Stop removing portals

I don’t see that happening at all.

I see the entire game being made up of Zandalari Troll Mages! :rofl:

(but secretly I hope it does)

Player “/2 LF mage port to xxx” Asks several times, waiting until he/she draws social security or the universe ends.
Mage “Hey man what city you in?”
Player “Org”
Mage “How much money you got?”
Player “How much money do you want?”
Mage “100 gold.”
Player “Sorry, can’t trade the gold due to cross realm”
Mage “Sucks to be you.”


It makes it take longer to travel which is not good for the game. Everytime blizz devs make menial things like travel take longer it makes the game more boring. You want to make the world feel bigger??? How bout trying this. MAKE A BIGGER WORLD!!


By removing portals it will just mean I will do less in Azeroth. No need to waste time to get around when i can be more productive elsewhere.


I really hate removing of portals. It makes farming older stuff even more of a chore. It doesnt matter if I am going after mats mogs or mounts extending the time it takes to get to places makes the game more of a chore than a game.

It happens every expansion but this time they’re going a bit over board. Travel on anything that’s not my dk mage or rogue will suck


Laughs in Dark Iron Mole Machine.

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This is the core of it. If you make it more difficult to get places, people simply won’t go to those places.


So…what, you have a choice between staying on the quest for convenience of anything else you might want to do with that character or making progress?

You know what a real simple solution is?


My god, you act like this is still Vanilla. People aren’t going to hop on a mount and ride through Barrens and share Chuck Norris memes. People are going to hop on a flight path, tab out for fifteen minutes as they are guided on a fixed path through twenty empty zones, and then check every now and then to see if they can play the game yet.

You want the world to feel big? You want a sense of community? How about destroying sharding? You know, something the community has BEGGED YOU TO DO.

No, we can’t do that. We have to make other idiotic changes no one asked for, that’ll solve it.

People. Didn’t. Invent Peggle Addons. Because flight paths are fun content.

Say it with me.


Not time should be added to the journey because the portals shouldn’t be taken away. They hurt absolutely nothing. The Shrine hub was fine for three expansions, and I know for a fact that my friend had it as his hearth because he does a lot of mount farming.

Making things less convenient to get to only reduces the motivation to do said things.

And having portals exist for a quest and then removing it would only make it more confusing and frustrating.


Not to mention that CoT portal has been available since Nov 2008.

That portal has literally exists over a decade without any issue. Why do we have to always break what isn’t broken?


i dont know why theyd remove the legion portals, many of them are used during the class hall quests and artifact quests. i dislike the removal of portals in general though, i like being able to get back and forth when im questing or doing old raids for transmog without it taking 10000 years. at this point though, the world feels big enough i think. doesnt it?

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The fact that you even have to ask this, feels insulting and maddening.

The answer: To farm old instances for Tmog, to help run a friend or guilde through an old instance for a quest, to be completionist and finish off old quests, for RP purposes, to take screenshots for Desktops, art, etc, as a short cut to farm in Tanaris, to complete out professions or to make low level tmog, to get to archeology spots, or as a shortcut to get to tanaris to quest, to get to tanaris and the surrounding areas easier for all the above reasons, and maybe just because some people like traversing the world, looking for interesting things they may have missed.

All that for just one of the portals. ONE.

I feel so insulted and just plain baffled that NONE of the above may have occurred to you or the devs when making the decision to remove portals.

I feel like one of two things is happening or possibly even both: The devs are out of touch with (or they might not even like) what exactly so many players do outside of raiding and M+, or they are purposefully inflating time played, and either option just makes me feel bit more sad at the state of affairs here.


Pretty much. Stop doing mog runs. Log on less, unsub with yet another bitter taste in my mouth and another reason to reconsider later. But, again this is pointless. The intern blizzards not paying to parrot their beliefs at us won’t be back and they have no power to respond meaningfully anyway. This is counter-intuitive to their yearly mumbling I know. But anything less then a full-blown Dev is not worth speaking to.


I like this change but it doesn’t go far enough. Can you guys please get rid of all of the portals in the game. The only non mage portal in the game should be to hellfire since the darkportal doesn’t go to there anymore. If someone wants quick travel to some other zone then you should be forced to use a mage’s portal.

How difficult is it to get to the locations you mentioned without a direct portal (talking to everybody who isn’t a mage here


All I want to know is WHY.

Show me another fast way to get to Tanaris. Just one.


(0_o) Seriously? For starters, all of the content that’s available in the CoT. Not to mention the fact that it’s the most direct route for an alliance player to get to Southern Kalimdor…

Adding any amount of time to our journey is a bad thing, because you’re taking something away from us that we already have and enjoy.

That’s like the city of Irvine removing your main thoroughfare to get to work & telling you have you take an alternate route from now on, for no valid reason and telling you that you should be happy about it because it’ll make the city feel larger. It doesn’t matter if it only adds a few minutes to your commute, it’s an unnecessary change and won’t make you happier with your commute or appreciate the city planners/gov. any more…


Well right now, the Magni portal, but after that who the hell knows.

Rarely used by you. But actually these zones you yourself have abandoned are very popular now that BfA is such a dumpster fire with little to offer a lot of players.


Just tell me why they are being removed

I want to know why.


Right? CoT is the biggest cluster of dungeon and raid entrances in the game. It’s astounding that a Blizzard employee could think to ask why players would want to go there.