Stop removing portals

why don’t you just stop trying to fix things that aren’t broken.


W T actual F


Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this isn’t classic wow. This is the age of convenience. We all know sub numbers are at an all time low. Stop pissing off the remaining player base that you have left.


I can understand the reasoning behind getting rid of capital city portals in old content hubs. I disagree with it completely, but I understand the argument. What I don’t understand at all is eliminating the more unique, out of the way portals. Caverns of Time in old Dal, for instance. Or the small portal room in the Guardian’s tower in Legion Dal. Those were even used for specific quests, too. Now that lower room is just…going to be empty.

I’m just a lowly player so what do I know, but it seems to me that removing old portals is only good for one thing: increasing play time metrics.

The blues arent necessarily devs though, they are not the one making decisions. But it goes back to what I said. You (as in the forum base, not you personally) keep asking for communications but you never accept the decision unless it’s exactly like you want. Just look at the high elf debate.

Nope, no thanks. Stop removing portals. Add more in. I want to trip over a portal accidentally when I log in. I’m one of those people who has a life outside of the video game, and staring at a drunken flight monster do circles around where I need to land is not my idea of fun. I’ve done all the old content for years. I don’t need to spend more time traveling in it.

Travel time in MMOs is the part I enjoy least about them. I like flying. I like instant teleports ala Ultima Online mark/recall. I like being able to instantly port around the map in Guild Wars 1/2. I like going to do content I want to do when I want to do it, not stupid chores like calculating the most efficient path to get to what I actually want to do for fun. This has only become more important to me with age of both myself and the game – I no longer wish to spend a lot of time traveling.

I’m also one of the folks who enjoys being able to queue things, and think I should be able to queue everything without having to hoof it everywhere. I like that part about rifts and torment levels in Diablo 3 – similar to mythic plus, yet I can just queue it up and go.

If you want people to stop and smell the roses on their path to point B from point A, you have to make that trip interesting. This isn’t like Asheron’s Call, Ultima Online, the old Star Wars Galaxies, etc where the world was living and breathing, and random spawns could pop up that had rewards WORTH me turning off autorun. This is a long trip of a bunch of the same mobs I killed a few hundred of while questing that have next to 0 rewards for time spent.


CoT houses 2 raids (one dropping 3 mounts) as well as several dungeons. Clearly is has worth to collectors to be able to go there.

Pulling out a stopwatch, its about 3 and a half minutes from the hub in zandalar to org to uldum to cot.

That’s ignoring that on live i’d have much longer load screens than PTR between all of those areas.

I’m sure you can ask “what, about 3 minutes, that’s what you’re griping about?”

but that’s per character, and it’s not like i’m doing this for some rp immersion trip to see the sights. No ones making this trip out there for the view.

Ion said back towards the the start of the expansion that one of the main metrics that should be aimed for is fun, this does not make things more funs for the masses.

So, why is this change being made? Is it because of MAU metrics instead?

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This is also a really bad choice. I mean, IF is a Major Hub: Why would you remove that?

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Give us flying back at max level and make it quick. Bigger is not better, it is just slower and more difficult to get around when you have to wait for a boat, maybe figure out where it is to begin with.

If your goal is to make us look on a third site how to get somewhere, then you have already reached your goal.

If your goal is to make us travel slow, then you have reached your goal.

if your goal is to make us frustrated with travel, then you have reached your goal.

Why you have to ask us about travel frustrations either means you are not playing the game or you want the game to be slow.


guess they want the trams full as christmas time.

It’s almost as if Blizzard have done no werk into looking at how removing portals will affect factions. Why doesn’t this surprise me at all.


Ok. Not being nice anymore. You’re trying to be obtuse at this point.

What do you THINK people are doing in CoT? There’s 2 raids, 6 dungeons, and a rep vendor. You’ve played WoW, right? I mean, you’re aware there are instanced areas only reachable by going there, right? That these places hold unique xmog skins and achievements, yes? I’m legitimately asking because I don’t want to believe you’re being dense or stubborn for the sake of being an a**.

Have you tried getting to Tanaris without portals? Again, I’m legitimately asking.
Fastest Alliance route: Stormwind-> Booty Bay -> Ratchet ->fly. Imagine doing that daily if you’re going for Heroic dungeon skins.

Just pass the word along that the portals need to stay as is. Add your fancy new area, but just leave Legion-Dalaran alone. Stop letting removing fun and convince for the sake of removing it.


Just put a magic door in every inn located in hubs that leads to one shared portal hub with all the portals in it.

This doesn’t have to be like recreating the wheel. It’s kinda obvious, this game with each new expansion has more portal needs, expedentially. Just put them in one easily acessable spot and worry about something actually important.

Like class design and actual new content.

It’s not rocket surgery people.


Or, bear with me, you could park your collecting alts in CoT?

Let’s see:

  • Cavern of Time - All the raids there drop mounts and pets
  • Shrine Portal - I like to do the LFRs, now you’re expecting me to fly up from the jade forest to do them
  • Old Dalaran - This portal saves time when doing holiday events up north. It saves a lot of time to jump into that portal when you have multiple alts that need to do the content up north
  • Kara - Raid and Dungeon - If you’re horde it is a pain to have to try and get there when you don’t have a lot of time

You are assuming that people have a ton of time to waste flying places, when in fact, most people probably would rather spend their time doing the content rather than fly to the content. The reason the flight whistle was such a hit was because it saved people time. Isn’t it time Blizzard learned from the community vs making decisions based on what they “think” will make people play more?


Don’t worry - it’s only an oversight that they haven’t removed the artifact quest-lines already. Or perhaps they’re still looking for a tame puppet to ask for their removal - because those quest-lines are unfair and completely spoil the game for them - first.




BFA is already causing people to walk out the door and this WILL be a reason for more to do so.

The portal to IF. How do i get to the new pet battle dungeon now??

“Get a mage to port you”

If there is one online.


I haven’t used those since TBC.

Or, bear with me, they could leave in portals that have existed for years instead of stupidly removing them.


Can we go even one day without them doing something silly to this game? Arbitrarily taking away things we’ve had access to for a while now is beyond absurd. Nothing will change even though 99% of the comments here don’t want this change. Why do we even try? They don’t listen to us.