Stop removing portals

What re-release “hardcore WoW?” My understanding is the classic servers will even have classic graphics. If they want to do a literal 2.o of the. EXACT SAME game, they ought to start with at least their current graphics and get better along the way.

I think there’s a lot of veteran players who want classic and a bunch of newer players (I started in BC) who want to experience it, but i don’t see the “classic” version having longevity as an expandable idea beyond that.

That’s a bit tinfoil hat of a theory for even me to swallow.

How did someone this dense survive the lay offs? Christ almighty…

You are either mocking us or don’t play this game at all. There is nothing fun or immersive about going afk in auto flight because some moron dev deleted a portal.


If they were seeking Classic to have longevity as a separate entity from the retail / Live game, they wouldn’t bundle it’s access into our current pay structure. Classic is a labor of love or whatever but without generating a separate income stream, it’s not meant to have longevity or branch off into it’s own alternate timeline with the Live realms.

hands butter, seasoned salt, parm and cheddar cheese topping

So many people who like to be "spoiler free"are going to lose their minds when this goes live.


It’s not that I think they’re acting on good faith.

Quite frankly, my belief is that they’re being stupid as all hell. But the tinfoil of “Oh, they must have some sort of nefarious ulterior motive” is kinda silly. Again, I don’t subscribe to malice when incompetence more easily explains things. I get that to OUR logic, it doesn’t make sense.

But what matters isn’t our logic, it’s theirs, which seems to be, if you read the blue’s post, something along the lines of “making things take longer will result in people being in the world for a longer time, which makes the world feel more alive.”

You’re trying to fit Blizzard’s actions into your logical frame. It doesn’t work. By no metric does anything Blizzard has said about this makes any sense in any universe other than their own. But again, if you don’t believe people will simply stop going to CoT simply because it takes more time, then yes, logically it does hold that forcing people to take a longer route does result in a net increase in perceived traffic, because 20 people who originally will never step foot in Uldum will now have to set foot in Uldum.

It’s stupid, but it is what it is. Don’t think too hard about why Blizzard is doing this. Chances are, they felt that consolidating portals was a good idea, they didn’t feel the CoT portal was important enough, and hey, since more people need to go to Uldum and fly, it’ll feel like there are more people in the world for people questing in Uldum. Hoo…ray? Beyond that, I doubt there was any further thought really put to it.


The removal of portals is a bit much. But I can understand you want old world content more explorable. I do have a suggestion though.

To make old content viable or relevant I suggest more quests in old world stuff at 120 like Wetlands for example who goes there once you out level it?? Make a WQ that you need to heal Azerite wounds in every Vanilla Zone as a WQ. If Azeroth is really dying per say make all the Vanilla zones Matter in saving Azeroth.

Also to counter the removal of portals I propose a increase in ground mount speed to 200% and flying to 500% and increase fly path fly speed as well. Can raise the mount training to 10K or 20K gold for increased speed.

At lower level make more interesting quests that makes the zones more interesting? Let me ask you a Question take 1000 Needles or Desolace for example who are you is going to do these zones? Would you go out of your way to go there when you can just quest in others? Empty not very popular zones need something to make it interesting so people can go there.

Think about it right now some zones are empty for a reason and that reason is it isn’t all that interesting. You have the power and resources to fix that add npcs WQ’s or whatever making old zones relevant again.



(And i think it’s a little bit silly honestly I’d love to see a v2.0 release with at least current graphics and transmog to re-immerse newer generations but w/e I’m interested to see it and interested to see how the community responds)


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What does this have to do with anything? I had a mage friend help me port all my low level toons to Dalaran so that it would be convenient for me to get them to where they needed to go fast, so I could focus on the experience in those zones and not the trip to those zones.

I can’t help but notice that this change takes place right when two highly awaited allied races come out. I am sure that blizzard has kept track of the fact that people are using the New Dal portals for their new alts as a way to speed up travel to new zones.

To Blizzard, I say this, you changed the way people level when you changed the way the zones scale. You say you did this to better the experience of players. The convenience of getting to these zones in a quick manner so that we can focus on leveling creates a better leveling experience as well. It is time you find a better metric to show results. Maybe it should be percentage completion of content as this will show if the content you developed is engaging to your customers.


I am a spoiler free person, and just happened on this thread. You’re right had I not, I would have lost my mind when it went live. Of course that probably would have been when I went to New Dal to take a portal to kara or the Crater. :frowning:


I haven’t agreed with everything you’ve said in your interchange, but I do agree with what you’re basically referencing, which is Hanlon’s Razor:

“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”

In this instance, as you suggest, “stupidity” means; “Not thinking something completely through/logically.” The devs aren’t “stupid people,” they just made a poor, illogical decision because they only looked at something from a certain perspective.

What that perspective is, is anybody’s guess.


Yeah, I don’t think there’s any malice in the decision. It’s just another case of a wildly shortsighted thought process. It happened with soaking in Tomb of Sargeras, and it’s happening again here.

When the giver says “this will make you enjoy the content more” and the receiver says “no…it really won’t because I won’t even bother” and the giver just disregards the thought process… it’s not gonna end well.

As an aside, I really like the idea of having a single platform (or even multiple) with someone to talk to that opens a portal to traverse. Or even a map. And if you want people traversing the world, put something IN IT.


when i fly from Boston to Orlando, i don’t notice the outside world because i’m too busy catching up on my reading.
when i fly from NYC to LA, i’m too busy sleeping to notice anything.
and when i’m on a flight path from Undercity to Booty bay, i’m not enjoying azeroth, i’m pouring a cup of coffee and emptying my bladder.

this is a good thing. learning is never a waste of time.
but to put it simply, if Blizzard really wants to make the players happy, they need to stop removing things people use on a regular basis, hiding content behind time barriers, making raids and dungeons required content for advancing in PvP, making PvP required content for PvE questing, and making PvE the only way to gain access to raids and dungeons.
Raiding, Questing, and PvP are all different and appeal to different types of people in the same way that Jimi Hendrix, Gary Gygax, Donald Trump, and Dennis Rodman do.

if you want people to like the game, STOP IGNORING THEM WHEN THEY COMPLAIN!!!


This seems like another brillant move like when they were not gonna add flying to WoD… Blizzard please stop being dumb for a minute ?


It happened with soaking in Tomb of Sargeras, and it’s happening again here.

That was more a lack of intra-team communication, honestly, which is a different kind of “stupidity” and highlights a lack of management…especially from someone who came up through the encounter design team.

Very well said.

+100 :+1:

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Maybe they’ll make a time-gated mega-achievement we have to do to get the rest of our portals back. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Like someone earlier in this thread said…Portalfinder part 1 & 2 :pensive:


Probably true. They need to crush the last bit of usefulness out of the spec. They’ve already nerfed our damage into oblivion.


You say you want to make Mages useful who is going to spam trade asking for a portal to Ironforge or wherever? You really want people to spam trade again for portals?

Not gonna read all the thousands of responses. Just adding my 2 cents. As others have said this makes no sense. The world doesn’t feel more alive when I click a five minute flight. It simply means I go watch tv, get a drink, fix a snack, go to the bathroom, etc. Saying the world feels more alive while flying is ludicrous when I’m not even in the same room as the computer half the time.