Stop removing portals

It will be almost amusing if they add a Portalfinder achievement just to get back the portals they’re removing.


Not every mage feels that way. Regardless, Bornakk brought up mages as a convenience factor, if he’s going to cite them as an opportunity for us to find a way to get around, there’s not exactly any reason to do so when they don’t get anything out of this but the inconvenience of other players asking for portals.

I have a mage, I don’t mind porting people around, but with a 10 second cast timer, and a required party invite to take the portal, I can see it being pretty damn annoying when I’m playing with friends in a party, or just trying to go about my business.


That argument would only make sense if sharding didn’t exist.

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I just want to add one other thing. Players who previously used the Dalaran portals will now use the Dalaran portal to Stormwind and then the Stormwind portal. If they have traditional disks, this means an extra zone load. Staring for twice as long at a loading screen doesn’t make the world feel larger; it just makes the game feel worse.


Didn’t they have to buff Flight Path speeds at one point because traveling by 310% flying mounts in a straight line and skipping the scenic route was faster?

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When the New York City subway system shuts down a station that you’ve used for years, and does so for arbitrary reasons, does it make New York City feel bigger in a good way?


Stop with the trite sayings and assume you know stuffs about other people’s playstyle. There’s lots to do in BfA - sorry you’re not very creative with your gameplay.

I never said I don’t go to old content - I do lots of old content - just don’t need to use portals to get there. Old Dalaran ring, guild cloaks, Deepholm potions, AT tabard, garrison hearth/shipyard/zone trinket, new Dazar’lor ring, etc. etc.

I use an addon called Autobar which automatically populates a slot with all my individual hearth/port-type toys/items. I rarely go to where the permanent portals are today - just use one of my toys wherever I am.

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Really? Read back over some of these responses and tell me people aren’t being rude to him for no reason. The CMs have nothing to do with the portals being removed, they’re here to gather information from us. This is like treating your server like because your burger was overdone.

You guys wanted more communication from Blizzard, and now you’re proving why we don’t get any. Give them feedback without being to the messengers.


WoW is the ONLY game I play that I need to have a show on or a book/article to read while I’m playing because of how annoying it is to get around the world with stupid flight paths.

No other MMOs have preserved this blatantly time-wasting design. The world feels plenty big in other games that let you instantly teleport around. Stop repeating this nonsense, Blizzard.


What the heck are they taking the ones out of Dalaran for, the much need space for putting potted plants or maybe PVP vendors. Wait no, sure wouldn’t be that.



Take a trip by flight path from Ratchet to Tanaris. Dont forget a novel. By the time you get there you can read half of it.

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Nice slippery slop there bornakk.

Mages LITERALLY have portals at any spot they are standing on. This is not the same as static portals in fixed locations AT ALL.

I personally don’t think it “feels right” that a community manager is so unaware of the game that they can’t make this distinction. heh.


Moving portals in Orgimmar to an actual portal room: Good
Removing old portals: Bad


This. Seriously this.

Long ago, Blizzard understood this. They started fixing the problem way back when they added Auction Houses to places other than Orgrimmar and Stormwind. They realized that content that’s inherently lacking necessary and expected features will be ignored, effectively destroying it terms of use, exposure, and relevance.

This was a WoW Design 101 Lesson. This was a fundamental change that made the game better. Unfortunately, this wisdom has apparently since been lost.

This was an awful decision, and anyone with any experience in this game could have told the developers that.


Every time Bornakk posts, he reminds of of Ron Swanson being a hostile witness from Parks and Rec. He answers every question with stupid question.


Stop bringing facts into this :rage:

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If my server started asking if the overdone burger made the burger feel more filling and why I even needed a burger in the first place I wouldnt be very pleased with him.


That’s your own playstyle. Blizzard shouldn’t make their decisions around every particular playstyles. For whatever reason, they decided to remove some portals to put in back some more.

The simplest solution is to expand on the portal room(s) and reintroduce the caverns of time, karazhan and whatever portals they were ‘removing’. Literally that’s all you need to do to stop the outrage.

I used the portal all the time to farm something from caverns of time and dragon soul/hour of twilight on various characters.