Stop removing portals

Probably the same thing at the end of the day.
I think I probably just took your point the wrong way.
Been having a migraine for 3 flippin weeks now or so, on and off.
Wish Id known that quitting caffiene cold turkey is a sure way to trigger migraines if one is predisposed to having them.

True, whenever people say “there’s no content” I’m like what are you talking about?! There’s so many pets and mounts and xmog and achievements to farm! Blizz could not release anything for a year and I’d still have plenty to do…unless there’s no convenient way to get there :rofl:


Maybe so!

I hear ya on quitting coffee. I always expect 3 days of headaches. Sorry you are struggling. I found moving to Tea, then getting off of that a little more subtle for some reason.


How are you even asking us why a portal to CoT is necessary? Do you even play this game? Do you not collect transmogs or mounts/pets? There are many of us who do, and that portal is important to us.

Stop taking away our choice to play as we please. Stop herding us into one place.


How many times are you going to just say that term? You said you wanted portals gone because old content is irrelevant. By your own logic that means anything related to old content should be gone. Even summoning portals. You can say this “whataboutism” over and over but it means nothing to me when you’re just deflecting back without any sort of rational answer as to why portals or anything should be arbitrarily taken away.


yeah screw that. Im overdosing on coffee as I type this.
I was only quitting to feel a little more healthy.
If this is healthy, Im going to back to coffee all day long and maybe deep frying everything just for good measure :joy:


I do the same thing… I go off, realize it is just a very convenient beverage that everyone serves… so what’s the point.

As for deep-frying… I have to think ahead on that. Do I want to spend time in the bathroom, that I wouldn’t necessarily have to otherwise? Same with Chick fil A milkshakes… Love those, they don’t love me! :smiley:

I do get a chuckle when the forum gets blasted with the ‘Im bored’ posts.
HOW can you be bored???
This game world is huge and even if you did have all the transmogs and pets and whatever…there is a multitude of mats that can be farmed all day long.

But then I remember that everyone else isnt me and doesnt play the same.

I only stop playing the game hours and hours a day when Blizzard pulls some sadistic crap like this portal change and turns me off to playing entirely.
The game is the same. Its their disregard and utter contempt for their players that makes me hate playing the game at times.


For…as long as people make terrible arguments? :thinking:

I’m all for the pros and cons of portal placement, let’s talk about precedent, ease of travel, convenient farming of old content, and the like. Discuss why you don’t like it, and I’ll freely engage.

The moment someone tries to pull the “hurr durr let’s remove meeting stones, flight, and a whole class”, you can bet your sweet bippy I’ll shut down that fallacy.

I don’t care if the world “feels bigger”. I don’t even know what that’s supposed to mean. That has nothing to do with why I keep playing. I can schedule my own snack and pee breaks, thanks.

Oh well, at least I’m an engineer, so this is less annoying to me than it is to others.

The only person who is making terrible arguments here is you. You have provided no reasons to as to why ANYTHING in game should be taken away for no reason yet you keep spewing this “whataboutism” term like it’s the only thing in the world.

Can you please provide me with a good reason as to why any company should take away a convenience option that has been there for years that was put in game by the company themselves for no reason?


the wife and I quit caffiene pretty much all at once maybe just under 3 weeks ago. I noticed I was having weird visual migraines at night but didnt make the connection till my sister in law said her migraines get worse when she tries to lay off caffiene.
I initially thought she was just joking but I did a ton of reading and sure enough, quitting caffeine increased the blood flow to the brain where it was being restricted, so the change I guess can cause migraines if one is the sort to have migraines to begin with. Normal headaches otherwise, I guess.

hmmm…can you deep fry coffee? :thinking:

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Google says…YES! They look like hush puppies lol. Sorry can’t link, Blizz doesn’t trust me enough yet.

I dont think that word means what he thinks it means :joy:

he cant.
I already asked and he gave me a joke answer.
there is no VALID reason to have removed them.
If they were harming the game somehow, then fine.
But then we have to ask WHY the MoP ones were left there for so long IF that were the case.
They were removed to control the player base. To FORCE us into SW or Org. and to make it more complicated to run over to MoP and farm.


Every time I earn their trust I have another affair and ruin the relationship :disappointed_relieved:
Serves 'em right, though.
Taking my portals was a dirty thing to do.

I know he can’t. In fact, I don’t think anyone can give me a legit answer as to why taking anything out of a game is a good idea. Let’s just say it’s not even about the portals at this point, while I like the portals in the game, it’s about the fact they are taking things away that they themselves put in the game.

Why that’s so hard to understand as to why it angers the player base and that people actually defend it is beyond me. If it was something else I would still be upset. Don’t take away things that you gave players for no reason.


What if they took out the GCD? :stuck_out_tongue: You could be a literal storm of abilities :open_mouth:

I think getting rid of the GCD would create a LOT of problems lol. :smiley:

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…I don’t even know what to say… is it like Blizzard decides to stop the maintenance on WoW but just cannot find a good reason? So BFA is here to troll everyone? I am serious. Did you guys really think anyone, just any of your customer would love this decision? Or this change benefit whole game experience in anyway?? Wasting others’ time is committing crime.