Stop removing portals

POUNDED THAT NAIL! RIGHT HERE AND NOW, JACKIE!(points if you get the reference)

This is the kind of thing I’ve been talking about. STOP TAKING THE LAZY APPROACH TO GAME DESIGN!

Semper Fi! :us:


I know that the Caverns of Time hasn’t had any updates recently, but there are several dungeons and raids there that drop a lot of items for transmog and even a couple mounts.

But we really shouldn’t have to justify keeping these portals, some of which we’ve had for over a decade. Especially when you’re adding a giant portal room that’s supposed to increase convenience, not decrease it. It just seems like a waste of time to design and implement these portal rooms if you’re going to get rid of most of the locations people use portals to get to.


Semper FI!


The places they’ve taken portals out of the game were in places that still make it convenient for people leveling up. People at max level aren’t even going to notice most of the time that the portals are missing, so it’s not going to keep ‘the world of Azeroth feeling alive’ but leaving them alone just makes it easier for leveling.
Not seeing how taking any of them out was hurting anything.

I know there were portals taken out of past expansions previously and I disagreed with them being removed then also.


Technically, one could still use the dark portal for HFP, should they choose to change the Blasted Lands zone back to pre-WoD era. Portal works to Outland until WoD content is enabled.

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No, and this player hostile line of thinking keeps coming up as an excuse to try and get more time out of players.

Why is WoW one of the few big mmos that continues to try and pull this? FFXIV will let you teleport just about everywhere for a price as long as you’ve been there.

ESO again, once you’ve explored an area, you can visit it again, for free from other wayshrines or for a cost from anywhere.

This tired excuse also flies in the face of the very thing we’re talking about here. This is a centralized portal room, a centralized hub for transportation, if you wanted to make the game feel larger by removing portals, THIS SORT OF THING SHOULDN’T EVEN EXIST.

Stop trying to drag out more playtime from me by making me fly farther, its not fun, it’s not making the world more immersive, it’s just making me consider what a pain in the butt it is to do some things like transmog runs for some raids/dungeons and just want to not do those and go play an entirely different game instead.


In short:

Problems I see with the removal of portals are:

  1. For max-level characters and players that have been playing for a while there is no need to make the world feel bigger, in fact we want the old-content to be smaller.
  2. Remainder that this is not a novel or a sculpture that I’m going to admire passively. Longer flying paths, more waiting for a Zeppelin is time that I’m not playing my character; I’m not engaging with combat or having any other interaction, I’m just waiting.

Recommendation: If your designers are worried that the game feels too small and loading-screen heavy for new customers: gate the portals by levels or provide them like the maps from the Heirlooms vendor. Don’t make my game worse because for your new customers, find a way to satisfy both crowds.

What part?

  1. Moving the portals to a unified location. I can agree, the 3 seconds I’m not paying attention I could see more people entering to the same room.
  2. Removing portals as a means of transportation. When you put me in a vehicle, loading screen or flight-path I tab-out.

It makes it feel bigger for sure and that is the problem, old content is too large for max level characters specially when you have played many years and have multiple toons at max level. It is boringly large.

I can see the value when content is current but I have walked, ran, quested, flown, fought enough in those areas, there sizes has been present in my mind enough I don’t want or need more remainders. I don’t care about how large they were. I want to go and farm thing X as fast as possible.

There is nothing difficulty about it.

Your designers you transformed a 15 seconds loading screen into 1~5 minutes flight. Just ask yourself how happy would you if you had to park 10 away from your current parking lot when you go to work and your Major ask you: Doesn’t your city feel bigger this way? How difficult is to get to your job?


So… they’re not even removing the portals, they’re just hiding them behind phasing?

Please relay that the feedback from this Paladin is that this is a bad idea. This is a very bad idea.

As for what content in CoT? How about just getting there.

If I’m partying in Borealum, and want to go do any of the Dungeons or raid there I have to go to the portal to Ironforge, take 2 - 3 minutes to fly to Menethil, wait up to 5 minutes to take the boat to Theramore, and then spend ~ 5 - 6 minutes flying from Theramore to Silithus, then fly down the tunnel to get to the instances.

Or, I can plop on my Argent Tournament tabard, port to Icecrown, auto-pilot for 5 minutes to Dalaran, and hop in the CoT portal.

It cuts travel time to 1/3rd and I can now go do my transmog, or Lore reading runs at will.


If you think about it though the world could be near infinite and if you had a portal from one end to the other it would seem small.

That’s the whole point of this discussion.

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As an appeal to the obvious. Why wasn’t the legion dalaran and its existing portal network expanded? Like you already had every port you are now putting in SW and in Org, and then some. Why not just add future ports to that hub, or expand it? You could put all the teleports to the bgs in the faction specific war rooms (like how you had in wrath dalaran). You could then either add ports in the 4 opening room before you walk on the pad to get to the bottom; add ports to the relatively unused wings in the guardians study (only used for the Xe’ra and agatha mage tower questline); or you could just expand the bottom room. No need to reinvent the wheel here.

But then you might ask, ‘what about characters below 98?’. I would say give them the dalaran hearthstone. Level 1 to 59s can’t fly anyways and thus would drastically limit their chances of getting into trouble. As for 60s to 95-97s well if they choose to fly to the broken shore (and since they are flying, aka legion pathfinder), they know what they are getting into.

To me this portal network just feels so arbitrarily forced, when the team could have just relied upon and expanded what has already worked since legion launch.


It’s primarily going to be mount farming - quick access to Dragon Soul.

That’s what the other portals are used for as well, plus occasionally world event access.

Kara portal? Kara mount farming, ZG mount farming

Dalaran Crater portal? Alliance access to Strat for mount farming

WRT portal? Alllll them Northrend mounts

Shattrath portal? You best believe I’m going to Outland for mounts

It’s the same thing I use the Org Cata portals for (deepholm/uldum portals for mounts)

Considering I’m just trying to get through a loop of things to kill once per week, adding time to this is wasted time for me. For people doing mount farm loops on multiple characters, portal removal could add multiple hours of extra flight time just to reach trivial content.


omg, what a ridiculous argument. People who play old content are less likely to unsub than others. We are talking about portals that have been there years. If blizzard seriously thinks making everything in this game to take twice as long to even get to will increase their bottom line, they are seriously deluded.

They need to stop this war on convenience. It does not make the game world bigger, it does not make the game more fun, it does not increase the amount of time people play because generally there is only so much time in the day everyone has to play. All it does is cause a lot of frustration because you can’t complete what you want to do in a reasonable amount of time.


All this will do is increase travel time.

There is no need to remove them

They arent broken. They dont need fixing. They have been there for years and no one, NO ONE has complained.

Why remove the portals in Boralus?

Why remove the CoT portal?

Why remove them AT ALL?


It kinda makes it feel smaller in a way.

Like how, to a long time, all the portals and everything being in Stormwind kinda meant there wasn’t much reason to go to Ironforge or Darnassus for a while… Ironforge is pretty empty whenever I go there now, compared to what I used to see there. It’s kinda sad to see.

It’s not just that, either. It just makes it feel like there’s less reason to go to any city that isn’t currently a portal hub. Which double sucks because, personally, Stormwind is my least favorite city barring maybe Silvermoon (minus the aesthetic… Silvermoon is very pretty).

That and, if portals to certain places just don’t exist anymore… I’m honestly probably just gonna go there less often. :confused:


The entire point of a portal room was to consolidate all portals. If you remove portals, what’s the point of a portal room?
Also, why the crap logic is putting the portal to Legion a zone there rather than Legion Dal?
You know what is fun for me? Showing off that I can get to location X by hopping various portals to various places until I get to the right one. I was excited until this news about the portal room because it meant that 1, I wouldn’t have to see multiple loading screens just to get to the one place I wanted and 2, that new players to the game would be less intimidated and yet still go out into the world and enjoy all the older content.
A portal room without all portals isn’t a portal room. Likewise, why the crap put some of them on an NPC when it’s literally called a portal room? At least put the NPC in the portal room with a lot of dialogue options to all of the “lol removed” portals if you’re not having all the glowing portals for some sense of aesthetics.
Then it’s a portal room. Right now it’s the “sorry you’re not playing a mage or in current content” room.


They always do this.

Like always.

The notion of a bigger world was thrown out entirely the second they added flying mounts to the game. We can rarely even pay mages for portals anymore since 99% of our major cities are people on other servers.


oh you goin there now huh

to quote someone else in this thread

“3 mounts from Dragon Soul.
Pets from Dragon Soul.
Pets from Mt. Hyjal raid.
Transmog from the numerous dungeons and raids in the area.
Glory of the whatever achievements from Dragon Soul.
Achievements from Cata 5 mans.
Reputation from Mt. Hyjal.
Reputation from the 5 mans in the area.”

AND NOT ONLY THAT. We have Zul’farrak for those that wanna get Sul’thraze for whatever reason. the Qiraji raids for transmog in nearby silithus . IF they wanna go to Dire Maul they have a shorter distance. Not sure on this but maybe its quicker to get to Dustwallow from CoT than anywhere else that can be portaled to ?

The Uldum raids and dungeons too

OH and thats just CoT ! Karazhan! Both the original and the Return! MOUNTS! PETS! TRANSMOGS! Wyrmrest temple, again…Mounts and pets and transmogs. It simply makes the world feel more alive to have all these available to us. Dont dare say anything different.

While we may be different races ingame, dont think we would trade away such a convenient way to travel for a slower one. With how much the Kiren Tor like helping others, they would gladly set up portals like that in dalaran so that Heroes and such can get around easier.

They wouldnt take them away! What if something bad happened to someone because the portals were taken away and the hero couldnt get there in time to save them?


Bornakk being served a nice giant turd sandwich in this thread. Blizzard is completely out of touch with the player base. This thread is another great example.

Nailed it.

Those of us still farming mounts and mogs because of this game’s sh*tty RNG now have to spend even MORE time just getting there.

flips desk


Presumably the portal in Shattrath will remain, which requires some level of KoT rep, I forget what exactly.


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