Stop removing portals

If blizzard wants to get rid of the Dalaran portals and the MOP portals just put them all in the new portal room. Then everyone would hang in .ORG/SW like they want them to. Everyone would be happy then, but maybe that makes too much sense


All these changes are unnecessary to me. The world feels more ealive to me when it is easier to get where I need to be. Otherwise it just becomes a boring slog for absolutely no reason. Removing options players have gotten used to and enjoy is a bad idea, and like the Pathfinder debacle it just smacks of time gating and condescension…" you thought liked easy travel but you really didn’t , so we fixed that for you".

My opinion…bad call on the devs part.


I tend to think there’s an underlying problem that portals conceal. Now when they are removed it shows the lack of relevance this vast world has. Our “battle for Azeroth” is centralized on two islands and a couple zones elsewhere. Beyond these eight total zones, the entire rest of the world is largely dead. There’s exceedingly low reason to go to Hillsbrad or Tanaris or Duskwood or Winterspring, much less anywhere in Pandaria, Northrend, or Broken Isles. The one pull most of these places had was the presence of an old raid in any of them.

Legion made a wonderful effort in all their storylines to bring relevance to a ton of different old-world (or really anything that’s not current) zones, but it was fleeting, as the encounters were one-and-done. What BfA should have done before considering removing portals is find a way to make the majority of the world relevant, even if it were just rather generic world quests. If the world is not engaging, then removal of portals to convenient spots (CoT, Kara, among others) shows the desert of content that the vast majority of the world holds.


if you don’t have a rogue or a blacksmith, then try messaging one directly.
a lot of people have disabled trade chat.

/dnd in queue

if people learn to travel in a more efficient manner, how is that not positive?

i’m pretty sure at least 2 portals will be restored at this point anyway…

I already spend a lot less time in game than i used to.

This change will simply make me do less in game. Plain and simple.


Whisper a bunch of people that likely don’t want to be bothered, and get ignored/literally placed on ignore or told off for randomly whispering them? Good plan, though it seems you’re not very thoughtful on what other people think or want.


You know, if I don’t respond to someone in Trade, there is a reason for it. I’m of the mind that I treat others the way I want to be treated. I’m not going to pester someone if they don’t respond. And I wouldn’t like people randomly whispering me either. Stop trying to promote an archaic system.

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I understand why they remove convenience features like portals from old content like shrines and Dalaran, though I don’t like it. But I am dumbfounded why they want to funnel everyone into Stormwind/Orgrimar and away from the other capitals. Darnasus and Undercity were destroyed by fire and plague. Thunderbluff and Ironforge will now be destroyed by overly-restrictive zoning.


i just kind of assume that people have alchemists.

so… if people don’t have alchemists, blacksmiths, rogues, mages… is anyone actually playing the game?

in all my years of playing, i’ve never been “told off” for messaging someone.

we’ve moved on to next level non-existent drama now.
please stop.

Stormwind is already incredibly laggy on RP servers as a result of no-sharding, and if they shard SW to reduce that lag it’ll get rid of the RP there. Their servers seem to struggle having too many people in one place without sharding so I Have no clue why they would do it.

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not everyone is you.

And not everyone is you. Your reasoning is incredibly flawed. And stop cherrypicking.


I have. So I guess it does exist, or do things that only you experienced exist and nothing else from anyone else matters?


Pardon,it can also go the other way,when ask (IM) for a port coming into SW ,you say ok,then get there and no one there to port. No explanation when you ask the person how do you think a mage feels.

And you think I’m going to waste my gold, buying reagent for a Jurassic potion, whenever me want to travel, because someone thinks it’s immersive ???
Well, if you’re more satisfied with this “convenient devs decision”, congratulations!
I will not buy nor waste my resources on this!


I’m certain it was stated in an interview with one of the devs - or perhaps reported in an article - that Legion was conceived as a linear levelling path, and when scaling was added to the mix (during development) that all changed.

You can still see the remnants of Aszuna being the first zone - because most of the early profession quests send you there, no matter which zone you start questing in.

This little slice of Off-Topic Trivia was brought to you by the Caverns of Time portal in Northrend. Faithfully sending people on adventures since 2007, it is about to enter involuntary retirement and would appreciate any donations you could give it, so that it may retire to a better class of Senior Portals’ Home to live it its remaining days sending random insects to go hang out with dragons and some shifty-looking Blood Elves.

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I’m happy to take your word for it, but that’s pre-launch. Surely they understand that that no longer applies to current, right?


I’m not trying to claim that they are.
You will find people who are willing to help, and others who flat out aren’t.

indeed… i don’t know what i was thinking when i suggested player interaction.

there you go, i even responded to the stuff which didn’t require a response.

Your just trolling at this point or are you intentionally being obtuse? I would hate to think you honestly believed you line of bull.


The way around is being changed for no reason, some here know their factions methods of travel like the back of their hands. It’s being made inconvenient on purpose. So my original question still stands
Yes, one mage is all I need for one port. Except if the mage doesn’t respond or if I need a port again. Or, others need ports. Are you forgetting other people play and now all face this same problem?
You can throw the word drama around all you want, but I don’t think it means what you think it does.