Stop removing portals

I guess what I’m saying is, I don’t view people from other servers that were merged into my server as making the world feel alive. I see it as a band aide.

If the current word feels alive, and you remove QoL features from the game, such as portals and making it inconvenient to play, people are going to consider whether to continue to play or not. If enough people decide to stop playing the world will feel less alive. I’ve considered stopping and I’m seeing several others here also thinking on it.


if you don’t meet the requirement to use the cata portals, then nothing has changed.

It has, you can set your hearth to the inn in new Dalaran at any level. I set all my low level alts to there makes transporting around much easier.


I seriously don’t understand the point you’re trying to make. Why wouldn’t they be there? What do portals have to do with this? Blizz wants to shoehorn people into Orgimmar and Stormwind for the portal hub, to make it “feel more alive.” It feels alive enough right now. We don’t need everyone and their grandmother in those two places to make the game feel more populated. Besides, I assume people are out actually doing things if they aren’t in the main cities.


Wasting time traveling is an excellent use of limited time for a totally pointless sense of “bigness”. If people want to RP and travel manually more power to them, but forcing it on all players is just adding an obnoxiously long loading window to everyone else who just wants to get to the content they want to play.


I agree with the sentiment that making it inconvenient for players to get to the content they actually want to do will cause players to do fewer things or stop doing things altogether.

Honestly, if there is anything that would drive me from the game, it’s the incessant micromanaging the devs are doing. Stop controlling your playerbase and allow them to actually play the stupid game.


I confess I did not understand why they removed portals from the sanctuaries in Pandaria!
Is it a way of forcing people to save portals in Boralus / Dazaralor?
Except to make the new hub mandatory and remove this option from the players for petty motives!


so how did you manage that without the help of a mage?

Quick question, can a mage port to uldum or any other cataclysm zone?

Also curious thought on why someone with that name tends to do exactly what their name says not to do.


I never said I didn’t use a mage initially, please point out where I did.

I think? Usually when I look at my mage alt he has portals to just about everywhere, including Cata zones.

Maybe someone else can chime in on that.

Some as the flight from Theramore 4 minutes.That’s from Boralus -SW-Uldum-Cot.

everyone can port to Deepholm
all the other cata zones have portals for everyone

pointing out flawed logic is not “bullying”.
don’t even go there.

Just Tol Borad. No where else.

again, i was pointing out the flawed logic.

you were brave enough to ask a mage to do the thing one time.

you can do it again…

Sadly Blizz has a history of that. Northrend Dalaran lost it’s portals, SW/Org gain more portals to funnel people there all the time, the Shrines lost their portals and now more portal removals.

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I checked all of my characters, none of them have the ability to portal to Deepholm. I checked on particular leveled characters, they also cannot use the portals to cataclysm zones in place of portals being removed.

and bullying people is bullying people, correct.


And you want everyone to bug every mage they can find for ports because now it’s inconvenient to get from point A to B?


questioning things, and attempting to educate people, is not bullying.

it’s only inconvenient if you don’t know your way around.
…and why would they need to bug every mage they can find?
enough with the drama already.
one mage is all you need for one port.

None of my characters have that potion. /shrug and your attitude when doing it is bullying.

Just because you doing something teaches someone something doesn’t mean it’s not bullying if done in a negative way.