Stop removing portals

To be fair, my own cordiality dips in the gutter after a time, but usually only as a response to what is dished first.

4,400 replies is something, but still only 1/3rd of the high elf thread. So the portal folk have a ways to go here. :slight_smile:

Maybe there are just less collectors than there are people who want high elves, which might explain why Blizzard doesn’t seem to consider collecting as an active endgame goal, it’d explain a lot v.v

funny given your insulting demeanor to those who disagree with you


The difference here is that we’re asking for them to keep travel options that already exist in-game. Not make up an entirely new playable race.


You’re right it is still there to do, but the convenience and fun are seemingly intertwined. Do you think people would do as many dungeons if Blizz removed the LFD system? I don’t think they would, I don’t think a lot of the things we do would still be done as much if the convenience of doing them was reduced.

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Actually the ‘fun’ has been removed.
Farming = quantity except for transmog.
when Im farming MATS I count every second between one zone Im farming and the next.
This reduces the quantity I can farm by making me spend more time traveling instead.
so yes, ‘fun’ has been removed.


I am all about convenience in real life! :smiley:

Too far, no Bueno! I would probably find something else to do at that point.

And we can rest assured that making an new race from scratch is far more work than replacing a little code for some removed portals that have been there over half a decade.


If those portals are being removed due to being obsolete from Legion class hall quests in the past, then by your logic, the Demon Hunter class should also be deleted, as it was only relevant during the lore of the Legion expansion.

But why stop there? Let’s get rid of other classes which were available during previous expansions (such as Death Knight and Monk) but are now obsolete, given the lore and questlines of those expansions.

I think your reasoning is simply fallacious to apply it to something being “obsolete” as a justification for its removal, especially if the idea is to “make the world feel bigger.” If anything, if they want the world to seem larger, then go back to content which is obsolete and make it relevant to the current storylines.

For example, Azerite is everywhere in Azeroth, right? Then why not add WQs in older locations for us to farm AP, gear, gold, and to kill world bosses and rares? That would make the world seem HUGE. But, no, Blizzard thinks removing some portals and forcing players into the Alliance and Horde capitol cities will make Azeroth feel more alive. Yeah. Okay…


Nice to see he’s still spewing nonsense that has nothing to do with this thread. Way to go. :smiley:

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High Elf thread was started October 4th 2018 and hit 4400 responses November 19th of 2018.

This thread was started 5 days ago lol


Yeah, it’s honestly not worth responding to him. He has provided nothing positive to this discussion.


What’s interesting is that people complain about the QoL adds to WoW and how it detracts from the original feel. Those must not be the same people that are upset about Portal changes.

Blizz really is in a difficult situation with their WoW player base.

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I don’t see why they couldn’t just add the portal room, and not take out any of the portals from the other cities.


Funny comment from a reddit poster… :rofl:

They’re hanging motivational posters around the office asking ‘how did you inconvenience the player base today?’.


I’m just gonna say this again on the very-off chance Bornakk, or someone from Blizzard, is still reading this thread:

I honestly believe changes like this impact the safest subscribers Blizzard has the most. Collectors by their nature tend to remain subscribed through expansion lulls simply because if there’s not enough new content to do, they’ll go back and do old content for collections instead, where other players might unsubscribe until the next patch or expansion.

Collectors remain subscribed for the least effective amount of cost on Blizzard’s part. We consume old content far longer than cutting-edge players do.

So things like removing these portals feels like we aren’t be considered in the game’s design, which hurts somewhat since we’re so loyal. We find stuff to do ourselves, and having these portals removed is just creating more busywork for no benefit in doing those things. Between this and the Island collection system I’m starting to think being a collector is something Blizzard actively wants to discourage, and if I give up collecting I’ll have no reason left to play outside of the story.


That certainly isn’t me lol I’m all for QoL changes in retail, when classic comes I’ll be against changes there.

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Got it. For you the fun has been removed, because you will decide not to do that content any more. for me, it hasn’t been removed, it has been made less convenient.

It was removed for me.

the raiders get bored at a point and unsub until more content comes out.
The questing sort do the same.
the players who wont unsub until they own everything in the game is the collectors. Because we arent here just for some new tidbit of content being dropped. We’re here to gather up all that crap that exists all over the game world.
The only players they seriously screwed over here are the ones who are the most devoted to keeping subbed 100% and playing the blasted game.