Stop removing portals

Oh, I don’t think this is a case of malice. I don’t even think this is a case of stupidity; I think they’re going to accomplish whatever it is they’re trying to accomplish with this change. My faith in Blizzard may be low, but it’s not so low that I’ll ascribe them a decision process so illogical as, “I want more people in the world, therefore I will make the world harder to access and ensure it has nothing players will want to stick around for,” which is what the removal of portals, and portal hubs, does.

I think they simply aren’t being forthcoming as to their real goals, or that said goals are “it makes the world feel larger” or “we want more people out in the world” (which Bornakk’s posts imply, but don’t outright state). There are goals the removal and consolidation of portals would achieve without jumping through logical hoops, but those are speculation.

I’m curious to how many players come to the forums in total confusion at why portals that have been around for years are missing. I hope there’s lots of them that report it as a bug

I do the same when on a flight path that takes me to the other side of the continent I go get a soda empty bladder and make a sandwich. I’m not looking at Azeroth.

But you’re still logged in. Those are the numbers that matter these days.


You know, if you look at it a certain way, this is a healthy change. It makes us get up and walk around a bit instead of just sitting in front of the screen.

Well, healthy for those of us who do get up and walk around when on a flight path. Not so healthy for those who just alt tab to netflix.


This topic now has more views than any other topic on these forums, even topics created back in Nov '18. We should get some achievement points for this!


I can’t imagine why. It’s like people don’t like the idea of restricting free movement.

According to these forums, I’m missing about 8k achievement points, so I’ll take an IOU for this. :eyes:

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It is for a reason it has 3K replies there taking portals away. Blizzard like to take things away that doesn’t make sense. They need to rethink this.

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I’m sure there is some divine reason for this.

All they need to do is say why, to quell this fire.

For me, it has less to do with CoT and more to do with the location of the portal. Example: if I’m trying to get to Gadgetzan for whatever reason, I would take the CoT portal.


Hoping Blizzard to rethink this before the patch comes out. And add something to compensate for this. There needs to be a counter or some work around like faster mount speeds or something.

I want to understand the different play styles and opinions of others so I can better discuss them both with you and internally.

No offense, Bornakk, but the game is over a decade old and it’s slightly concerning that CMs, devs, and “the team” generally seems to have no idea what other perspectives from their own are for basic systems as old as the game itself–like flight paths, flying mounts, questing, portals…

Like, how is this reaction new? How is it news? Posts discussing things like portals have been around forever. Give me a topic and I can tell you exactly how the discussion on GenDisc will go down. This isn’t anything earth-shattering.


The real reason would make us mad so they won’t tell us. It’s all about them making money if that helps. This entire expansion feels that way to be honest.


Well, perhaps the devs do think their reasoning is divinely inspired, but I have my doubts about divinity having anything to do with it.

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And if it’s on CD?

The world does feel bigger when there are more portals, but it’s also a balance. Too few portals and the world just feels annoying to traverse. I know there’s only 1 portal in old Dalaran now (to Stormwind or Orgrimmar). That’s annoying, because it reduces greatly my want to go to that version of Dalaran (which I enjoy).

It’s not difficult to get to locations; it’s just that I don’t always have the time to spend to get to a far-off location always.

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Not everyone is a DK. :stuck_out_tongue:

Their problem!