Stop removing portals

Regarding the cavern’s of time portal it is simply a quality of life issue for people who play several characters.

There is an achievement which rewards an emerald drake called awake the drakes.

One of the mounts required for the achievement is the blazing drake from dragon soul inside cavern’s of time.

In order to maximize your chances many players like to clear dragon soul many times per week on different characters.

Say you have 10 characters that can clear dragon soul per week and with the portal changes say it takes you five minutes longer to get to dragon soul after 8.1.5.

This would be 50 additional minutes per week just in travel time to get to your destination.

Smelling the roses is nice and all but smelling the same roses 10x per week gets old.


As I said previously, it could be a lot worse. How about if they nerf drop rates even more on transmog items in old content? Who wouldn’t hate that?

Answer: Ion.

Come on. The guy you’re writing this to clearly doesn’t play the game. He’s no doubt still in the training mode and has to go back and ask people (who may themselves not be clear on some of these things) what to say to sound like he knows something about it.


I think the main reason they are removing some portals is because they want to be lazy and not make more space in the portal rooms for those specific portals

That would suggest that they didn’t plan to remove them and it just kind of happened.


Solution: then don’t remove portals from existing hubs.


I don’t post on these forums often. The last time was when Blizzard threatened to force us all to use our real names on these forums back in 2010.

I’m writing now because I believe this change with portals is ill-thought out and counter-intuitive to the health of the game. Removing the portals to these locations adds a barrier and a level of friction that many players simply will not bother to cross. The old zones will become even less populated then they already are. Travelling across the world becomes more of a burden on the player, especially if the player is newer and has not unlocked flying in, say the WOD zones for example. Not only would these players be forced to manually get to these zones on their own time, they are then forced to spend even more time getting to their goal destination on ground mounts.

Portals encourage exploration and nostalgaic memory trips by removing the barrier to entry and providing the playerbase with greater choice in the location(s) they prefer to keep their characters. By all means, add a portal room, but do not add that portal room if it comes at the cost of portals everywhere else. Additionally, don’t tease us with temporary portals only available during specific quests. We know the portals should be their permanently so having them pop in and out of existence during specific quests is just taunting the player base.


Not by much. That’s comforting, if anything lol we can fall but at least it won’t be very far.

When you are on a flight path, you are not consuming content, yet you are still logged in. That means it takes longer to consume content.

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Increasing travel times, arbitrarily, makes players spend more time not actively playing the game.

If this were all in the name of actual content enrichment, I’d be all for it, but nobody here actually believes that, unless they’re slipping something in Bornakk’s coffee.

“We’re not adding anything new, we’re just removing your ability to skip all the old stuff so that you have to go through it again because THE TEAM FEELS you’ll appreciate our hard work better or something idk”


You sound like you think they’d have to create new old content if we weren’t forced to watch netflix every 15 minutes.

What difference does it make if people get less done?

Answer: they get frustrated.

Do you think people are going to spend 60 hours a week instead of 55 farming those old raids and mounts?

If you want the world to feel bigger … you make and control the world, make it bigger.

Don’t remove the seats from the car. It doesn’t feel any bigger, it feels like a crappy car, and people will gladly look for another car to drive instead.


I understand it’s a lot of portals, instead do it like they did the LFR solo ques in mop. Just make drop down dialogue box

I understand it’s a lot of portals, instead do it like they did the LFR solo ques in mop. Just make drop down dialogue box

They could also make it so instead of the portal, we talk to the mage on the portal platform and request the portal we want from a list. Would be a nice immersion-factor option rather than a bajillion portals. The mage casts it and we go through. Mini-shard for the portal platform.


He’s gaslighting. Just ignore him. He’s done this for years.


Too many dialog boxes. Too many progress bars. Too many lists.

I’d much rather click on a map. :slight_smile:

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Or they could just replace them all with a single portal that sends you to a random location.

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Just give us Diablo style means of travel. Discover the portals or whatever and afterward you can always travel there. What’s one more system borrowed from another franchise at this point


That’s how pretty much every other MMO does it, now. WoW is the only one left behind as usual.

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ok, more specific on this train of thought? you ask, you receive.

basically, i’m saying that they’ve lost their virility. they can no longer keep things up. they lack stamina. they have reached a point where they can no longer please anyone.

the “video game years” comment was a reference to how pets age (“dog years”) combined with an observation of the effects of Moore’s Law on the video game industry.

Unfortunately that won’t happen as long as we are crz’d in org and 1 out of every 10 people can actually trade with you to tip for a portal.