Stop removing portals

Looks like he/she used that same crap argument of “every WoW player wants everything for free.” I see that in WoW Facebook groups, so take that entire paragraph with a grain of salt.

However, your realm really isn’t your realm anymore. Because they’ve had to merge realms together to give an illusion there are people playing.

Yes, CRZ was added for that, along with realm merging, but those two things did allow me to see people out and about, doing things during WOD.

And I came late to the game for Legion, so I’m still working on Legion stuff, and I see a ton of people around.

Honestly, I don’t get the “the world feels empty” complaint. Yeah, because seeing people AFK in Org, SW, or the two BFA cities is so exciting.

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Increase the drop rates on the old transmog items, mounts and pets. Then I won’t have to run old raids and dungeons anymore - and I won’t worry so much about the portals.
LOL - as if.
Honestly, I spent a good deal of time last night thinking about whether this was the game for me anymore. Jury is still out - but dang, with this change they are getting really close to a “time to leave” vote.


tell me how.
Which flight is going to take 20 minutes?

wait… what?
you’re trying to get to CoT from Darnassus?

Oh boy.
No wonder people are so upset…

Or people just log out or do fewer things. I personally avoid archeology until flying because I can’t be bothered doing it on the ground. It’s painful.

Edit: My point is that I find it inconvenient, and it feels like it takes forever to do without flying. Timing spent getting to arch sites isn’t fun.


See that’s the thing, if Blizz removed all realm merging or CRZ from the game right now, you would notice a dramatic reduction in players. And that’s what I’m saying, it’s the only reason you are seeing people out and about right now.

I’ll grant you people AFK’ing in Major cities, however, I still see that as a valid complaint.

It doesn’t make the world of Azeroth feel alive.

Staring at the back of my toon as it flies from flight point to flight point is very boring. It’s time in the game where we can do nothing. Extremely boring! Games should be for fun.


Oh lord…it’s an exaggerated metaphor for the fact that all traveling times are being increased because of this change.

I can’t tell if you are reading the entire thing people are typing and the context or not.


As much as I disagree with current proposed changes and CM tone of voice, citing stock price drops isn’t really a compelling argument given that Q4 2018 was bad for all gaming stocks, as they were all overvalued for the last couple of years and got hit with market correction. $ATVI is currently close to where it was back in 2016.

I’m not seeing the connection between CRZ and removing portals. The world feels alive enough right now. Removing portals isn’t going to change that.

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Plus they posted record profits for the past year, so financially they are fine…sadly.

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13minutes from sw to Cot is long enough ,Darnassus is a longer flight you’ll afk by the time you get to Gadgetzan.

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i understand people being unhappy, but the level of drama is through the roof.

The Cataclysm portals will still be available to my understanding. You’re better off porting to Uldum and flying over to CoT.

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again, why would you do that?
the portal to Uldum isn’t going anywhere.

hmm,let me see on that one,i test everything i can brb.

Mages don’t even have most of the portals removed. :\ and the world doesn’t feel any ‘bigger’ because of those things being removed… It’s portals to older content that you gain access to during later content to be able to go back and do small stuff because otherwise there’s NO reason to go back there.

You can’t just add stuff to the game and then keep removing everything and say it’s ‘for the betterment of the game’. Removing class abilities should have taught you this.


What if you don’t meet the level requirement to use the cataclysm portals?


Remove all portals in my opinion and give mages those portals to sell.

Because you can’t say hey meet me up at this tree in the barrens and expect that person to actually be there. totally breaks the game in dozens of ways because of this. Ways you probably never got to experience.

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