Stop removing portals

They aren’t fixing BFA bugs, you think they care about old content?

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The world felt better when there was more options to be able to get me to where I wanted to go instead of forcing me to fly over zones I have no interest in. The world feels more tedious when you force me “immerse” my self in it.

I cant think of a more direct way to get to Caverns of Time except for this; Take Cata portal to Uldum, mount up, aim in the direction of CoT, toggle auto run, afk a few minutes as I fly over a few zones, arrive at CoT.

The world didnt feel bigger to me doing that. It was a hindrance and slowed me down from doing what I WANTED TO DO!

I dont feel more immeresed, I dont feel like the world is bigger.

Lets look at the MoP portal location shall we? Why pawdon village? Why not have the portal take you to the Shrine, you know, the main hub of that expansion. Its relatively central to the entire continent. But no, now you have us all the way down in some random village that serves no purpose.

I get it though, a few minutes extra afk travel time really stacks up with your played time metric.

Its win win for you, you get to say “oh at most it adds 3 mins extra travel to you personally” and then you get turn around to the higher ups and say “look, play time across players as a whole has increased by hundreds of hours a day”

You get to have the illusion of people playing longer with out having actually put anything new into the game.

Its a scummy move and its blatantly obvious why you have done it.


One of my favorite things about Final Fantasy XIV is being able to teleport as I please. There’s a small fee associated with it, but it’s so much more convenient (and, by extension, enjoyable). To me personally, it’s never made the world feel small. Eorzea is still huge and has a lot to explore on foot or via flight.

The same goes for flying. I don’t understand why the solution to the world feeling “small” for some people (again, not for me) is “make traveling inconvenient and tedious.”


I’ve got them, I’m good to go. But seriously— this is would be a downright crying shame if they took this idea to heart.

Achievement: The Portal Keeper.

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From the looks of it that post got edited by a mod, but I was trying to say duck, I’m glad you noticed. :duck:

(but apparently people don’t want to play the game in order to access it,

Travel. is. not. gameplay.


The distinction for me is all this does is force people thru stormwind/.org…

There should be a portal from each expansion hub to atleast the main hub of each expansion before.

All this does is require me to port to Capital City before going to, let’s say Northrend. Rather than use the Legion hearth and go to wyrmrest I now have to take partial to .Org and then the portal to, I’m guessing old Dalaran.

It doesn’t make the world feel bigger - it just means more load screens. And being forced into into 1 city as transit hub…

Actually, it makes it feel smaller since my options are limited.


Oh they’re keeping the one in Shat? Okay fine, add a few years to my previous post, doesn’t make a difference.

Quick travel to Caverns of Time with no rep requirement has existed in this game longer than it hasn’t.


The world doesn’t feel bigger to me when there are fewer portals. I just stop going to places that are not convenient. Charm bracelets for 4 faction leaders? No thanks. Ironforge? What’s that? Dalaran? Didn’t that city get turned to dust by Archimonde? Caverns of Time? Where was that again? Shouldn’t it be filled with sand already?

And if the rewards are worth it, the world still doesn’t become bigger? It becomes more distant.
Have to get to northern eastern kingdoms? Time to stretch and get some water while I auto fly there.


The only changes that a werth getting used to is new classes, small adjustments to old classes. New races, new lands, new professions, new stuff all around!

I’m my opinion putting the portals to new location makes the world smaller. Most will all focus to that area were the portal rooms are, and stay there.

Portals should be in every city to every city. Old and new.


The problem is that the CM is being disingenuous. That, to me, is the most frustrating part. He knows exactly what content players do in CoT, and the players know that he already knows. It’s a ridiculous question to be asking, and it just makes him look terrible, and like the TPMs are now being applied to the forums as well as the game. “Here, let’s keep them hashing it out on the forum as long as we can, because in the end, we’re going to do what we set out to do anyway.”

Sure, he’s here to gather feedback from players, but it would be great if he could be forthright about it.


maybe i get out too much… ?

i have many mages, and i don’t get pestered for portals.
…and if someone wants a port, they’re never a “local”.

paying for ports has been obsolete since crz became a thing.

This is so condescending, you should be ashamed of yourself.


I wouldn’t care that much about portals being removed if you gave us the option to turn off the voice chat service for the game. I never use ingame voicechat and all it does is make loading screens take forever. Having to do the portal shuffle to get to wherever I want to go now means 2+ loading screens.

inb4 just buy a SSD

Already have one, voice chat service is the issue.


People aren’t “thrown off”, they’re angry.

And honestly, even from a purely money-driven perspective, why do this? There are two possibilities here:

  1. The playerbase saying "I would like this game if it weren’t for the access to portals for travel. Too much travel convenience makes me not want to log in.


  1. Removing the portals makes me want to quit. This is the final straw.

Which one do you honestly think is more likely? People quitting because there are too many portals or the removal of them?

I guess that’s how I see it. Leaving them as they are now would have made people happy. Removing them makes people unhappy. So why go that route? There’s no benefit in the long or short run and just fuels the “time played as a metric” talk, which at this point I really don’t see how anyone could deny. There’s just too much of this nonsensical stuff. This wasn’t even about game balance or numbers, just something that people enjoyed using as a quality-of-life feature for a game with multiple expansion packs. There’s absolutely no benefit to be gained whatsoever, just harm.


No, it has been obsolete since portals where installed in the game to travel to locations in the game conveniently.


Can we atleast get teleported to an area near the Artifact Quest? Or have the portals associated with an artifact quest, show up for a brief time after we accept the quest? Certain Artifact quests are way out of the way, depending on the faction you choose. Priests have to go to Trisfal, and afk on a long flight point to get there without a portal. Which is a pain for Alliance characters

Whatever the blue says i think they want us to hate the game , not gonna get better thats for sure , maybe they havent fire the right guys


I guess this is the one I should’ve quoted earlier, but my point remains valid.


Every single decision to remove something from the game - be it portals, mage tower skins, mounts from bosses, heirloom functionality, abilities from my toolkit - EVERY SINGLE DECISION has weakened my decision to want to keep playing.