Stop removing portals

Well, you kinda will, since this is going live in 11 days.


CoT is the hub of a lot of old content. The kind of old content that a large portion of players spend their time running for tmog and mounts. If a hub like that is removed and it becomes more tedious to get to it removes the incentive to continue to spend time in game. The people who use this hub prefer time efficiency over seeing how big the world is.


This is what I thought they were gonna do when this first was noticed on the PTR. Blizz even touted the portal rooms as being expandable at Blizzcon, so I figured they’d expand them, but no.

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They’ll probably do this in a 8.2 and pat themselves on the back for listening to players.


When there are fewer portals, does the world feel a bit bigger to you?


Do you like that?

also no.

How difficult is it to get to the locations you mentioned without a direct portal (talking to everybody who isn’t a mage here :wink: ) ?

not so much difficult, but annoying enough that it makes me not want to do whatever I was thinking of doing in the first place.


Give them feedback without being d*cks to the messengers.

Okay, I will.

Take all the portals that are being moved and put them ALL in the portal room.

One centralised nexus.

Relocate, not removal.


Please don’t give them any ideas.

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Calling this happening. I view a large amount of outrage (as viewed on this thread) and then them expanding/putting the portals back in.

When your car breaks down and you suddenly have to walk to work, does this suddenly leave you with magical happy feeling about how big and wonderful your walk to work now is?


No, no, it’s all annoying.


They don’t seem to be making this change based on any playstyle.

We’re not getting back any portals. They’re adding portal rooms in Stormwind and Orgrimmar with portals to a select few existing locations and getting rid of any portals that they don’t like for whatever reason.

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As a mage, I don’t mind porting people places, however, rarely am I hanging around Org waiting to port people places. And if for example, I am on the ship at Dazar’alor and someone in Org wants a port, I would have to port back to the great seal, then fly back down to the ship just to get back. Sorry, but unless I’m bored, that isn’t going to happen.

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No… I don’t. Even on my mage, I don’t. I don’t like it. I liked having those portals. I liked working out the best portal paths to take from point A to point B. I especially don’t like it on my alts. Heck, as a mage I especially don’t like it because once again I’m going to be hit up by random people for portals to places they otherwise could have gotten to on their own, because bugging me might be faster than taking the tram or flight points to Ironforge.

And now you have players all over the world annoyed with you… Do you like that? How difficult is it for you to leave things in the game that we like and find useful?


I would add some way to get back to that nexus from the other major hubs, too. Either put one of them in every major city, or at the very least make sure the other major hubs have a portal to that nexus.

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Then why not remove all forms of travel…

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You wanted constructive feedback and there it is.

Watch it get ignored.


Just… no.

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That’ll be next.
Once they’ve done that we will only be able to RP walk.

Who doesn’t want to go back and get revered with the Violet Eye, or Brood of Nozdormu?!


‘A player made it to the portal!’