Stop removing portals

people keep asking me stuff, so i’m responding.
it’s not exactly trolling.

maybe i am… it’s late.

do i believe factual information?


yeah… it’s clearly time for me to go to bed.


if everyone is on the same playing field, why is it a problem?

if anything, this issue having been raised, has helped to educate a LOT of players on travel methods.

is that what people are taking away from my posts?

i’m not “defending” anything… i’ll deal with it either way, whatever comes of it.

…but when you’ve got people claiming “it’s going to take 20 minutes” and being serious about it, then it seems something has gone very wrong with design along the way.

How did it get to the point where the only method of travel people are familiar with, is instant delivery from one point to another?

He’s in denial. A change to the game that is literally designed to inconvenience us, and he’s finding any way he can to defend it? Like a portal room is going to change the social interaction in the game? Get real dude.

He mentioned earlier how you used to get a portal, hope to get mage food, and an int buff from a mage. Implying that could come back. Is he seriously this delusional or just trolling? A social aspect of the game that died 10 years ago coming back because of a portal room?

If he doesn’t see the true issue with stuff like this, nothing can help him.


This is probably the only thing of late I will defend Blizzard on. I’m not going to stand in trade at 3AM to look for a damn dungeon group, this doesn’t need to keep being said to WoW players again and again. I did it early Wrath and it was awful. Attempting to get a dungeon group with this method is not community.
And with people leaving I can’t imagine trying to find groups for this stuff manually anymore.

And really? You are pulling for inconveniencing of players in hopes that mages are “treated better”? And creating a need for a specific class for crap like this will not solve the problem.

I help people on my own time. Others do too. You’re pushing for an archaic system. Those days are over. Keeping the portals we have is the best option for everyone involved.

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Oh ffs, you have to be trolling at this point.

The post you’re referring to here occurred what? 45+ minutes ago? I’m not going to find it. You’re still responding to that one post?

Are you really telling me that a portal to Kara or CoT is negative to the game? I mean come on… Because what? Taking an auto flight taxi is more what… immersive…? Flying up 1000 feet so I can auto fly to CoT from Uldum will make the world feel what… larger…? That seems just as much of an exaggeration as saying travel will take 20 minutes!

  1. On lfg: i think the system has certainly made it easier for older players to continue playing the game. I think the community feel has nonetheless suffered for it. I made tons of friends back before the lfg system. I haven’t really made many new ones since its introduction, and I’ve heard other people say the same thing- nevermind how caustic players are now that they don’t have to be nice.

  2. On portals and mages: no I’m not pushing for it, I’m simply pointing out that if mages are required, people might be nicer to them, but it’s not going to help the community at large if that happens.

Honestly, I’ve made friends with and without lfg.
As for toxic community…I couldn’t pug in two expansions because of the class I chose to play. (Hint: this one). I’ve seen some of the worst types of people in this game before lfg came along. They didn’t feel the need to be nice before lfg was made, so it wasn’t going to change much later.
And yes, lfg has it’s share of issues.

And no, this won’t help in the least.

We all don’t have 20 alts with professions leveled from past expansions

Not all of us have been playing for ever

Not all of us have insane amounts of gold to buy this stuff

What you and others are missing is this doesn’t do mages any favors.

The Portal Room essentially duplicates mage portals and centralizes them.

Almost none of the removed portals go where mage portals go

The fact your essentially just trolling this thread picking on anyone with a different opinion really, really makes your name a great joke.


One can argue about whether the game should be more or less convenient, bit it’s a little bit weird to add a portal room and tout it as a feature when it actually makes things less convenient rather than more.

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Come back a week from now when all of this goes live and you’ll find out.


Looking at some quick stats on this post:

  • #2 Most viewed post (soon to be #1 if the trend continues).

  • #10 post most replied to.

With that many eyeballs on this topic I sure hope the right people are sitting up and taking notice. Obviously this is something the community cares about.


Honestly just sick of the developers making changes that are out of touch with the player base. Consolidating portals was a good idea, but as always, horrible execution. Just as Bellular stated, ‘Blizzard givith with one hand, and taketh with the other’.

All these changes to promote player retention just constantly back fire. As of live, I can take 13+ toons from Legion Dal -> Shrine -> Northrend Dal, and fly to ICC for Invincible farm. Now, I’m just going to suck it up and not get the mount. I could leave a hearth at old Dal, true. But why give Blizz more time played metrics for such a boneheaded change?


Wait, you can still get to Northrend Dalaran from either SW or Org with these changes, that was consolidated to be easier.

The portal room will have:
Silvermoon City
Dalaran (Northrend)
The Jade Forest
Warspear, Ashran

But Alliance can’t get to Ironforge from SW with this because…?


Don’t forget Thunder Bluff from Org. IIRC they did make a statement on those two being oversights (how the heck honestly).
But Azsuna over NewDal and Jade Forest over Shrine.

And- jeez I’d just be repeating myself by this point. Ya’ll get the point.

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This is true of classes too.

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This whole thing is an oversight.

And I know, I know the stupid thing with Jade forest. I didn’t say everything in that list was good.

Because the gripping experience of riding the Deeprun Tram instance makes the world feel bigger… by tunnelling underneath it.


No Please, repeat yourself. Three moment any of us leaves this topic at “you get the point” blizz will happily say “okay” and blissfully continue down their destructive path as the thread activity dies off. I’ll post and like posts on as many toons As I have to (because likes per toon are throttled to 50 likes per 24 hours it seems for some reason- to make us use multiple toons and makeit appear their forums are more popular perhaps?) until we get a response with assurance something will be done to revert this.

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This person makes a great point, you say “how convenient should things actually be”, but when the entire purpose of this portal room’s inception was to make things more convenient, it seems obvious that things should be, I don’t know, maybe more convenient than before the thing exists. Is that not the entire purpose for adding a quality of life feature in the first place?