Stop removing portals

Yes, I did think the world felt bigger when there were fewer portals. But that was back when every aspect of the game felt relevant and interconnected.

The problem is the content that the portals go to has no relevance in terms of being “in the world” anymore. It’s disconnected both from a lore perspective and gameplay perspective.


It just means that with no longer a portal to Kara, I’m going to stop even trying to farm the mount from there. Not worth the travel time.


Take portal to Dalaran then take portal to CoT. So much work.

I’m fine with removing the portals, after playing around with it on the PTR it’s much more efficient to get around (assuming the portal is unlocked) however would it be so bad to INCLUDE the Deadwind Pass portal still seeing as how it’s a dungeon location? I mean it’s no trouble as a Mage but it’s more annoying as another class to have to fly for a while, depending on faction, to get there without that portal.

The portal to CoT is going away in the patch.


Did you not read the post? They are REMOVING all the Dalaran portals except for the Org/SW ones.


that ones being removed though

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Lol you literally missed the entire point of this post.


There’s been quick access to Caverns of Time since BC, when it first became relevant. Stop acting like this is some new QoL feature for whiny millennials.

Also refer to my first post in the thread where I said: “People who like this change will be playing classic in a few months.”


Bornakk posted from the wrong account.


Boi did you even read?

If this is the stance you’re going to take, it’s contradicting to have Silvermoon as a portal then.

As it requires you to Port into UC and then run out of UC to the SM portal Orb in the Ruins topside of UC or take a long flight path. Which ever unless you’re a DK that hasn’t done the DK Legion Class Hall quest that hasn’t reset your DG to the new Ebon Hold.

The choices made are bad choices.

1- Blasted Lands, Hellfire, Jade Forest and Cata portal could remain where they are. There’s no reason to remove them or shift their position.
2- There is no need for an Azsuna portal as we get a New Dal hearthstone and with flight/Flight Path, Azsuna is easy enough to access.
3- Major hubs should be housed in the Portal Room then you have no reason to remove the lesser hubs from New Dal.
4- All major hubs should have portals to all major Hubs.


Take portal to Dalaran then take portal to CoT. So much work.

Read the changes you’re defending. So much work.


I rarely go back to Legion to work on stuff because it’s a pain to go there and I’m still carrying around the Hearth to get me there.

I hear ya. Although I would prefer they don’t bring back the stones you had to buy to do portals. That was just one more thing taking up bag space for no good reason.

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I don’t mind his questions since they appear to be revealing what the developers think when they make these changes. However, they really really need to stop making this game all about travel. Travel in this game is only of value if you haven’t run the routes 100s of times already.

And this portal business doesn’t even bother me, it is just another thing they are doing with their war on this. First flying, then we have to earn basic flight paths, now this. I can only imagine what kind of hellish nonsense they will create next for us - restrict our use of ground mounts ?

The removal the the Dalaran Crater portal is a MASSIVE problem for Alliance.

It was our only portal to the top of the Eastern Kingdoms.

You also removed the portal to Ironforge.

Now our closest portal is STORMWIND. No, the Twilight Highlands is not close due to the location you teleport into.

So for things like the Abominable Greench during Christmas, we’re looking at like a 10-15 minute Flight Path per toon just to get to Hillsbrad or pay a mage a ridiculous price for a port.

Whereas Horde can just port to Undercity.

On top of this, Ironforge and Thunderbluff are both about a 3-5 minute ride away from their other capital. Yes, that may not seem like much, but it’s still incredibly frustrating when we’ve had portals to them for the past 10 years.

I can deal with no port to the caverns of time, cause Uldum isn’t too far away from that. I can even deal without the port to the Pandaria shrine even if I find it stupid.

What I can’t deal with as an alliance player is you removing the Dalaran Crater Portal And to a lesser extent, Ironforge and Thunderbluff.


@Bornakk, THIS is total stupidity, WHY on earth do you all think it’s better to REMOVE the portals and create an even MORE toxic atmosphere than what’s already coming? I can NOT beleive even on my alts to remove the conviences I enjoyed in using them unless I play on my Mages in order to go anywhere.

I’m sorry, but some of your comments comes across as snarky as ever and I just cannot trust you at all at this point. Being open, honest and frank with whats left of the community won’t get you no candles.

I’m really sorry this turned into a short fuse but I just don’t see any reasoning why you even want to put portals behind a gate.


Okay, how then do you suppose we should be engaging with the Blues when they continue making decisions based on flawed, if not dishonest, assumptions about what kind of game they are making?
Or invoke buzz words like “immersion” to justify taking away quality of life tools in the game.
The worst thing Blizz ever did was admit they use the Time-Played metric to judge successful design. It creates a horrifying specter of “they arent doing this for fun, they are doing this to make me spend time” to every single one of their decisions and every single blue post.
It flatly eroded any kind of trust we can have in their statements, and turns what might have been an honest statement or question into something just DRIPPING with smug dishonesty.
“Dont you all have phones?”


This is some silly logic when you consider players playing through legacy content.

I understand removing extraneous portals - okay, not every location needs a portal to every city when there’s now central hubs, fine, whatever.

But what about the locations that the portal hubs don’t have? Dalaran Crater, Karazan, and Dragonblight strike me as particularly harsh ones. Why remove those portals? That causes MASSIVE levels of inconvenience, more than just an extra load screen, those are gigantic time-wasting flights. Why do this to us? Especially to people doing older content, that’s just cruelty.