing the same. The content in an old zone makes the world feel more alive, but if you force players to travel through several zones to get to these content hubs it only serves to remind players of how much of the world lies untouched and unused in nearly a decade.

Please stop treating player convenience as your enemy. Players are not leaving the game because it’s too quick and convenient to travel to all the places they want to be, they’re leaving because of design decisions made by the developers of the game which make the game less fun. This is yet another one of those decisions, and it’s not coming at a good time.

Don’t remove portals.


If the goal is to make the world feel big you should remove all flight points, mounts, movement speed boosting consumables and abilities as well as the ability to run. When people can only slowly walk around, the world(s) will feel absolutely massive for the 4 active subscribers left.

You built the game with portals, that was your decision, not ours. Removing them now will just piss people off. I’m simply floored. With all the massive problems with BfA leading to deep dissatisfaction, this is what you want to do now? You want to “fix” something that isn’t broken to add more tedium to a game with falling subs? Seriously?


Or not remove something that’s been there since the area first became relevant. Quick travel to the Caverns of Time has been there since BC when the first wave of instances launched there.


so say “please” and “thank you” instead.

let’s not pretend people are that desperate for a few g.

and that option is not being removed.
(but apparently people don’t want to play the game in order to access it, even though they’re claiming that they need to go there to do the content which gives the rep…???)

Please, it’s not about “change” it’s about BAD change.

I wrote a very long, passionate, thoughtful message. And deleted it. Because the Devs don’t care. They’d rather waste resources to make the game LESS enjoyable, because they only care about artificially inflating the time it takes to do everything. They don’t give a damn about players. They just care about fooling investors.

Game breaking bugs are still floating around from beta, but Devs have time to remove portals. It would have taken fewer resources to leave the existing portals, or to leave them in addition to the new portal rooms, so please don’t feed us some kind of nonsense about it being to “keep Azeroth alive”. Making the game FUN and making travel CONVENIENT will keep Azeroth alive a hell of a lot better.


There was nobody hanging out in Pandaria hub. Pulling those portals made no sense for me.

Wrath Dalaran I do see people, but, why would anyone choose that over Legion Dalaran? (Also Mining nodes in Wrath don’t respawn fast enough and phasing ruined a lot of nodes, please fix.)


You don’t get out much do you?


How dare you call me a duck?

*Angrily paddles off in a huff, quacking loudly.