Stop removing portals

Make “trade chat” only in Org and Stormwind if you want everyone to funnel into those two cities for some stupid reason. Leave the god damn portals alone.


Evergreen post. This basically sums up every patch past 7.3.5.


I can’t even get someone to open my lock boxes, and I posted in chat multiple times over multiple days. What makes you think mages will respond? And why should everything fall to the mages now? I would hate to be a mage with the removal of portals. I don’t need harrassed in game.

buy some.
ask a friend to make some.
create an alchemist.

don’t try to read things into my posts which isn’t there.

They’re clearly there, even when talking to me; and no.


It’s a lot of trouble to find a mage portal all the time. I play a mage I’m usually sitting in a que for a dungeon when I’m sitting around town. I’m not gonna hop out of my que to port someone. Depending on a mage portal to get around, takes too much time. It’s not a dependable means of consistent travel. So your logic is flawed.


so… interaction in an MMO is now “harassment”?

Cata ,no we don’t have ports to Uldum ,Twilight,Vashara etc.

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No, having everyone pester me when I log in would be incredibly annoying. I log in to play, not be someone’s taxi service.


Like the poster said above, I’m not getting out of my queue to port you. Neither are other mages. So, you have to find a mage who isn’t actively queued for anything or already in a group AND not just sitting there AFK. Good luck.


I love how they’ve suddenly limited the number of likes we can give to throttle the popularity of popular posts and topics so they don’t appear to be as big a concern to the community as they actually are.

I’d love to see how many likes these posts would all have if we weren’t being throttled. (I seem to get more likes when I switch toons though. Strange and improper, that.)

I wonder how long they’ll wait us out to see if the thread will just die off before another blue (PLEASE let it be a DIFFERENT blue) responds to the obviously massive concern here.

It sounds as if portals to the crater of dalaran and caverns of time were left alone, no one would be complaining about this right now.

It’s an easy fix to promise to hotfix them back into the game, Blizzard.

(Ps does anyone on the PTR know if the portal from shattrath to quel’danas is still there? Also a big deal old content portal.)


I haven’t used the forums much since they changed the format (I find it very awkward to use and ugly to look at) and hit my Likes limit on this post. What a stupid feature - what is the point of a Like/Upvote system if you limit it?

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well if they’re afk, they’re not much use, are they?

before portals to everywhere were a thing, mages used to port people out of the kindness of their hearts.
in fact… they’d even ask in chat if people needed ports.

if you were lucky, you’d even get some food and a buff.

why are people convinced that this can no longer happen?

Because I ask for similar help in Trade and get crickets. But you conveniently ignored that part in my other post.


I don’t have a problem porting people just there are times when you’re busy you don’t want to be hounded for them.


I understand what you’re trying to get at, I do. And yeah, some people are being a bit dramatic. But continuously shrugging off a change to the game that is literally designed to inconvenience us by saying “it’s not a big deal” is just as bad.

This whole argument that it “makes the world feel bigger” is a scapegoat and everyone knows it. This portal room was advertised to be a great QoL feature for us, but in reality, it’s removing more than we’re gaining. I personally don’t think this thread

To be quite frank, I don’t get worked up by too many of the changes in the game. I usually just go with the flow-maybe voice a complaint here or there, but I mostly just go with the flow. But this change is over the top, and again, is purely designed to inconvenience us. There is no “what is best for the player” thinking in this change and most changes these days.


Because the lfg system (the one “convenience” feature that NEEDS to be removed all together) has mortally wounded the feeling of community in this game. When no one needs to be nice to do content, no one is. The community is a toxic cesspit now.

Perhaps NEEDING a mage will make people treat mages better, but if this creates a “higher social class” of mages lording over the community with their portal power Blizzard will REALLY have created a problem. (And done nothing to solve the actual community feel problem)


And it took 20 minutes on Illidan to find a port back in 05 too. They put portals to places for convenience and now they are taking them away. Seems a bit of a sh*$ thing to do but hey, it’s their game.
It’s not the end of the world but you trying to put a positive spin on it is just laughable at best.


Who is the crazy one who will spend gold on a consumable of this kind, whenever he needs to go from place to place, why does anyone think that this change will be more immersive for the players’ ambiance?

This idea of ​​changing the portals is just as good as the idea of ​​cutting one’s feet to save money on buying socks!

Sometimes Blizzard behaves with Wishmaster’s djinn, always satisfying a desire, in an adulterated way, of the original intent!


I don’t spend a lot of time in capital cities these days unless I’m there for a specific reason (AH, profession vendors, the scrapper). I can’t remember the last time I saw someone on trade chat ask for a portal, or someone advertise they were selling them.

My mage hasn’t gotten random whispers asking for a portal since…I’m guessing sometime in Cata? The only time I port people now is if guildies want to park their lowbie alts in Shrine or new Dalaran.